Genius inspires resentment. A sad fact of life - Artemis Fowl
My common sense is tingling- Deadpool
President of south Africa 47 comments
· 8 years ago
What white nonsense is this? Apartheid killings started long before the riots, poc were considered inferior and thus their life meant nothing. The killings started on a larger scale after protest action. Also, the "call for white genocide" was called for by EFF members and ANCYL members. Not ANC members, and it was sparked after numerous acts of racism and abuse by white people made the news. Everything elseis just that black people want their land back, land stolen from them from white people who didn't deserve it, which is why so man african natives live in poverty. They want redistribution, not to get rid of white people.
President of south Africa 47 comments
· 8 years ago
Uhm no, they really dont. Yes they're corrupt, but there is no murder. Unlike in the apartheid era.
President of south Africa 47 comments
· 8 years ago
To be completely fair, when poor people vote for him, to them, they're not actually voting for HIM, they're voting for the ANC which has been in power since the fall of apartheid. Im not condoning him or the people who vote for him, but essentially,they feel theyd much rather have him in power than put SA under the yolk of a white man again.
The tv shows are way better than the movies 14 comments
· 8 years ago
Nah. The cinematic universe and series universe are way too different and while the series actors are better for their dramatic and constantly emotionally testing situations, they wouldnt suit the cinematic universe.
I bet you sang this 2 comments
No swimming alligators 7 comments
Apparently, the 'Imagine a new color' is not really impossible 31 comments
· 8 years ago
There is a theory that the human eye is only able to view a certain percentage of the colour spectrum. If we had more of some sort of receptor in our eyeballs (i cant remember the name) we would see many more colours.
Apparently, the 'Imagine a new color' is not really impossible 31 comments
· 8 years ago
Exactly. They didnt discover a brand new colour, simply a different shade of an existing colour.
He cant Stan this anymore 5 comments
I would do it 22 comments
· 8 years ago
Hell yes. Think about it, if Im god-like, i can just create more people after humanity dies out. Hell, id probably be the one to end humanity. And erase George Clooney as batman. And Jar Jar Binks. And Afflecks Daredevil.
Yes drag her by that hairdo 12 comments
HELL TO THE YES 11 comments
Affordable? nope 3 comments
404 title not found 2 comments
· 8 years ago
Yeah, as long as you dont stand behind me like that, I'd be happy lifting both on my own.
How to fix asshole parking 12 comments
· 8 years ago
Itd work even better if you tied it to the wheel via the hubcap. On the passenger side. That way the asshole wouldnt notice till he/she started driving.
DC be like 8 comments
· 8 years ago
I dont like Zac that much,but Affleck is directing the Batman movie, and the rumor is that zac is being sacked in favor of someone else. Im just saying,DC is finally giving us a universe, im excited.
*hail hydra* 8 comments