

— dougyfressh Report User
To the past or future? 35 comments
dougyfressh · 10 years ago
I'm still getting used to being a Dad. (7 months) 5 comments
dougyfressh · 10 years ago
I know. My son will be six months this Sunday the 27. He has so many toys and yet his favorite ones are a honey bunches of oats cereal box. Don't ask me why but he gets so excited when he sees that thing. When he gets upset everyone ask where is his box and we have to look for it because he wants to take it everywhere with him. So funny.
Neil Patrick Harris and his family 19 comments
dougyfressh · 10 years ago
Taylor swift look alike 56 comments
dougyfressh · 11 years ago
Ummmmm wat!
Farm animals 18 comments
dougyfressh · 11 years ago
Oh man!!! That's funny
f*ck logic 26 comments
dougyfressh · 11 years ago
to why she belongs in jail read my first comment. tell me where going to get agun and shooting it in the direction of children is ok? let alone her own children. why do you bring zimmerman up, I told you he belongs in jail. in my opinion obviously not in the PEERS of the jury seeing as he is free. oh and that news story out of texas look up the judge she gave the same deal to an african american boy a couple of years back. she has been said to be too leinent on many cases and this was the last straw. every case every judge every jury is different. like I said there are many injustices but many times we bring up incidents without researching deeper and noticing they may not be in the same catergory. and I saw your comment to the guest racism is real so is homophobia but to throw that out every time aint right. pick the right battles. kinda like al sharpton does. why do you think he didnt go stand up for marissa alexander? maybe he knew the case was already lost?
f*ck logic 26 comments
dougyfressh · 11 years ago
Ok just to clear it up. all four belong in jail. I really believe that. there have been many injustices done in the system (example the other three pictures) but Marissa Alexanders case is not one of them. so they should stop using it as an example.
f*ck logic 26 comments
dougyfressh · 11 years ago
I clearly put im not defending the other three. they belong in jail too. im just saying she does too.
f*ck logic 26 comments
dougyfressh · 11 years ago
the lady in the last picture tried to say self defense. she was in the kitchen with her "abusive bf" she left the kitchen to the garage got a gun came back and fired multiple shots in the direction of her husband who was standing with their two kids. So protecting her family? she was lucky she didn't shoot one of her kids. also she could have taken a plead deal for 3 years but she didn't take it and she had a history of being the abusive one in the relationship because she was given a restraining order to stay away from her bf. im not defending the other three but she deserves to be in jail.