Claus Christensen


— Claus Christensen Report User
Beautiful 22 comments
cskoett · 7 years ago
Bet the landmines would have made that a lively fucking game.
I love Hades! 11 comments
cskoett · 7 years ago
Is it just me or could that movie totally have been about a boy who Just Wanted To Dance?
Would we be the bullies 12 comments
cskoett · 7 years ago
You know about the genocides 'n shit, right? I mean, the US has gone to war on much weaker justifications before.
If you can't explain it you don't understand it 4 comments
cskoett · 7 years ago
I thought that was Feynman. He was the one with the whole plain speech philosophy, wasn't he?
I love my hometown :-) 2 comments
cskoett · 7 years ago
I bet the novelty wears off pretty fucking quick.
Fox village 13 comments
cskoett · 7 years ago
Considering how foxes tend to smell, that island is going to stink like you wouldn't believe...
Oh my 33 comments
cskoett · 7 years ago
Y'know, hunting manual author is exactly the sort of job I would expect a serial killer to have. Right up there with taxidermist.
Dammit Storm 6 comments
cskoett · 7 years ago
The whole civil rights metaphor really breaks down when you consider some of what these kids can do. Alright, so one kid just has weird eyes and can see through walls. No big deal as such, and putting him on some kind of watch list is a bit much. But they you have kill-all-you-touch-girl and bazooka-eyes-guy and a man who can puppeteer people with his mind and is only held in check by his moral compass. Senator Kelly is a dick 'n all, but it'd be weird if the government DIDN'T keep track of these people. Especially since they all need to learn how to use their ability like they just grew a whole new limb, and their immature flailing is liable to cause some property damage at best. Kill a lot of people at worst. When random members of the public start to be able to explode cars by sneezing and walk through walls, some kind if response is warranted, damnit. It needs dealing with.
Food is a great way to build friendship 2 comments
cskoett · 7 years ago
"Sweety, if you don't invite the other kids over to your birthday, you won't be able to go to theirs either."
"That's an option? Sweet!"
- actual exchange between me and my mom when I was little
Rare Mythical Creatures III: I present to you the Chamrosh, a wolf-bird 10 comments
cskoett · 7 years ago
I remember that illustration. It's from one of the d&d 3.5 expansions. Sandstorm, I think.
Move to Denmark 15 comments
cskoett · 7 years ago
You forgot "crippling respect for privacy and a somewhat baffling expectation that others follow suit." There's a common joke that Danes don't use blinkers because it's none of your business where we're going. So if a scientist trots up and ask some Danes if they're happy with their life, they could literally be on fire and they would still answer "yes" or "it's alright" just to make him bud out.
I'm not saying that's the only reason we're always so high in those tests, buuuut...
Skeletons unearthed from the catacombs of rome 20 comments
cskoett · 7 years ago
This is so totally preparation for lichdom ceremonies that never got off the ground.
Simple but great invention 8 comments
cskoett · 7 years ago
If you've got to get up on a freaking bike and ride for an hour or two to do laundry, you might as well skip the pedal power and just do it by hand the old fashioned way, no?
Controversial opinion 100 comments
cskoett · 7 years ago
The UN Parliament agreed to the Human Rights declaration because it is a permanent casus belli that allows any country to declare war on another by citing human rights abuses, no matter how vague or unsubstantiated - usually when a rich nation needs to attack a poor one. It allows the opponent to be painted as monsters out of hand.
Some good news finally! :D 25 comments
cskoett · 7 years ago
"If trends continue." So basically we have to continue with all the green politics for 34 more years. Considering how much resistance there is against it, don't celebrate yet.
The Land of the Free 31 comments
cskoett · 7 years ago
Consider for a moment that you have to reach into ORGAN HARVESTING territory to find something worse than what the US does. Oh, and the US also has death penalty.
Husky during different seasons 6 comments
cskoett · 7 years ago
Long, continuous derp
A Real Vacation 20 comments
cskoett · 7 years ago
Uh. I'm Danish and I've never heard of that before. Are you... sure it's Denmark you're thinking of?
What do you think? 59 comments
cskoett · 7 years ago
Somehow I don't think that's what OP had in mind.
What do you think? 59 comments
cskoett · 7 years ago
This is one of those things that sounds deep but breaks down under the slightest bit of scrutiny. Seriously, there is no good reason why men and women shouldn't be able to do the same things. Oh, and "women are losing their uniqueness" must be the kindest way I've ever heard anyone tell them to get back in the kitchen.
Many of us know the feeling 7 comments
cskoett · 8 years ago
"Childhood was a magical time where you had no responsibilities and" no influence on anything going on around you, no knowledge, no skills, no experience doing anything at all. You were not permitted to do anything cool, and you had no authority to tell people where to shove it, or indeed tell them anything of consequence. Whyall would you limit what little strength you have by refusing to let go of your childhood? By the time you have adulthood to carry, childhood has served its purpose. Let. It. Go.
Good guy hacker 16 comments
cskoett · 8 years ago
I'm sure that'll slow down the whalers, what with then being so powerless without government websites.
16 · Edited 8 years ago
I would love to have one of these 5 comments
cskoett · 8 years ago
... for when you have more vertical than horizontal space in your room?
Steampunk animals made from old car parts 4 comments
cskoett · 8 years ago
What's the artists name?
'MERICA 19 comments
cskoett · 8 years ago
*rest of the world holds back snickering in background*