

— Darin Report User
U look boootiful 42 comments
darin · 9 years ago
Putting the Handicaps first 4 comments
darin · 9 years ago
Kids drawings 7 comments
darin · 9 years ago
'Murica is spreading like mayo 25 comments
darin · 9 years ago
please can we make this happen?? 17 comments
darin · 10 years ago
Someone is missing out on all the fun! 15 comments
darin · 10 years ago
Trying to understand the evil 50 comments
darin · 10 years ago
I am guessing that he/she will be very popular, as in well liked. Hitler got elected on the promise of "freedom and bread" for everyone during a time when that's what the people needed. They didn't elect a monster. They elected hope. In terms of gaining power, that could be more powerful than force. Of course it could also go down ala Doctor Who and we all just start following the heartbeat of the Master.
Trying to understand the evil 50 comments
darin · 10 years ago
This has been a fun discussion. On a side note, I have absolutely no freaking idea who Aubrey O'day is.
Trying to understand the evil 50 comments
darin · 10 years ago
You- I like you.
on pandora..... 7 comments
darin · 10 years ago
Trying to understand the evil 50 comments
darin · 10 years ago
Decisions and accidents that change the world...
Trying to understand the evil 50 comments
darin · 10 years ago
The thing about him though is that he didn't rise to power. The people didn't choose him. They follow him out of fear, necessity, and ignorance. People chose hitler. They followed him with passion. That's the scary part.
Pebbleinthepond said something about the evil that lies inside all of us. That, that's what's so f-n scary. He convinced a nation of good people to do horrible things in the name if greatness.
Trying to understand the evil 50 comments
darin · 10 years ago
History is freaking scary ain't it! This guy was actually pretty close to winning! Really close! Can you imagine?
Trying to understand the evil 50 comments
darin · 10 years ago
I agree, but I also think that is the point worth taking away from the original post. People don't follow morons. They follow great men with great promise. We shouldn't forget they were swayed by greatness, not idiocy. Let me be clear, I am making no comparisons here, but for illustrative purposes- the next hitler is going to be a lot more like Obama than Kim Jong Un. People are going to love him...at first.
Trying to understand the evil 50 comments
darin · 10 years ago
Bush jokes. Original. He wasn't a great speaker. He must be intellectually disabled. Maybe he should have used a teleprompter? There is a difference between moronic and immoral. Unless you aren't really good with knowing a bunch of words and stuff. Then I guess it's easier to just say moron.
Trying to understand the evil 50 comments
darin · 10 years ago
These comments are dead on accurate and show a good understanding of what kind of person he was which makes me happy. I'm always bothered to see people on this site that make lighthearted jokes about him and do cute shit like make "hitler toast." He was smart, cunning, a brilliant leader, and was one of the most transformative people in the history of the world. He was also evil. The level of atrocity and the amount of suffering he caused, the things he did... He is not a cartoon. He is not part of a joke, he doesn't go on toast. He is evil beyond comprehension.
Metal Fans... Awesome As Could Be 17 comments
darin · 10 years ago
Gender deodorant 9 comments
darin · 10 years ago
Smart people problem 17 comments
darin · 10 years ago
1 · Edited 10 years ago
The one exception 29 comments
darin · 10 years ago
I don't care if he's a vegetarian 30 comments
darin · 10 years ago
Feels or Laughs? 23 comments
darin · 10 years ago
Gifs are funnier in reverse. 16 comments
darin · 10 years ago