

— ElyssaJM Report User
Priceless! 22 comments
elyssajm · 10 years ago
She can still be female even if 'physically' she had male genitalia. Why is that scary?
X-men facts compilation part ii 24 comments
elyssajm · 10 years ago
Nothing. As far as I can tell (from the origin comics) they didn't have anything to do with him
X-men facts compilation part ii 24 comments
elyssajm · 10 years ago
According to the Wolverine Origin comic books, he was actually tested on by an organization called Weapon X. They wiped his memory and brainwashed him so he was reduced to an animal like state and used him, as well as many other mutants, as tools. At some point he was able to gain some humanity back and was able to escape. When he did, he was sure that it was Weapon X that have given him the claws and there was no way that he could have been such an animal before (since he couldn't remember having the bone claws). It was only when Magneto stripped him of his metal coating later in the comics that he realized that the claws were apart of him.
Marvel rings 20 comments
elyssajm · 10 years ago
I'd like to see a Wolverine one! He was an Avenger too!
Then and now 9 comments
elyssajm · 10 years ago
They changed it from Philosopher so Americans would know it was about wizards
Someone Finally Said It.... 17 comments
elyssajm · 10 years ago
I always say I'm fine because I assume no one wants to hear about my problems. I'd rather talk about happy things.
Good teacher 69 comments
elyssajm · 10 years ago
"We all deserve to die, even you Mrs. Lovett, even I. Tell you why, Mrs. Lovett, tell you why. The lives of the wicked should be made brief, for the rest of us death would be a relief, yes we all deserve to die."
Pretty sure you'd get suspended for singing Sweeney at school x3
The magic of makeup 24 comments
elyssajm · 10 years ago
She's pretty anyways. She doesn't have to do anything to be "that pretty"
A well gifted elephant 18 comments
elyssajm · 10 years ago
And legs and eyes and hearts and mouths...
Ultimate ship wreck survivor? 4 comments
elyssajm · 10 years ago
Actually the three ships had nothing to do with each other. The Olympic was a cruise linner that set sail in 1911, before the Titanic, and the Britannic was a medical ship used during the war, but she did survive all three sinking.
Nerd Girls Are The World's Greatest Underutilized Romantic Resource.... 7 comments
elyssajm · 10 years ago
See a girl says she's a nerd boys just say she's a poser or just in a fandom for the ships, high five and think they are just so clever.
A Little Too Bright For Your Own Good, Sherlock... 8 comments
elyssajm · 10 years ago
For those of you criticizing the hat... You realize that the BBC Sherlock is based on a book character right?
Guy recreates movie scenes with dog 16 comments
elyssajm · 10 years ago
Dog sitting?
Class it up 2 comments
elyssajm · 11 years ago
"Oh you're an artist? Do you have a blog or something?"
*Torn between telling them about my deviantART because I want them to see my art but I don't want to tell them because of my fangirliness*
Scarfy :( 23 comments
elyssajm · 11 years ago
The Walking Dead... You will be missed, Lee
Perfect reaction tho 16 comments
elyssajm · 11 years ago
It is though. I mean we live in a world where the majority is straight. Eventually you have to let people know that you are gay or not. I mean, it shouldn't have to be this big thing but you have to let people know. People can have suspicions, but only you know if you are gay or not.
my moo has more of a southern accent 13 comments
elyssajm · 11 years ago
Why is no one questioning the picture of a frog on a thing about cows?
You can change the direction this train is moving just by thinking about it. 27 comments
elyssajm · 11 years ago
It's actually just shaking back and forth. If you look at the center you'll see it.
I will do anything for this to happen. 13 comments
elyssajm · 11 years ago
I would like a new villain for Avengers 2 please. Loki had his time. I want to see what else Marvel has in its store of super villains
Epicness equality 35 comments
elyssajm · 11 years ago
This won't help XavierxMagneto shippers
Obama on legalising gay marriage 33 comments
elyssajm · 11 years ago
People argue that Homosexuals shouldn't get married because they can't have biological children together. And say that not having a motherly or fatherly influence is harmful. He probably tied one of these points into his speech along with the quote in this picture.
We got any Big Five fans in the house tonight? 43 comments
elyssajm · 11 years ago
Also, the audiobooks are read by David Tennant. Just saying.
We got any Big Five fans in the house tonight? 43 comments
elyssajm · 11 years ago
I wasn't insulting the movie. In fact, I love the movie and it is one of my favorites. I'm just tired of these fangirls who love Hiccup for all the wrong reasons. Read the book.
Seriously, in the book, there were times when you just wanted to smack Toothless. The clever little devil.
Name calling. How mature. Maybe you should read my comment properly before jumping to conclusions.
· Edited 11 years ago
Disney face swaps get awkward 15 comments
elyssajm · 11 years ago