This dog was sent from heaven 7 comments
· 7 years ago
This dog found a petting farm.
f*cker 1 comments
· 7 years ago
Fun fact: Breakfast is actually not the most important meal of the day. It will give you more energy for the first few hours, but it's actually far healthier to either eat a very small, or no breakfast at all. It has something to do with sugars and fats in your body just after waking up, don't remember the specifics. Go /r/askscience for more details.
Beauty & The Beast: part 41 9 comments
What a long nap 9 comments
· 7 years ago
Don't quote me on this, but I think it's about 2 days. But there are a lot of other symptoms that are required to classify it as a coma and not, say, locked in or brain dead.
Using other symptoms you can theoretically diagnose a coma moments after it begins.
Edited 7 years ago
Using other symptoms you can theoretically diagnose a coma moments after it begins.
What a long nap 9 comments
· 7 years ago
I once stayed awake for almost 45 hours and when I finally got to sleep I was out cold for over 20 hours. And that is one hell of a way to reset your sleep cycle.
Man, that is one epic dog 5 comments
He is not even lactose intolerant.... Absolutely barbaric! 8 comments
· 7 years ago
I've had cornflakes with apricot juice. Most unflavoured cereals taste fine with juices.
Sending the bat signal like a boss 9 comments
Clever humans 5 comments
· 7 years ago
No, the seat folds forwards to become a bench. Sitting on it should make it rotate, throwing you off. The "Trust me, i'm a designer" in the corner also sounds awfully similar to our old engineer quip.
Shit is dope 10 comments
· 7 years ago
I replied to the previous comment and got down voted but I'm putting it here anyway:
Marijuana is not good for hemp and smoking. You either get the good hemp type, or the good smoking type. They are not the same. Sure you can grow this stuff and make a load of hemp, but the drug side is completely dropped in the process (and vice versa). They don't even grow the same, so you can't just have a single field on rotation to make both.
Marijuana is not good for hemp and smoking. You either get the good hemp type, or the good smoking type. They are not the same. Sure you can grow this stuff and make a load of hemp, but the drug side is completely dropped in the process (and vice versa). They don't even grow the same, so you can't just have a single field on rotation to make both.
Do you agree? 7 comments
· 7 years ago
Nope. Marijuana can be grown to be good at only one or two of those at a time. If it works well as a drug, it will be useless for the rest. If we can harvest it for hemp, it will be a shitty drug. And so on. The only thing it is uniquely good at it making you high, anything else can be done far better with other plants.
Advertising like this isn't saying it's a good plant that can also be used as a drug.
It's saying it's a drug that can also be used for other things.
Advertising like this isn't saying it's a good plant that can also be used as a drug.
It's saying it's a drug that can also be used for other things.
'Use your damn blinker Jerry!' 1 comments
· 7 years ago
Here in Australia, the driver sits on the right.
This picture was very strange until I remembered how other countries work.
Edited 7 years ago
This picture was very strange until I remembered how other countries work.
Just makes you happy 2 comments
· 7 years ago
1. Awake already? What time is it... 1am? sweet!
2. Awake again, time... 2am. Okay, fine.
3. Again? Get up when... 2:20am? seriously?
4. Please be time to get up... 2:25am. fuck
2. Awake again, time... 2am. Okay, fine.
3. Again? Get up when... 2:20am? seriously?
4. Please be time to get up... 2:25am. fuck
Yeah, I dabble 5 comments
· 8 years ago
The only thing I remember from first grade is that there was a kid with hearing aids who would say that he can use them to hear through walls if he turned them up. We all thought he was some kind of spy with cool gadgets.
Then he died of cancer in third grade,
Then he died of cancer in third grade,
Underwater tennis court in Dubai 17 comments
· 8 years ago
It's like they're just trying to think up random shit to throw money at at this point. At least they have style.
Daily Dose of Creepy #125 6 comments
Harry Potter is the worst book series ever 11 comments
· 8 years ago
I don't like it much either. There were too many cop outs or just plain plot conveniences to really make a good story. It built up so much law that it didn't have time for the actual plot.
Biodegradable plastic from shrimps 11 comments