Winning a game 6 comments
· 6 years ago
Or, the parents relationship is very open and he has 2 dads... And a mum
2019 is already off to a great start 9 comments
Tide’s new packaging looks like boxed wine 9 comments
2019 is already off to a great start 9 comments
10/10 would play 25 comments
· 6 years ago
Let's see this Dwarven Centurion fight the might of the Red Army's IS-6 ! For the MOTHERLAND
Place your bets, please 4 comments
Oof. Pro-facts 48 comments
· 6 years ago
'Life', and being 'alive' are quite different I think. Like @mialinay says, anything can have 'life', like the humble see cucumber, it has no brain and breathes through its asshole, but can we really consider it 'alive'?
(I know it sounds wierd, but like, it can't think for itself and its actions are based entirely of a reactionary nerve impulses. It's like the difference between a computer controlled by a set of sensors, or a computer with an AI that uses sensors to make choices)
(I know it sounds wierd, but like, it can't think for itself and its actions are based entirely of a reactionary nerve impulses. It's like the difference between a computer controlled by a set of sensors, or a computer with an AI that uses sensors to make choices)
That fixes it, checkmate antisocialists 8 comments
· 6 years ago
"Quick, the helium in the balloon is making it float away what do we do!?"
"Fill it with Hydrogen, that'll do the trick"
Basically how Venezuela is dealing with their crisis
"Fill it with Hydrogen, that'll do the trick"
Basically how Venezuela is dealing with their crisis
The Spotify pause button is off-centered by one pixel 3 comments
· 6 years ago
Companies always like to do small things such as this to make things look more natural. The Google logo is the perfect example, if you look closely , the G is not a perfect circle and the colour segments are uneven
Yeah that makes sen... Wait 7 comments
· 6 years ago
If all atoms brcames peach size, and big world got bigger, big peach would still be a small peach as far as were concerned, except now it's a big small peach
A message for ians 9 comments
· 6 years ago
Get your gross inspiration shit out of here.
We all about depression and suicide
We all about depression and suicide
*don't say it don't say it DON'T SAY IT* 13 comments
The pope on trickle down economics 17 comments
I feel like this person is misrepresenting Tourette's to idiot gamers for yt cash. 16 comments
· 6 years ago
Wait, so it's now everyone else's job to substantiate your claims? Why do we have to inform you about a topic you brought like you had any knowledge on the subject?
Putting" I feel like..." on the start of an accusation doesn't make it sound any less accusatory.
Real hurry to be insulting? That probably stems from the fact that in the last few months this websites comments have just been filled with half baked degenerates, and it's getting real hard to remember the names of people who are good and people who are trolls/to dumb to comprehend what a post history is ...
I don't mean you're one of these people, it's just easier to be outwardly hostile on this website than actually chat/debate anymore
Putting" I feel like..." on the start of an accusation doesn't make it sound any less accusatory.
Real hurry to be insulting? That probably stems from the fact that in the last few months this websites comments have just been filled with half baked degenerates, and it's getting real hard to remember the names of people who are good and people who are trolls/to dumb to comprehend what a post history is ...
I don't mean you're one of these people, it's just easier to be outwardly hostile on this website than actually chat/debate anymore
I feel like this person is misrepresenting Tourette's to idiot gamers for yt cash. 16 comments
· 6 years ago
"That said I've seen less than 3 minutes" - "I didn't actually do any research, I just wanted someone to whine about and hope someone agrees with me on no basis".
You're an idiot
You're an idiot