I play soccer and sometimes make people laugh
— ethanjackson8 Report User
Just Subway Things 11 comments
· 10 years ago
Don't worry I once went to subway and they went "what kind of cheese do you want' and I said 'Ethan' and they were like 'excuse me' and I kept saying my name for like the next five minutes and then the lady in line behind me finally told me what she really asked me. yeah.
This has never been more accurate 30 comments
2 kinds of people... 12 comments
The cruyff turn 10 comments
· 11 years ago
Literally one of the only moves I use in games, it helps and works so much! I have Johan Cruyff to thank.
Frozen on DVD 34 comments
Person of the year 48 comments
· 11 years ago
Women can't be pope for the same reason they can't be a priest or deacon. In order to become a pope, you have to have been a priest, bishop, or cardinal, which also answers your other question...women can't be cardinals...but they can be sisters or nuns!
Camouflage level cake 26 comments
One of the best pictures of the Internet. 17 comments
Best. Film. EVER. 38 comments
· 11 years ago
This literally was all I ever watched, I memorized the songs and everything.
What is this?! Tents for ants? 9 comments
· 11 years ago
When I was little, I always thought that those were tents for little chihuahuas.
Frodo-synthesis, let's get into this 76 comments
Clever advertising 10 comments
Today I received a blue star! (12/24/13) 19 comments