

Hey mang, Gonna upload some good ole cringe.

— DailyDoseOfCringe Report User
G-g-gee Rick. I don't know if this advertisement is going to work 8 comments
dailydoseofcringe · 9 years ago
Ye-yes it will Morty! We j-just gotta *urp* Gotta push through, Morty.
casinos....casinos everywhere 5 comments
dailydoseofcringe · 9 years ago
1 · Edited 9 years ago
The perfect reply 113 comments
dailydoseofcringe · 9 years ago
Fuck off, edge lord.
so cool 16 comments
dailydoseofcringe · 9 years ago
RuneScape was my SHIT
so cool 16 comments
dailydoseofcringe · 9 years ago
Pearl's face in the thumbnail just makes this so much more better 25 comments
dailydoseofcringe · 9 years ago
I don't understand the appeal of this show, it's seems like the only reason it's liked is because of "Muh strong female leads" and whatnot. I don't feel like this show brings anything new to the table. You have the uptight and smart character, the fat and lazy shit-for-brains, and the big broody scary quiet one, oh and let's not forget the "that-one-'cool'-character-that-all-kids-want-to-be" character. The animations have the same thick lined minor detail flash that every animated kids show uses. It all just feels like nothing. Nothing new is brought to the table. I just don't understand it.
Paying to live on Earth 29 comments
dailydoseofcringe · 9 years ago
Misanthropists pls
You just don't need that kind of negativity in your life 23 comments
dailydoseofcringe · 9 years ago
Wow, never thought I would agree with this guy.
I want to slap that girl 24 comments
dailydoseofcringe · 9 years ago
How a zoo SHOULD look 13 comments
dailydoseofcringe · 9 years ago
Jesus Christ. How the fuck did it get on top.
Good luck to all you small channels out there 31 comments
dailydoseofcringe · 9 years ago
>Playing MOBAs
>Not superior RTS
In all of my days, I have never seen such Heresy.
Good luck to all you small channels out there 31 comments
dailydoseofcringe · 9 years ago
Is /pol/ raiding?
You just don't need that kind of negativity in your life 23 comments
dailydoseofcringe · 9 years ago
Don't. It's literally the same as posting "First!" On YouTube. Nobody gives a shit.
A sense of priorities 11 comments
dailydoseofcringe · 9 years ago
That's because people LEAVE college, unlike prison, where you usually stay for more than 20 years.
I have no title... I'm 100% done with the internet 6 comments
dailydoseofcringe · 9 years ago
Meh, cross dressing is one of the more tame fetishes.
Every time I watch STARWARS I think 15 comments
dailydoseofcringe · 9 years ago
The emperors Guards from Star Wars
1 · Edited 9 years ago
You just don't need that kind of negativity in your life 23 comments
dailydoseofcringe · 9 years ago
>If people don't like the same things as me then leave them!
lol no
The Sheriff on the Oregon college shooter 53 comments
dailydoseofcringe · 9 years ago
See what I mean? The government was designed to do nothing more than make laws and control the military. Nothing more, nothing less. So when something like Obamacare was introduced, people were afraid that they would jack up tax, which has always been a subject of worry.
Made me smile. Thumbs up if you get it. 13 comments
dailydoseofcringe · 9 years ago
Are you...The champ?
The Sheriff on the Oregon college shooter 53 comments
dailydoseofcringe · 9 years ago
Ah, I see what you're getting at. You see, here in the U.S, we do have a government controlled healthcare, but we live in a very capitalist society, unlike Canada or Australia, where they have a higher tax rate, but you get free health care. In America though, we only have a 7 percent tax rate, and most healthcare is privately owned. The problem with the Obamacare plan, is that it would have to either take away from our governments already tight budget (Not really tight, but in all the wrong places) or raise the tax rate, which would cause a massive uproar from the middle class, because we suffer the most from this. The lower classes get the free healthcare, while we have to spend our money to provide for them. And yes, the idea of it sounds good, but in reality, it doesn't work with such a large population like America. People would cheat the system, take it for granted, or the system wouldn't even work properly.
The Sheriff on the Oregon college shooter 53 comments
dailydoseofcringe · 9 years ago
Like I said before


Those countries have a low population compared to America, and then have much stricter gun laws to boot. If you took those laws, then applied them to a population like America, yes, the murder rate would go down, but not enough to make a huge difference. If someone wants to kill you, they'll find another way. And even then, most of the time, if some one shoots someone with a gun, they had acquired that gun ILLEGALLY. If someone gonna shoot you, they won't care whether or not the gun they used was legally registered.
The Sheriff on the Oregon college shooter 53 comments
dailydoseofcringe · 9 years ago
You have to remember POPULATION. Autralia has what, Twenty million or something like that? While here in the U.S, we have an upward of 318.9 million. There is too big of a difference to properly compare Murders and shootings. Yes, it seems often here, but that's because we have a VERY large population. And I know you might be thinking, "What about China or India? They have most of the world in those countries, why aren't shootings happening there?" I looked up on India, and it seems that the government has complete control over the guns manufactured, while here in America, We have privately owned companies making weapons as they want. Also, the gun control laws are MUCH more strict in India than here, since, and don't take this for a fact, I think that they're constitution doesn't ever mention the right to bear arms. China, on the other hand, is much different. It seems as if they don't sell fire arms at all, and illegally trafficking firearms is punishable by death.
Vikings Don't Get Any Credit 25 comments
dailydoseofcringe · 9 years ago
Because they landed in Greenland, off of Canada.
No one woluld ever have to go hungry 17 comments
dailydoseofcringe · 9 years ago
Why not just get an old oil rig and just use that? Even then, it's not that great of an idea.
1 · Edited 9 years ago