User diety Banned

the book 34 comments
diety · 7 years ago
yea prety colio
the book 34 comments
diety · 7 years ago
some fuckhead named @calmthelovelytits i destroyed the ever loving shit out of her and she quit the site
the book 34 comments
diety · 7 years ago
" ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ?" is ctlt back from the dead??
You are deep into memeing if you get this 29 comments
diety · 7 years ago
This is the most shallow level of meming fucking possible. Get the fuck outta here.
LMAO 10 comments
diety · 7 years ago
... SOMEBODY? 51 comments
diety · 7 years ago
Well i didnt realize that preferring american animation techniques and practices over japanese ones could be so overwhelming. My condolences.
... SOMEBODY? 51 comments
diety · 7 years ago
I guess I'll add this deadpool person to my list of people ive made quit
· Edited 7 years ago
... SOMEBODY? 51 comments
diety · 7 years ago
I guess they bitched out after failing to convey their point
... SOMEBODY? 51 comments
diety · 7 years ago
No it ruins the integrity of the animation. And, again, we're talking about the animation quality and techniques, not the writing, plot, characters, or voice acting. How is that so hard to understand. When fanservice is used, it is used in place of more expensive and higher quality animation sequences. It is used to cut costs while retaining viewership. As such, a fanservice-heavy animation is objectively worse quality than an animation without fanservice.
... SOMEBODY? 51 comments
diety · 7 years ago
Yes but in american shit its only the low budget shit that does that. In japan even the highest quality animations have fanservice
... SOMEBODY? 51 comments
diety · 7 years ago
Animation is the visual part. Something can be well animated and convey a stupid plot. So right now we're discussing the mechanics of animation. Japanese animation, due to it's lower budget, is objectively worse than american animation. This is compounded by the fact that most japanese animation studios resort to fanservice, in place of good animation, in order to cut costs and also attract more viewers.
... SOMEBODY? 51 comments
diety · 7 years ago
And we're talking about animation here not story writing. Fucking anime has obviously rotted your small mind.
... SOMEBODY? 51 comments
diety · 7 years ago
Autist is a noun and autistic is not. Your correction was quite autistic.
... SOMEBODY? 51 comments
diety · 7 years ago
Ok i did give some proof. Any high-budget disney animation is far superior to any japanese animation. There. Now try disputing that, autist.
... SOMEBODY? 51 comments
diety · 7 years ago
And im telling you that because japanese animation is in almost its entirety designed to give horny teens some fap material, it is inherently worse than american animation, no matter if the american animation is any God-tier disney animation (if you say japanese animation is better than disney animation, you are a pathetic blind weeb) or fucking Calliou
... SOMEBODY? 51 comments
diety · 7 years ago
Also american cartoons convey character emotion far better
... SOMEBODY? 51 comments
diety · 7 years ago
American cartoons are not designed to be pornographic
... SOMEBODY? 51 comments
diety · 7 years ago
American animation is far superior
The biggest crimes are committed behind a desk 11 comments
diety · 7 years ago
Harvey Dent doesn't really act as a politician after his descent into madness
Sushi burritos 15 comments
diety · 7 years ago
Then you didn't eat real sushi, dumbass
Busted 7 comments
diety · 7 years ago
Apparently penis=erection
My name Jeff 6 comments
diety · 7 years ago
Faker than bruce jenners jenner identity
Short heartwarming story 9 comments
diety · 7 years ago
Ow, the edge
Short heartwarming story 9 comments
diety · 7 years ago
What an edgy cunt u are
Remember him? 10 comments
diety · 7 years ago
For a second i thought u said he passed away