WTF 15 comments
· 11 years ago
$500 is definatly enough if you don't buy everything from the expensive name-brands. Maybe pick out a few shirts or one complete outfit from the mall (don't pick priciest things you can find). Use the rest of the money for things you will really need, and go to cheeper stores. You can find some really nice things from the Salvation Army, just definatly wash before you wear.
Nothing to see here, I'm fine 8 comments
· 11 years ago
Why didn't anyone help her? The floor SWALLOWED HER and no one does a thing about it!
Edited 11 years ago
Why grandmas love to feed us 7 comments
· 11 years ago
My grandma pours milk, juice, and soda back into the jug if you don't drink it all. I usually don't get anything except bottles of water there, because it grosses me out too much. No one else seems to mind except me, even though I've warned them about it. She denies it, but I got video of her doing it.
Road rage 8 comments
· 11 years ago
What if that guy had somewhere extremely important he had to be, and that's why he cut you off? Maybe he wasn't trying to be an asshole, but he needed to get in front of you quickly? This probably isn't why, but hey, you never know.
FunSubstance Weekly Leaderboard 48 comments
Let's see what are the chances... 20 comments
· 11 years ago
Thank you for reminding me. I've been here 30 minutes, my mother was starting to worry.
When someone lets their dog lick their mouth 12 comments
· 11 years ago
They lick and eat everything! Their ass, their junk, other dogs' asses, other dogs' junk, vomit of all kinds, poop of all kinds, dead animal (just lick, not eat), toilet water, old gross leftovers from the fridge (I don't give my dog moldy food, but my grandmother does. Her dogs are in bad health, diabetic, and are about 10-20 pounds overweight. Poor guys.), and all sorts of other stuff! It's so gross!
What do you want from me?! 2 comments
· 11 years ago
I once pushed a "pull" door in front of my crush. He laughed at me, said "Wrong way, uh, (insert name similar to real name here) is it?" I was so humiliated, but at least he almost knew my name.
More/less suiciders 3 comments
· 11 years ago
Don't you mean suicide victims? Would've made you sound a whole lot smarter.
TV screen on an elevator floor 11 comments
Why you shouldn't call obese people beautiful 30 comments
· 11 years ago
Beauty doesn't have to be all about how much you weigh. It can be about personality too. If you are pansexual, you love people for who they are inside, you don't see race, gender, looks, or any of that. So obese people can still be loved. But they should still try to lose the unnecessary weight, as it is a major health issue. I don't like double chins and sagging skin, but if they are a bit overweight, that's fine with me. A bit fat doesn't mean ugly, but completely obese does (I'm sorry, but if you have three jiggly chins, that's pretty ugly).
Edited 11 years ago
You are hovering 11 comments
· 11 years ago
Does this mean hoverboards already exist? Just put a board on the ground and it instantly becomes a hoverboard.
That's racist 7 comments
· 11 years ago
"I'll be your friend merichihuahua." I say to my computer screen, alone, in the dark, with a bottle of Sprite in one hand, and a tube of Pringles lodged onto the other. He can't hear me, no one can. Except my family in the other room watching reruns of Man Vs Food. They find it odd that no matter how many Pringles I devour, I am still severely underweight due to my chronic stomache disease. It seems like they pity me, yet they also seem as if they do not care. I don't care, Pringles and the internet are all I need.
She's done with her 34 comments
· 11 years ago
I got socks from my parents/sister. And my grandma knitted a scarf for me and gave me some "pocket money" ($2.50). Give what you can, take what others wish to give. I gave my grandmother a necklace, my mother a painting I made (of dolphins, her favorite), made brownies with grandma for dad, and a hug and a chocolate bar for my little sister. She said it was the best damn chocolate ever. I gave her a Twix bar :)
Edited 11 years ago
She's done with her 34 comments
· 11 years ago
Either she's a spoild bitch with $750, or just a broke idiot with $7.50. Either way, she should just be thankful to get anything at all.
Do you ever wonder 7 comments
Do you ever wonder 7 comments
· 11 years ago
He knew too much. Disney killed him for that. Just think about it, we never saw him again after that.