Some stories stay with us forever 31 comments
· 11 years ago
Seriously? "never as legendary"? You're talking about the story that was written more than half a century ago when the other authors (Tolklein aside) were still in diapers if born at all. Learn before you speak.
Supernatural minions 10 comments
Interesting Carrot Facts 7 comments
· 11 years ago
Hilarious, but why so much grammar fail? It's like a bad translation or something.
Luckiest person 6 comments
· 11 years ago
True RPB cup fans know the sad truth that no matter how hard you try, you can never (ever) peel off the paper without a disastrous amount of chocolate (and on more unfortunate occasion, peanut butter) being torn from the sweet body that is deliciousness. It is at this point you are left to decide- do you save face and discard the paper with said tragedy still clinging (no, this is the wrong choice) or do you recognize the importance of that morsel and do what is necessary and lick that little wrapper clean at the expense of society staring down your misfortune (this is the correct choice).
This person has defied all reason and science by transcending the laws of nature and being blessed by the immaculate cup of perfection. Some might claim this evidential photo has been shopped, but i cling to the hope in miracles for without them this life would be bleak.
This person has defied all reason and science by transcending the laws of nature and being blessed by the immaculate cup of perfection. Some might claim this evidential photo has been shopped, but i cling to the hope in miracles for without them this life would be bleak.
What being a good person is really about 29 comments
· 11 years ago
Good actions do not make a good person. Intentions are a far better determination of good/bad. If i wish you dead and do nothing about it, that does not make me good. If i lie to you because i want don't want to hurt your feelings that does not make me bad, just uninformed. Morality is an arbitrary scale that varies between cultures and societies. What you do may define who you are, but WHY you do it defines what kind person you are.