

— Dapple Report User
Why Fall is Fall 7 comments
dapple · 6 years ago
My British friend thought this was hilarious!
d*ck holder 9 comments
dapple · 6 years ago
Doesn't the Bible also say "Judge not, lest ye be judged?" Also "God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world but to save the world through him?" Also "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."? It's their judgement day. You will have your own.
Also..to the person doing the name calling... "When you can't win an argument so you make fun of their laugh"...hmmm
How 'bout we stop ALL the hate??
Make sense to me! 8 comments
dapple · 6 years ago
So....you come home one day, and someone has tried to pick your locks, but got frustrated and left....the three locks you thought were locked are now different and you are locked out of your apartment.
He was right 1 comments
dapple · 6 years ago
What ever it was, I want some 6 comments
dapple · 6 years ago
Sunsets are rarely silent. The wind, the birds, the water...whatever is close by, are all saying good night, congrats on making through one more day, be still now... and still...there is so much energy in pure silence.