Loves The Doctor, Sherlock, and Loki
And so much more, but there are way too many fandoms to keep track of
Someone please can we have an internet romance
She'd be the one 56 comments
· 10 years ago
Oooo but think about this: what if Gandalf and Sauron are the same entity that has a very split personality? Good side of said entity wants to do good and make people happy, while bad side is, well evil to the core.
Sorry not sorry 35 comments
good guy jew 69 comments
· 10 years ago
Mormons are pretty cool. Kinda weird in my opinion, but aren't we all a little strange?
She'd be the one 56 comments
good guy jew 69 comments
· 10 years ago
Really, just fuck all the people who want murder. I don't care what flag you say you represent or what religion you claim to be part of. Fuck you if you support murder of innocents.
good guy jew 69 comments
· 10 years ago
You. Are. Wrong. My gosh I don't even know where to begin. First of all, way back in 1948 when Israel became a state, there was a vote. A LEGITIMATE VOTE. And the U.N. decided that Israel should become a nation. Now, do you know one of the reasons why this happened? Because the Jewish people had just went through something called the Holocaust. In the Holocaust, 11 million people were brutally murdered in a shocking variety of ways. Of those 11 million, 6 million, MORE THAN HALF were Jews. So let me enlighten you a bit. Jews got Israel because they needed a real home that didn't hate them like all other places had before. Furthermore, right after Israel become a state, the 5 surrounding Arab nations who were all more than twice the size of the newly created state, attacked. And by what could not have been anything short of but an Act of G-d, Israel won. It's called the War of Independence. So stop spreading your fallacies. You're lowering the IQ of the entire site.
good guy jew 69 comments
· 10 years ago
So innocent Jews haven't been murdered through the ages? If you would look at the facts, guest, you would find that Jews don't just murder innocents for the hell of it. In fact, if you knew a thing or two about the Bible (or what the Jews call the Torah) or history, you would know murder of innocents is exactly one of the things Jews detest most. It's in the Ten Commandments. "Thou shalt not murder"
good guy jew 69 comments
· 10 years ago
asteroid, you've also got to understand that organizations like Hamas and Hezbola want Israel off the map and all of the Jews dead. It isn't even that they aren't willing to compromise, it's that they want mass murder. If you look at Hamas's statement of what they want, they say it explicitly. No Jews, no Israel. End of story.
She'd be the one 56 comments
I'll take them all 12 comments
Let's play a game 7 comments
Don't Blink, Blink And You're Dead 25 comments
When people chew loudly 21 comments
good for you, sammy 19 comments
· 10 years ago
No problem. Because I am... CAPTAIN OBVIOUS
*flies away majestically*
*flies away majestically*
It's called a lance 13 comments
Slap the meat 11 comments
· 10 years ago
Disclaimer: I actually know how to spell, I just momentarily did not realize that I made a mistake. Uh, yeah
Slap the meat 11 comments