

— DailyDoseOfMusic Report User
Feel like a douchebag 8 comments
dailydoseofmusic · 9 years ago
And German ppl will probably make fun of your accent.
Why Americans are surprised by the rise of Donald Trump? 32 comments
dailydoseofmusic · 9 years ago
I support Bernie Sanders.
Thank you Ennio Morricone! 5 comments
dailydoseofmusic · 9 years ago
Le'estasi Dell'oro will forever be one of the most iconic pieces in cinema history. Extremely well deserved.
Why Americans are surprised by the rise of Donald Trump? 32 comments
dailydoseofmusic · 9 years ago
There's way more to trumps rise. He answered to peoples fears and hatred of basic politicians. If people were just scared of terrorism and those groups a candidate like ted cruz or Marco rubio would be leading. Donald trumps success is because he gives off a false notion of success by being a successful real estate mogul and a household name. This dude A, has obviously never watched an interview with a trump supporter and B, should stop thinking about the bigoted results against Muslims as a result of a possible trump presidency but also the consequences to Mexicans, lower class and middle class americans. As well as U.S-world relations which will probably go to hell.
A stormtroopers unit after a paintball game 3 comments
dailydoseofmusic · 9 years ago
made me IRL giggle
#makedonalddrumpfagain 8 comments
dailydoseofmusic · 9 years ago
John Oliver generally didn't say anything about trump (except for one five minute segment) and he explained why. He has a big following and hopefully it can amount to some slowing down of Trump
#makedonalddrumpfagain 8 comments
dailydoseofmusic · 9 years ago
John oliver is amazing.
Caught them having public sex on my property 7 comments
dailydoseofmusic · 9 years ago
When u get a new camera and want to show it off
Welp. f*ck. ;---; 14 comments
dailydoseofmusic · 9 years ago
I hope this happens to all of them 16 comments
dailydoseofmusic · 9 years ago
They didn't and he died.
It's a sweet car, but that has to sting a little 7 comments
dailydoseofmusic · 9 years ago
It's a bubble, eventually it'll all go up again.
Ctrl c, ctrl v 16 comments
dailydoseofmusic · 9 years ago
Not at all.
The harsh realities of life. 32 comments
dailydoseofmusic · 9 years ago
The Germans knew well what was going on and many were pro. Shit like krystalnacht wasn't done by a raging Hitler. Not only that but these soldiers chose to fight and protect a nation that they (once again) knew damn well what was going on. Draft or not, there was still a choice during the battles.
The harsh realities of life. 32 comments
dailydoseofmusic · 9 years ago
I meant Nazi era Germany. And as a Jew who has lineage directly affected by the Nazi's. I really don't give a shit about those soldier's feelings.
The harsh realities of life. 32 comments
dailydoseofmusic · 9 years ago
There's a photo of German soldiers...
Dutch sayings translated to English 15 comments
dailydoseofmusic · 9 years ago
It... it says it. right on the post.
Saw this scene in The Martian, I had to add that little detail 12 comments
dailydoseofmusic · 9 years ago
I was so happy when I saw this scene.
Dutch sayings translated to English 15 comments
dailydoseofmusic · 9 years ago
This has to be bullshit.
Armed Forces & Free Shit 36 comments
dailydoseofmusic · 9 years ago
Bernie never mentioned anything about higher education establishments. He's talking about community colleges. For the hard working people in the lower classes that can't afford it. A good example was when I was attending a community college in Florida there was a woman there with a kid and two jobs struggling to be able to get a degree so she can get a higher salary and a chance to give her kid that higher education that she couldn't.
Accurate 26 comments
dailydoseofmusic · 9 years ago
But props to dad for coming up with that on the spot
Deadpool's marketing team 14 comments
dailydoseofmusic · 9 years ago
The real mvp's
Why pixar, just why? 20 comments
dailydoseofmusic · 9 years ago
So this guy, I'd like to meet him. for science of course.
Why pixar, just why? 20 comments
dailydoseofmusic · 9 years ago
If you know a head storyboard artist at Pixar I definitely want to chill_with_you
I would probably say "I knew it!" Then die 30 comments
dailydoseofmusic · 9 years ago
in the words of plankton, "I don't know, I didn't think I'd get this far"
Papa franku with the real talk 11 comments
dailydoseofmusic · 9 years ago
I've never gotten the hype of Beyonce.