Yes 69 comments
· 9 years ago
Yeah sorry, some girls do enjoy it but it is more probable that a man would enjoy it because of the g-spot
Yes 69 comments
· 9 years ago
Actually men have the g-spot in their buts so actually get pleasure from it, were as girls basically feel like they're shitting backwards.
Edited 9 years ago
Important!!! 91 comments
Important!!! 91 comments
Important!!! 91 comments
· 9 years ago
It depends how old you are, if you're 25 and dating someone 10 years older it doesn't make any difference, but if your 13 and dating someone 10 years older that's extremely bad. My friend at age 13 dated a 24 year old guy and it messed up her life completely, he basicly ruined her family life and he manipulated her. When you're young an age difference is very important.
Even in Texas :') ♥ 27 comments
· 9 years ago
There may be anti gay things in the bible but the single biggest message is to love others, and jesus never said a thing about gays, isn't being Christian aboit trying to be like him? How can you call yourself Christian while preaching hatred and condemnation instead of love and forgiveness? People like you give christians a bad name
Edited 9 years ago
Not okay 35 comments
· 9 years ago
I'm not saying everyone has to agree, I'm saying that there's no proof of anything so why do people treat others like idiots because they believe one thing without proof when that's what everyone is doing?
Not okay 35 comments
· 9 years ago
Science is not proof that god doesn't exist, there is no proof of anything so if you want to talk about being logical the only really logical belief is agnostic as we don't know if there is a god or not. So stop preaching like everyone who doesn't agree with you is stupid, in fact there are a large number of religious scientists because they belive the universe is to precise and complex to be an accident, and these people are probably 10X as intelligent as you. Belief is not logical it is a choice, no-one knows for sure so stop judging others like you do.
Not okay 35 comments
· 9 years ago
There is no proof god does or doesn't exist, they are on the same playing field. It has no effect on you what others believe so why don't you just back off and let people live their lives how they want to.
Not okay 35 comments
· 9 years ago
Because people are entitled to their own beliefs, if they aren't hurting anyone it has nothing to do with yoi so don't be an a hole
Not okay 35 comments
And I like that 18 comments
· 9 years ago
I don't really care about the sexualisation but I think it's ridiculous and unnecessary when a female fighter has chunks out of her armour, leaving bare skin on display.
I mean, they're both rich human geniuses 25 comments
· 9 years ago
Batman is just rich and a good fighter for a human, Tony's a genius and im the suit he would flatten Bruce. Out of the suit he's also a fighter and intelligence is very important in a fight. Also he has superhero friends, Superman doesn't like Bruce.
I mean, they're both rich human geniuses 25 comments
This. 83 comments
· 9 years ago
We read the book in school aswell, heoes right? It's disgusting that anyone would ever see it that way, I go to an all girls school so everyone was disgusted because it's something we're all afraid of.
Best magic trick ever 4 comments
Solid logic 19 comments
· 9 years ago
I'm not saying it's just the guns problem but if people don't have the guns or there is strict legislation saying you have to have a certain level of training and maybe a phsyc evaluation to own a gun then the amount of random shootings by lunatics and accidental shootings by untrained citizens would go down. Like in Switzerland the people with the guns have undergone military training.
Solid logic 19 comments
· 9 years ago
Plus of course stricter regulations in certain states doesn't work, all someone would have to do would be drive an hour or so and they can buy a gun legally, no black market stuff or anything dangerous, it's all completely legal.
Solid logic 19 comments
· 9 years ago
"and an increase rate of crimes with other weapons"
I would much rather be attacked by someone with a knife than with a gun, atleast then I have a fighting chance.
Just look at this website
Adjusting for differences in population size, rates of homicides from guns were 6.6 times larger in the US than in Portugal, the country with one of the highest rates in Western Europe. -Western Europe, in general, also has strict gun laws.
The US has higher rates of homicides from guns than Pakistan at 4.5 deaths per 100,000 people.
As for Switzerland it has hardly any gun laws and also just happens to have the one of the highest gun crime rates in Europe, even then the reason for the high rate of gun owner ship is "The vast majority of men between the ages of 20 and 30 are conscripted into the militia and undergo military training." a little more safe than random home owner right?
I would much rather be attacked by someone with a knife than with a gun, atleast then I have a fighting chance.
Just look at this website
Adjusting for differences in population size, rates of homicides from guns were 6.6 times larger in the US than in Portugal, the country with one of the highest rates in Western Europe. -Western Europe, in general, also has strict gun laws.
The US has higher rates of homicides from guns than Pakistan at 4.5 deaths per 100,000 people.
As for Switzerland it has hardly any gun laws and also just happens to have the one of the highest gun crime rates in Europe, even then the reason for the high rate of gun owner ship is "The vast majority of men between the ages of 20 and 30 are conscripted into the militia and undergo military training." a little more safe than random home owner right?
Solid logic 19 comments
· 9 years ago
I'm sorry but just look at statistics, countries with strict gun laws in place have a significantly lower rate of gun related crime, and I mean a huge difference. I don't doubt that gangs and criminals could still get hold of guns but the average person can't just walk into a shop and say 'oh that guns big I'll have 3 of those'. You could say 'guns don't kill people, people kill people' but it's a little bit harder for people to kill people when they don't have 5 guns in the garage, 'for safety'. Also in most countries with gun laws the police don't carry guns, and you know how many people are accedentally killed because 'I thought he was armed' or 'he looked wrong'? None.
Solid logic 19 comments
· 9 years ago
Yeah but it allows it's citizens to carry guns, a lunatic with a gun isn't gonna stop because he's not allowed the gun in there, but if no-one sold him the gun it'd be a little harder for him wouldn't it? -_- (and I know the blankets aren't for that reason)
So do you girls like muscular men? 80 comments