

— Emmalydan Report User
In case of love 1 comments
emmalydan · 10 years ago
I want this on a shirt
Nature lends a hand for a wedding photo highlight 2 comments
emmalydan · 10 years ago
Im sorry but is that blood all over her hands?
Sleep paralysis is the worst 72 comments
emmalydan · 10 years ago
Is this something that can happen to anyone or are you born with it?
TRUTH. 10 comments
emmalydan · 10 years ago
What show is it?
She must suffer ! 18 comments
emmalydan · 10 years ago
I wanted her in azkaban and good ol' Voldie dead. I always assumed azkaban is worse then death (perfect for her) and we can't really risk keeping Voldomort alive.
That would teach him! 9 comments
emmalydan · 10 years ago
Why should the police get ridiculed for doing his job? I'm probably going to get a lot of thumbs down for this but it's your own damn fault for getting arrested.
Imagine this 1 comments
emmalydan · 10 years ago
Worth it.
presents i do want for christmas 11 comments
emmalydan · 10 years ago
Omg my 2 year old cousin has that and my 2 uncles and my mom think it's the best thing ever and they are constantly sending videos of it to each other and they can't have a normal conversation without it coming up somehow. One time my mom called my uncle with a *67 so he didn't know it was her and she just played that thing for a minute and he almost crashed his car. These are grown ups we are talking about.
Admit Something Nobody Knows About You (Don't Use Names For Privacy Reasons) 1107 comments
emmalydan · 10 years ago
It means the world to me that complete strangers over the internet are so nice and trying to help me (and others) when I told my best friend this, she laughed and changed the subject. Thank you crestfallen :)
Admit Something Nobody Knows About You (Don't Use Names For Privacy Reasons) 1107 comments
emmalydan · 10 years ago
I feel so sad and unhappy all the time and I don't know why. I have a loving family, great friends, my life is not hard or full of woe, and I have absolutly nothing to complain about. But I just feel so depressed and I hate myself foe feeling this way because I feel like I'm taking my life for granted. But I really am so unhappy and frustrated with everything that happens. Whew. Feels good to say that. Thank you funsubstance family <3
Pretty cool 51 comments
emmalydan · 10 years ago
Who's the girl with the gold hammer?
It almost looks like they're holding up a photograph 4 comments
emmalydan · 11 years ago
I don't see it…
Sister went on her first date. I decided to give her some golden advice. 7 comments
emmalydan · 11 years ago
True, but it's her first date with this guy.
It Happens! 12 comments
emmalydan · 11 years ago
I want to play a game.
Inside look of a Norwegian prison 9 comments
emmalydan · 11 years ago
That's so stupid. What if you killed a completely innocent person with a family and you molested 3 kids and you only get 10 years in a beautiful place like that? I'm sorry but that's ridiculous.
Freedom 11 comments
emmalydan · 11 years ago
It's not "Marshmallow", it's Fluffenutor you un-cultured swine.
For cowboy dads 1 comments
emmalydan · 11 years ago
For some reason I'm thinking of Rick Grimes and Judith.
Thank you, Google, for remembering that today's not just Bieber's birthday 20 comments
emmalydan · 11 years ago
It's also Jensen Ackles' birthday. (Dean Winchester)
Gobblin' down a meal 14 comments
emmalydan · 11 years ago
Okay that's terrifying.
Homer on women 2 comments
emmalydan · 11 years ago
Maybe we always say "nothing is wrong" and insist we are "fine" when we aren't is because every time we show the slightest emotion that isn't happiness, we are accused of being on our period.
That's me alright. 7 comments
emmalydan · 11 years ago
It was a joke.
That's me alright. 7 comments
emmalydan · 11 years ago
Yeah. Merle's pretty cool.
Sweet friendship 12 comments
emmalydan · 11 years ago
I was honestly expecting to see the dog laying next to grave stone as the last picture. Thank god I was wrong.
90's problems 28 comments
emmalydan · 11 years ago
My sister saw this and she said "Ah I remember that. Those were the good old days." She was born in December 1999 -.-