Away on a work trip and a PR girl came to lunch with my colleagues and I. It ended up 16 comments
· 6 years ago
Like I said, the original sentence isn't structured properly in anyway. If the structure mattered the whole thing would get reworded, but who cares.
Away on a work trip and a PR girl came to lunch with my colleagues and I. It ended up 16 comments
· 6 years ago
When its reffering to your self and another party for example"My mother and I went to lunch"
"A girl and I went to lunch"
The girl in the title was not the plural the colleagues were thus "The girl came to lunch with my colleagues and I" is the correct, but in general its a really bad way of wording the sentence
"A girl and I went to lunch"
The girl in the title was not the plural the colleagues were thus "The girl came to lunch with my colleagues and I" is the correct, but in general its a really bad way of wording the sentence
So pure 24 comments
So pure 24 comments
· 6 years ago
Being a parent doesnt make you a genius, idiots can fuck too. There is nothing special or beautiful about being a parent, and if you believe because your a parent you have the "right" to basically program a child youre a shite person, a child should be raised with no other agenda other than being a good person
So pure 24 comments
· 6 years ago
What'll turn him gay is taking a dick up the ass; what'll make him comfortable being who he is, whoever that is, is being taught that its okay to like whatever you like.
A teenaged Metallica, 1982 5 comments
· 6 years ago
*Also before anyone says Im fully aware of Nick Menzas departure from megadeth and his recent passing last year, just felt that he was a very integral part, showing in RIP and Conjuring*
A teenaged Metallica, 1982 5 comments
· 6 years ago
How dare you dishonour Nick Menza and David Ellefson, and based off Dystopia Kiko Loureiro is a god damn treasure as well
Great artwork 27 comments
I didn't know if I should laugh or say sorry 7 comments
*pew pew pew* 4 comments
That bulge 15 comments
· 7 years ago
Is it something about looking down girls tops? Or...I dunno mistaking the guys t-shirt for a shlong?
"Honey, nobody is that gay". Insane self-control 7 comments
· 7 years ago
Pretty sure its an archer quote, season 2 when Lana gets pissed at Cyril and decides to fuck everyone on his desk, Ray lines up and says it.
I want to look like her 18 comments
Anon is a lawyer 8 comments
· 7 years ago
If they were going there to prevent a suicide they wouldn't need a warrant. That's the whole point in it being illegal.