To whoever keeps down voting all my comments for no reason, what did I ever do to you?
— CrashBandicoot Report User
Some people are Canadian, get over it 22 comments
· 11 years ago
Canada, the country with beavers, poutine, maple syrup, overly polite people, and rainbow money.
Man is it good to be Canadian.....
Man is it good to be Canadian.....
Hmm 5 comments
· 11 years ago
Well mine isn't, my parents didn't let me start watching dragon ball until I was 12. My childhood is still fully intact, besides, until recently I always thought Freeza was a woman
Woah, he plays hockey 38 comments
· 11 years ago
Right.... Big cock..... Not sure why the size of your rooster would matter to a girl, pretty sure they'd be more interested in your dick... But hey, I've never got a girl so who am I to judge?
Apparently this opinion makes me some kind of monster 119 comments
· 11 years ago
See this is what I'm saying. A lot of people seem to be thinking it's referring to mental or physical disabilities that someone could live with when the meme clearly says "fatal", as in they're going to die and there's not much you can do other than make them last just a bit longer. My grandmother had a daughter born with a heart defect that killed her a week after she was born, and when I say that I think children born with defects should be euthanized, that is the type of defect I'm talking about.
I was thinking that too 8 comments
· 11 years ago
Me too. It wasn't like the acid fog, they could have just made a makeshift hut or umbrella to protec themselves from the blood rain, or just kept their heads down for a bit
Superhero things 18 comments
· 11 years ago
Well there's also Bat girl and another guy who's name I can't remember. So yeah, Ribin hasn't been Batmans only sidekick
Apparently this opinion makes me some kind of monster 119 comments
· 11 years ago
Look it's one thing if the kid is born with Down syndrome, in which case yeah, it deserves to live, but being born with something that will constantly cause it to suffer, and then just make it continue living with that suffering isn't exactly fair. Yes it would break my heart if someday I had to do that, but I would sleep better knowing that they didn't have to suffer any longer
The world’s largest swimming pool 13 comments
· 11 years ago
And it's nice to swim without thinking "what the fuck just swam past my ankle?!"
Apparently this opinion makes me some kind of monster 119 comments
· 11 years ago
Well, I think they mean birth defects that will kill them within the first year or first few months.... If it's something that they can live with for years then sure let them live and try and help them.
Apparently this opinion makes me some kind of monster 119 comments
· 11 years ago
Me too. I think it's better for then to be put out of their misery before the parents get attached to them and before the baby starts suffering.
Disney Princess Le- 9 comments
· 11 years ago
Would appreciate that, but if it's youtube it probably won't work because Canadian YouTube sucks and blocks a lot of Disney stuff
Disney Princess Le- 9 comments
· 11 years ago
I've seen literally every other movie. The only reason I haven't seen Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty yet is because when we still had working tapes of them I was in denial over liking Disney princesses and my sister watched them so much she broke them. I know, I pretty much suck for not having have seen them.... When they come out on blu ray again I'll go buy my self copies of them.... Until then I'm stuck with very limited knowledge of both of those movies
Disney Princess Le- 9 comments
· 11 years ago
*disney nerd mode activated* ACTUALLY!!! Elsa and Merida remained single after their movies, Jasmine was actually trying to avoid marriage but ended up falling in love after some persuasion, Rapunzel just wanted to see the lanterns up close but ended up falling in love, and Belle hated Beast for the majority of the movie. Actually out of the princesses (going off of the movies I've seen) the only ones that really seem to be obsessed with finding true love are Anna, and Ariel. I don't now about Cinderella or Aurora because I haven't seen those movies though.
Disney nerd rant over.
Disney nerd rant over.
Haven't you heard? 6 comments
when my mom picks out clothes for me 14 comments
He was the worst 16 comments
· 11 years ago
And then Nintendo realized how awful that is so they made him overly nice in the new game so the next generation of gamers would never know the pain....
My life 23 comments
· 11 years ago
I am convinced that Nintendo is going broke because they've been going over board with too many games that turned out to be okay at best (Link Between worlds being one of those games, in my opinion) so they're trying to suck as much money out of us as possible so they can save their sorry asses
A double-faced Siamese cat. 29 comments
· 11 years ago
To attempt to answer some of your questions...... The middle eye, which is most likely the one you're talking about, either doesn't work at all, or can be blinked useing the cats third and fourth eyelids, which I believe are visible in this gif. Secondly, this type of thing generally happens when one kitten absorbs the other on the womb (due to the sibling dieing or something like that) causing random extra parts, it sometimes happens to humans too, but rarely to the point where we end up with two faces, and that is how this type of thing happens.... Or radiation caused it to develope a second face, but that's less likely.
My life 23 comments
· 11 years ago
Apparently they're making a 3ds one but you have to pay to access the site
My life 23 comments
· 11 years ago
This perfectly describes me trying to show funny Flipnotes videos to my family back when Flipnotes Hatenea was still a thing
Putting on pants Drunk 8 comments
· 11 years ago
And here we see the mighty king of the jungle, vanquishing his prey, the tire... It appears as though he's having some technical difficulties though...
when my mom picks out clothes for me 14 comments
· 11 years ago
Everyday I wear a graphic shirt. This is what I've done since the beginning of eighth grade. Even at my graduation I wore a super man shirt under my suit. The other day mom comes home, says "I got you knew clothes you will just love!" Look at what she got me..... Shirts. Plain old button up shirts. Thanks mom, you tried. I guess I can just wear another shirt under them and pull a super man like I did at grad....
Edited 11 years ago
Optical effect 27 comments
· 11 years ago
For some reason this doesn't work for me..... Maybe it might have if I didn't know exactly what to expect....
Today: *snowstorm* fuck you nature