

— DailyDoseOfMusic Report User
Texting "hey" 10 comments
dailydoseofmusic · 9 years ago
Usually actual convos.
Texting "hey" 10 comments
dailydoseofmusic · 9 years ago
"heyyy, what's up?"
Texting "hey" 10 comments
dailydoseofmusic · 9 years ago
Well.... Shit.
Texting "hey" 10 comments
dailydoseofmusic · 9 years ago
Wait is this true? I've had a girl texting me like this for the past two weeks.
At least they didn't feel the bern. 45 comments
dailydoseofmusic · 9 years ago
If you didn't read, I said its a better plan for those who used to not be able to afford. for those that did the insurance rates went up, so that the insurance companies would still be profitable. I never said the way insurance worked was better before, I said that it was cheaper and more reliable for middle class families like the one I grew up in. And that's the problem, because the average american family is middle class. Overall I'm not a fan of any of these systems, privatizing healthcare is damaging because at the end of the day companies want to make money, this doesn't work when we're talking about people's health and safety because of the high costs of different drugs, procedures, etc...
So that's why Drake and Josh ended 6 comments
dailydoseofmusic · 9 years ago
At least they didn't feel the bern. 45 comments
dailydoseofmusic · 9 years ago
Obamacare is more expensive then what we used to have. except for poor people who can't afford. a massive problem from this is that people take advantage of this system by getting paid off the books, (meaning they're not an official employee) So they don't pay taxes and their salaries aren't known to the u.s government. This allows them to be able to have full health care which is paid for by the american taxpayer. Also his foreign policies are sometime nightmareish. He made a deal with Iran allowing them to continue their nuclear program which is supposed to be for, "power". Which for a peaceful democratic nation is fine, sadly Iran is not a peaceful democratic nation. It is run by extremists and has violated many international laws enforced by the u.n.My point is, for the confused Australian is that he hasn't been a good president that's why he doesn't have good approval from the american people.
Saw this and thought of you guys :) 9 comments
dailydoseofmusic · 9 years ago
Does nobody else think its fucked up an 11 year old is talking about relationships and wearing pounds of makeup?
Shit at work 6 comments
dailydoseofmusic · 9 years ago
Ironically I'm sitting on the shitter at work as I read this.
The only normal character in the whole movie! 5 comments
dailydoseofmusic · 9 years ago
The bee movie is a national treasure
It's true... All of it 3 comments
dailydoseofmusic · 9 years ago
I stopped watching fast and serious since the third.
Rio De Janeiro, Brazil 5 comments
dailydoseofmusic · 9 years ago
or a fart
When I Am Allowed to React Again 10 comments
dailydoseofmusic · 9 years ago
Not even the idea of, "teens react" or "elders react". only the idea of having a group react to different genres of stuff then get asked different questions about said stuff. example of reaction videos that happen but aren't in the same category as finebros would be buzzfeed. Different reactions to food, inventions etc...
When I Am Allowed to React Again 10 comments
dailydoseofmusic · 9 years ago
They never trademarked the word or reaction videos. only the style of which they made their videos.
The ice is $2.99 24 comments
dailydoseofmusic · 9 years ago
Thank you for killing my joke btw
The ice is $2.99 24 comments
dailydoseofmusic · 9 years ago
asexual males**
The ice is $2.99 24 comments
dailydoseofmusic · 9 years ago 1
This is beautiful 15 comments
dailydoseofmusic · 9 years ago
How old is this??
Like seriously that's a first gen iPhone.
Maybe I'll spring for First Class next time I fly 19 comments
dailydoseofmusic · 9 years ago
That's not a regular.... never mind.
This book changed me 9 comments
dailydoseofmusic · 9 years ago
Correct me if I'm wrong, but is this talking about the world trade center, and how the rescuers got ash and debris in their lungs?
7 · Edited 9 years ago
ayy 12 comments
dailydoseofmusic · 9 years ago
Or you can just watch the fucking movie and stop ruining the idea of literally watching Netflix while chilling.
The Fine brothers think they can copyright the term "react".WTF 14 comments
dailydoseofmusic · 9 years ago
Small channel tries making a react video that probably wont get many views.
They work with finebros react, "WORLD" and get editing help, along with fame and more.
Get way more money then would've originally if didn't work with finebros.
"fucking assholes for stealing a small portion of the massive amount I made that I wouldn't have made without them"
Ricky Gervais has no chill 45 comments
dailydoseofmusic · 9 years ago
They're tax exempt. I work for a nonforprofit school and its very different. all funding going to the church can be kept by the church. if you want to see how badly some people take advantage of that system look up, "John Oliver churches" on YouTube.
Me in a job interview vs. Me in real life 8 comments
dailydoseofmusic · 9 years ago
What if you put it in brownies?
What you get for 2 US$ in Colombia 20 comments
dailydoseofmusic · 9 years ago
programmers can work remotely