Life goals 8 comments
· 4 years ago
Yeah man, you do you. Buy the car that makes you happy, screw everyone else.
Don’t drink and drive 6 comments
Daily reminder to celebrate Hollywood losing money 7 comments
· 4 years ago
"Unfairly racist" is the daftest and most ignorant statement you could make about the man, but then again, your username checks out. You know why he was treated so well? Because he was a foreign athlete visiting from a Western Superpower... Unfortunately Non-Aryans were not treated with the same "kindness" when living in Nazi Germany. That isnt doctored media, it is some ignorant assholes using the idea of a 'supressive media state' to further their own belief in white/"non-Aryan" supremacy
Edited 4 years ago
Daily reminder to celebrate Hollywood losing money 7 comments
· 4 years ago
"Unfairly portray Hitler as a racist" - dude was known to be racist, considered anyone not Aryan (non-white or the Jewish) to be degenerates. He refused to shake the hand off Jesse Owens, owed to the fact a non-Aryan won the gold medal, even leaving the stadium thereafter, but remaining for the jubilations of German Gold medalists and shaking their hands. Then going so far as to implement an 'Aryans-only' policy across German sport media, to portray Aryans as the athleticly superior race...
Edited 4 years ago
Daily reminder to celebrate Hollywood losing money 7 comments
· 4 years ago
I sometimes forget how fucking daft a majority of 4chans user base is...
Take care of yourself 3 comments
· 4 years ago
I mean, this advice is great if you have nothing to do all day. Fuckin sucks if work starts at 7 and ends at 5...
Precaution fail 4 comments
Land O Lakes removed the Indian from their logo but kept the land 27 comments
· 4 years ago
I feel like you posted this, and set yourself up just for this comment
Deep dreamed: "Virtual Construction" by /u/NaturallyIrrational 1 comments
· 4 years ago
Bitch, that's Maze Runner from coolmathgames on LSD
Edited 4 years ago
Power outages still have mobile data 2 comments
· 4 years ago
I love how when a boomer sees 'the symbol' it means no matter what, that symbol must be producing WiFi and the kiddies will whip out their cellular doodads.
The applause on the way out was xxtra 29 comments
· 4 years ago
Imagine having a healthcare system so fucked, that your response to a $1.1million medical bill is "That's cheap"
Sword cleaners 1 comments
· 4 years ago
'Foes not mortally wounded by this weapon will succumb heart stopping distress, observed upon the lavatory'
How do people throw away their lives with such ease? 8 comments
· 4 years ago
The husband? What's he got to do with this? Did he back her up? Did he make a public statement? Or did his wife do some dumb shit that he wasn't responsible for?
I'm so confused as to why this bloke lost his job when his wife is the one who went on a Karen rampage...
I'm so confused as to why this bloke lost his job when his wife is the one who went on a Karen rampage...
Not you're every Day working picture 3 comments
· 4 years ago
This image is beautiful, but I can only think of those two turbine engineers that passed back in 2013
title 1 comments
· 4 years ago
Companies will only support you when it doesn't affect their bottom line.
Brügge, Belgium 11 comments
Brügge, Belgium 11 comments
Brügge, Belgium 11 comments
Mr Soccer demands respect 2 comments
WATERMELON 4 comments