Ladies and gentlemen, may I present to you, the current Vice Chancellor of Austria. He is 8 comments
We keep speaking and they keep listening 9 comments
· 5 years ago
This is a good thing. We should encourage people in the industry listening to critical feedback and having a humble and appropriate response instead of calling people "haters. I don't even like sonic and I'll probably go see the film just to support film makers willing to make changes that are glaringly necessary. This is the kind of decisions we need to support or we'll just keep getting more The last Jedi's and GoT season 8's.
It's true tho 3 comments
Who ever thought about this one before? 4 comments
· 5 years ago
>Be me
>Peasant in Winderfell
>M'lord Brandon asks to wheel him to this random tree the Stark family like
>Refuse M'lord
>He has me executed
That's why
>Peasant in Winderfell
>M'lord Brandon asks to wheel him to this random tree the Stark family like
>Refuse M'lord
>He has me executed
That's why
Never fear 7 comments
· 5 years ago
My mum told me she was disappointed in me because my college course final due date got moved two weeks forward, aka 2 weeks earlier than previously established, and I wasn't able to finish on time.
Good times.
Good times.
Endgame Spoiler! Comment if you agree with my an*lysis! 10 comments
· 5 years ago
Such a shame they felt the need to have rocket and Ant man engage in such a graphic sex scene, almost as intense as Dumbledore and Grindlewald!
Modern problem requires modern solution 5 comments
· 5 years ago
Literally going out of your way to devalue another human being who you have never met. Good job.
I mean, She's right. 7 comments
Salvage what you can, and let the plates fall where they may 6 comments
· 5 years ago
If anyones interested, but not aware, the original tweet was from Liam O'Brien (As it says) Who is a famous voice actor in things like RE, SH, FF etc, but also plays D&D with other voice actors on Twitch, the group is called critical roll and you can watch their show on YouTube. I would absolutely recommend watching if you're interested in D&D because at this point they basically play it professionally.
Also Caleb Widogast is an absolute fuckin mess.
Also Caleb Widogast is an absolute fuckin mess.
Word to your mother 48 comments
· 5 years ago
This whole thread is kinda cringe, Alexa, play Despacito 3 (Minecraft Edition)
Word to your mother 48 comments
· 5 years ago
Parents are terrifying if they are absolutists in any regard. Religious absolutism will destroy a child's moral compass, old-fashioned absolutism (AKA homophobia/transphobia etc) will create the next generation of bigots and honestly I think it all comes from an ignorance to other peoples existence that I think needs taught in schools. That ignorance is left on parents who believe boys can't cry, can't play with dolls. Toxic masculinity and toxic femininity are something that are bred into children being told "you shouldn't cry, you're a boy" or "you can't play with army men, you're a girl" and it is why we have such an ego issue in today's society with people displaying thinking like "I need to biggest car, I need to be the strongest." or "I need to be the prettiest" etc. We are all human. Parents need to learn.
No idea how to teach a person empathy, something I would argue is the most important emotion for humans to feel, but I feel it is necessary for humans to develop.
Fight me.
No idea how to teach a person empathy, something I would argue is the most important emotion for humans to feel, but I feel it is necessary for humans to develop.
Fight me.
Vice wasn't enough 10 comments
ummm 26 comments
· 6 years ago
Now THAT'S progressive, just deleted a whole gender to make way for the new breed. Good.
This is a light hearted joke, please don't garrote me.
This is a light hearted joke, please don't garrote me.
"Let put one, just one, Sicko Mode in..." 10 comments
"Let put one, just one, Sicko Mode in..." 10 comments
Any other D and D players on here? 17 comments
· 6 years ago
The dragon rolled a natural 20, uses its legendary lair action to become god and deletes your characters, okay so heres some I prepared for you, just to let you know this is a starfinder cross with pathfinder game hybrid and you have to come up with a 50 page backstory to qualify. So see you all next week?