Directions unclear; accidentally aimed a GRB at Earth in the future.
— DarthSagacious Report User
Where assholes meet 15 comments
· 7 years ago
Just my luck. And hers.
This leaf has been properly mended 3 comments
*packs bags* 6 comments
Making good use of Newton's 3rd law 5 comments
Expecting a call from HR in the near future 1 comments
Ladies, Have you checked it 10 comments
· 7 years ago
Who has to be told that blood coming out of your nipples is not a good thing?
Where assholes meet 15 comments
Everything comes with a price 5 comments
· 7 years ago
Photographic memory does not equal intelligence. It would certainly make some things easier (history, for example), but would not necessarily help with anything that requires problem solving or higher-order thinking.
Everything comes with a price 5 comments
Triboluminescence is the effect of light being emitted when something is broken 4 comments
· 7 years ago
I was coming to say that. There are a lot of interesting ways to make light, and some that we have no clue how it works.
This changes the connotation of "playing it close to the chest." 2 comments
· 7 years ago
That's called hyperhidrosis. You are most likely fine (i.e. it is a result of benign genetics), but there are some possible neurological or endocrine causes that you might want to get looked at, just in case.
Help meeeee~~!!!! Snakeeeee 10 comments
· 7 years ago
Great, that's super entertaining... I was just trying to share something interesting about animals, since everyone is so obsessed with them.
Hadron,from greek 'qpov - thick ,stout 5 comments
Help meeeee~~!!!! Snakeeeee 10 comments
Help meeeee~~!!!! Snakeeeee 10 comments
5 million or 5k forever 37 comments
· 7 years ago
I already make enough to live comfortably, so I would take the $5M and put half in safe investments and the other half in higher risk, bigger potential gain investments. After an as of yet indeterminate amount of profit, I would open up my own lab and get into what I really want, which is to go back to school and get another degree (in nanoscience this time) and start curing diseases from the molecular level, before they even have a chance to become a disease.
Help meeeee~~!!!! Snakeeeee 10 comments
· 7 years ago
Adult cats (particularly lions) will mimic pain when their little ones bite them in order to encourage the babies and show them that they are doing a good job learning how to hunt.
Pretty relatable 14 comments
· 7 years ago
Yes, we all know John 3:16. But, looking at the evidence around us, one has to really question how much God could care and still let this shit happen.
Can we get some recognition for The Desert Fox? 33 comments
· 7 years ago
Respect for admitting a mistaken viewpoint. I know I'm not always right, and I know it is sometimes hard to quasi-publicly admit it.
Where assholes meet 15 comments
· 7 years ago
It actually is. Either they realize they are an asshole and decide to change, or, at the very least, they get what they deserve. Also, I get being an asshole out of my system so I can be decent to people who don't deserve it. Triple win.
Can we get some recognition for The Desert Fox? 33 comments
· 7 years ago
Yes, I think you are trolling. If you had ever been a soldier, you would know that you only have to follow lawful orders. A soldier is under no obligation to commit a crime that was ordered, and the Nuremberg Trials might ring a bell that soldiers can be tried for war crimes. The armed forces are made to serve and protect, not to mindlessly murder.
Where assholes meet 15 comments
· 7 years ago
Yes I can. But, I can also get to my car before it gets towed. I'm usually only an asshole to assholes. They are also illegally parked.
Can we get some recognition for The Desert Fox? 33 comments
· 7 years ago
I'm not going to feed you, troll. Go cut off your foot and stick it in your mouth. I'm sure you're used to it being there figuratively, so you might as well do it literally.