To whoever keeps down voting all my comments for no reason, what did I ever do to you?
— CrashBandicoot Report User
A Bugs Life please! 90 comments
· 11 years ago
I completely agree. Same with All Dogs go to Heaven... Though I didn't really fully understand the part where Charlie went to Hell at the time.... And then the most emotionally compromising thing about both those movies, Judith Barisi, the girl who voiced Ducky and Anne Mary, was shot and killed by her own father. When I found out about that it was basically the first time I saw Land Before Time all over again
A Bugs Life please! 90 comments
· 11 years ago
If it makes you feel better the only reason I know that was because I told my disney obsessed friend that "Secret of NIMH was really freaky for a Disney movie" and they flipped out and went on a rant, long story short I'm now very aware that that movie was made by Don Bluth, not Disney. Funny, this guy had this saying that you could show anything to kids as long as it had a happy ending.... Which explains his other works: Land Before Time, All Dogs go to Heaven, American Tail.... All very very emotionally scarring movies to see as a child.
A Bugs Life please! 90 comments
· 11 years ago
As much as I agree with you, maisiepants, Secret of NIMH isn't disney, but I see how you'd mistake it because the guy who animated it used to work for Disney. Sorry, I just felt a need to point that out
Edited 11 years ago
Scariest shit ever from your childhood 10 comments
A Bugs Life please! 90 comments
· 11 years ago
The Little Mermaid.
I know, damn me to hell, right?
Also Enchanted
Edited 11 years ago
I know, damn me to hell, right?
Also Enchanted
Wait ... Sorry? What? 19 comments
Meanwhile in ANY videogame 6 comments
wow, described perfectly 2 comments
R.I.P Dear Ovaries 18 comments
· 11 years ago
Unfortunately, Tom Hiddleston is too much of a gentleman to ever agree to say anything like this, even as Loki
R.I.P Dear Ovaries 18 comments
Well, f*ck. 19 comments
Well, f*ck. 19 comments
· 11 years ago
Let's just try not to start anything with Russia, then we'll be good
What has dishonor? 9 comments
· 11 years ago
I yelled this at my old friend once when they accidentally dropped all our money for lunch down a sewer drain.
Animal Friendship 9 comments
· 11 years ago
And here we see the truly vicious nature of the pit bull....
I don't get why everyone says they're vicious animals, I get that they were at one point attack dogs but seriously, it all comes down to how you raise the damn thing!
I don't get why everyone says they're vicious animals, I get that they were at one point attack dogs but seriously, it all comes down to how you raise the damn thing!
If you're having a bad day ! :) 2 comments
· 11 years ago
Oh my goodness the kitten's name is Loki!!! THE KITTEN'S NAME IS LOKI!!!! THAT IS THE GREATEST CAT NAME EVER!!!!
Mirrored fencing 11 comments
· 11 years ago
Yeah, I'd probably run into that. Even if it showed my reflection, I probably would still run into it.
Amazing cup cake designs 28 comments
· 11 years ago
As much as I think it's a bad idea to drop out of school, those are some damn good looking cupcakes! If they taste half as good as they look she might had a really successful business on her hands
Why That's So Raven was the best show on Disney Channel 25 comments
· 11 years ago
I do not understand the point of your comment as it is kind of racist. Also Raven never sang on the show, whether she sings now is beyond me
Ellen knows where to invest! 8 comments
· 11 years ago
Oh well there's that. But I'm assuming since the guest just left his comment the way it is that he meant her being gay is wrong *awaits guest to return to either confirm or deny*
Ellen knows where to invest! 8 comments
20 things that men do 82 comments
· 11 years ago
Basically you look at someone, give them the nod, and they nod back and for just a second you have a mutal moment of understanding with that person.
Also I just noticed that I missed a couple words in my initial reply to you which probably made me seem like a dick. Sorry.