Who's side are you on really? 86 comments
· 9 years ago
The X-Men..?
Failed for admiral time your last the you when has 5 comments
· 9 years ago
I laughed at this a hell of a lot more than I laugh at most things on here
Somehow I think music reflects more 41 comments
Still hot 9 comments
· 9 years ago
Yeah, mine sucks in pictures too! And in real life, but that's irrelevant
You never know who the fans will love 7 comments
Somehow I think music reflects more 41 comments
· 9 years ago
I listen to Irish rebel music and other Irish folk songs... Surprisingly I'm Irish
Something my mom would do 14 comments
· 9 years ago
Even twistier than twisting can twist: the son is actually the Jewish boy and the mother is the gay daughter
<terrible unimpressive title here> 5 comments
· 9 years ago
I remember this debate took place once on here many moons ago. Basically someone put up a YouTube video and people argued and the general end to it was there's more than one way to say it
Haven't we all been there? 7 comments
· 9 years ago
If anyone is wondering it's from the amazing TV show Father Ted and the particular episode is A Christmassy Ted
This guy is a genius 60 comments
· 9 years ago
Alright, well, I'm going to be inactive for 24 hours or so(plane trips, y'know), so, you should see my thing about the party in the chat, you can post this link in there or whatever, I'm sure it'll be in full swing when I get back
This guy is a genius 60 comments
· 9 years ago
Many thanks, comrade. Anyway, we've 15 people now, so what's the plan?
One in four americans is skeptical 13 comments
With all the theories floating around 11 comments
· 9 years ago
He's the ghost of Greedo. He trained Kylo Ren just to get his revenge on Han. Why does he look so different? Uhhh... Ghost reasons
This guy is a genius 60 comments
· 9 years ago
Updated list:
Texasranger 1
Missunkown 2
Stoner2 3
Rarepepe 4
Pattywhack 125 5
Dunkey 6
Baconincarnate 7
Dzrosex 8
Card wannabe 9
Katnisseverdeen_ 10
Ecumenicalmatter 11
Thatguyyouknow 12
Therainbow 13
Dimebag 14
Texasranger 1
Missunkown 2
Stoner2 3
Rarepepe 4
Pattywhack 125 5
Dunkey 6
Baconincarnate 7
Dzrosex 8
Card wannabe 9
Katnisseverdeen_ 10
Ecumenicalmatter 11
Thatguyyouknow 12
Therainbow 13
Dimebag 14
British people. 14 comments
· 9 years ago
I've only ever seen it as Ireland, I've heard it's been dozens of other country combinations but the only ones I've ever actually seen is Ireland and England
This guy is a genius 60 comments
Presidential aging 16 comments
· 9 years ago
Obama changed his dominant hand and gave his tie to the man behind him
Every song from 2007 12 comments
This guy is a genius 60 comments
· 9 years ago
Texasranger 1
Missunkown 2
Stoner2 3
Rarepepe 4
Pattywhack 125 5
Dunkey 6
Baconincarnate 7
Dzrosex 8
Crfwannabe 9
Katnisseverdeen_ 10
Also, therainbow wanted to join in but it seemed others weren't too fond of that, your call
Missunkown 2
Stoner2 3
Rarepepe 4
Pattywhack 125 5
Dunkey 6
Baconincarnate 7
Dzrosex 8
Crfwannabe 9
Katnisseverdeen_ 10
Also, therainbow wanted to join in but it seemed others weren't too fond of that, your call
Companies, why you do dis tho 8 comments
· 9 years ago
I remember once I was shopping for some and one of them was called "Africa".. So, wait, you just smell.. Of Africa then?