

Mharaigh mé an fear an phoist

— EcumenicalMatter Report User
Quite the reasons for admission to an asylum 31 comments
ecumenicalmatter · 9 years ago
*Fell from horse in war*
Ah Jesus, I've had a bit of a fall lads, give me a hand up?
"Of course, general!"
Thank you, lads, that was a close call, we were under heavy enemy fire. Now, we'll make our war to the barracks and tell colonel d--
"No way, sir. I'm sorry, you know the rules. You fall off the horse and you're no longer fit for our society"
That moment when education is more important than anything else 5 comments
ecumenicalmatter · 9 years ago
On the bright side a long-sighted student could copy answers from the kid in the next classroom
When you want badass warm socks 10 comments
ecumenicalmatter · 9 years ago
When winter sets in on the Wehrmacht during operation Barbarossa
Hi there 6 comments
ecumenicalmatter · 9 years ago
I think it's just the way it's resting on the lower teeth
Recycling the easter bunny 11 comments
ecumenicalmatter · 9 years ago
Well, as a catholic I can assure you the pope is in fact a large chocolate bunny under heavy disguise, so you wouldn't be far from the truth
Man turns himself in 4 comments
ecumenicalmatter · 9 years ago
"Do I get the money when I get out though?"
Not much to see now 2 comments
ecumenicalmatter · 9 years ago
How about a dog fighting a lobster with a spork? Seen that?
Sometimes life is like an arrow 15 comments
ecumenicalmatter · 9 years ago
I know, I'm a fucking crossbow bolt!
Frozen gets melted 18 comments
ecumenicalmatter · 9 years ago
...and I still haven't seen either
I'd choose the TARDIS 48 comments
ecumenicalmatter · 9 years ago
Saint James Gate...
Recycling the easter bunny 11 comments
ecumenicalmatter · 9 years ago
But sinterklaas does kind of sound like you're saying Santa Claus in some crazy accent
Using the microwave 6 comments
ecumenicalmatter · 9 years ago
I know, mine usually sounds like Adolf Hitler at his Nuremburg rally in 1938
That moment when she texts you back 7 comments
ecumenicalmatter · 9 years ago
Shit, how did the "baker" find out?!
That moment when she texts you back 7 comments
ecumenicalmatter · 9 years ago
He did it really inconspicuously, talk in code, like "I bought the bread and the baker doesn't know" or something
That moment when she texts you back 7 comments
ecumenicalmatter · 9 years ago
When you get a message of confirmation from the hitman you hired and he's telling you the job went down perfectly with no way for the authorities to trace it back to you
It's just a prank bro 2 comments
ecumenicalmatter · 9 years ago
By the 29th of April 1945 Adolf Hitler realised his April Fools joke had gone way too far
Every day 6 comments
ecumenicalmatter · 9 years ago
Psychological warfare is acceptable workplace practice
Some things that piss people off 18 comments
ecumenicalmatter · 9 years ago
This post makes me oddly happy
Incredible Sword Monument 11 comments
ecumenicalmatter · 9 years ago
Praise Talos and eternal glory to the stormcloaks, the true sons and daughters of Skyrim!
Cool 2 comments
ecumenicalmatter · 9 years ago
He's the man who found the holy grail, he's the man who made the kessel run in 12 parsecs, he's the man who killed Sean Bean with an anchor, he's the fugitive, he's a bladerunner, he's saving a hiker. What a man
St Pats Day 4 comments
ecumenicalmatter · 9 years ago
Lá Fhéile Pádraig!
Sometimes love is very complicated 7 comments
ecumenicalmatter · 9 years ago
Why do you love me?
"It depends on what the water is kept in really, I mean, keep it in glass and it should stay with a reasonably crisp taste (if kept at the right temperature) but if you keep it in metal it will get that metallic taste in your mouth. Plastic can be hit and miss really, some will leave a noticeable aftertaste whereas others will leave almost none"
An all-female crew lands an airliner into a country they're not allowed to drive in 8 comments
ecumenicalmatter · 9 years ago
"Well, officer, you see, it's not really a car.."
Past to Present 8 comments
ecumenicalmatter · 9 years ago
A post by Hideo Kojima