

To whoever keeps down voting all my comments for no reason, what did I ever do to you?

— CrashBandicoot Report User
crashbandicoot · 11 years ago
I feel really bad for laughing
This movie 10 comments
crashbandicoot · 11 years ago
.... I am a man
This movie 10 comments
crashbandicoot · 11 years ago
It had a lot of feels.... But that cub was an annoying little shit
Guess who got laid last night? 20 comments
crashbandicoot · 11 years ago
They sell them in the Epcot park, they have a whole Japan section. My sister got a sailor moon bag and phone case there as well. They also have a bunch of dragon ball Z and Full Metal Alechemist stuff
Why That's So Raven was the best show on Disney Channel 25 comments
crashbandicoot · 11 years ago
Those aren't disney (Well Liv and Maddie is) but they all make me fear for the future of children's programs
Why That's So Raven was the best show on Disney Channel 25 comments
crashbandicoot · 11 years ago
Basically they made fun of honors students
Also the show is boring as tar but that's another story
He made me question my s*xuality 22 comments
crashbandicoot · 11 years ago
I haven't seen this post in a long time, and it's a good post. Screw off.
Why That's So Raven was the best show on Disney Channel 25 comments
crashbandicoot · 11 years ago
I remember that, it was on Shake It Up, they were forced to edit it out of the reruns. Becase of things like this, I like to pretend that Family channel isn't apart of the Disney that I grew up with and loved
Wait 'til the vegans find this... 67 comments
crashbandicoot · 11 years ago
Okay, look. Song may be a vegan, but he isn't a preachy "death to the meat eaters" vegan, so guys, lay off. And in all honesty I do see how this is offensive, vegan's are people too.
Why That's So Raven was the best show on Disney Channel 25 comments
crashbandicoot · 11 years ago
Literally half the shows on disney channel now are there for the soul purpose of making someone a famous singer, and they don't care how awful the show is in the process (for one thing, my friend who was an hounor's student was greatly offended by how they are portrayed in ANT Farm, and I doubt she was the only one who felt that way) Disney channel needs to go back to the days before the child singers and focus on making good shows again
People should realize this 43 comments
crashbandicoot · 11 years ago
Oh, it's okay I don't mind answering. I went through extreme amounts of emotional abuse in school when I was young, and everytime I'd do the slightest thing wrong my father would yell at me and punish me, then my step mother came along and added to the emotional abuse by constant teasing and insulting, which my father found hilarious. Between the fear of bullying at school, making a mistake and being punished by my father, and insults from my step mother, I guess it just formed at some point during all that.
When I get to Hogwarts 21 comments
crashbandicoot · 11 years ago
Ron, remember he had that rat that was actually Peter Pettinggrew and he used to sleep with it
When I get to Hogwarts 21 comments
crashbandicoot · 11 years ago
And his older brothers knew about it before he did.
.... In their defense, they just thought he was gay
People should realize this 43 comments
crashbandicoot · 11 years ago
As a person who's been diagnosed with Anxiety, I agree. It's not something you want, it's hell to live with.
Tumblr 11 comments
crashbandicoot · 11 years ago
Yeah, there's multiple of those. You know that picture where it says "first he was poor, then he was white" well the image of him as a white guy was actually a cropped pornagraphic image where he was being blown by Hercules.
He's like a cross between a parrot and a dog 23 comments
crashbandicoot · 11 years ago
Great use of a bumper sticker 3 comments
crashbandicoot · 11 years ago
I found Amy's car
True 8 comments
crashbandicoot · 11 years ago
No clue. They don't even say in the sequel (and if they did I'd call bullshit because the sequel isn't canon) I've always assumed that he was some sort of serial killer who dug his way out of prison, and was driven insane by the amount of time he spent underground digging his way out of prison, so when he finally did get out he wanted to nothing but keep digging
Any bros?? 52 comments
crashbandicoot · 11 years ago
Of course you can!
A Bugs Life please! 90 comments
crashbandicoot · 11 years ago
Mulan.... The only princess with a body count, in the thousands....
A Bugs Life please! 90 comments
crashbandicoot · 11 years ago
It's not interesting, the villain is, and I quote, "Usela's crazy sister", that is literally all they do to describe her. It is the bottom of the barrel as far as Disney sequels go.
Guess who got laid last night? 20 comments
crashbandicoot · 11 years ago
Yeah well while you got laid I went and spent 200$ in the anime store in Disney world. Hah, who needs sex when you've got One Piece action figures.
Today was a good day? 11 comments
crashbandicoot · 11 years ago
That is awful!!!
Maybe next time Oscar, maybe next time 6 comments
crashbandicoot · 11 years ago
Not his fault that the people who give out the oscars don't recognize true talent when they see it
And now we're going to do a smoky eye to represent Rue.... 15 comments
crashbandicoot · 11 years ago
The book has been out for a long time, get over it