

New account "Aphelion".

— Aphelion Report User
Day 6 (for real this time) of your daily dose of cat : Just plain adorable 6 comments
corvoattano · 8 years ago
Reddit reference, people check usernames and see if it relates to the post/comment. "dailydoseofcat" would be pretty cool though.
Day 6 (for real this time) of your daily dose of cat : Just plain adorable 6 comments
corvoattano · 8 years ago
Username does NOT check out! That would be cool though...
I like to shave my head occasionally and my brother sent me this 1 comments
corvoattano · 8 years ago
Guess I'm going to go shave my head then.
A blind gamer beat Ocarina of time after 5 years of trying 6 comments
corvoattano · 8 years ago
Well done!
Dark Souls time...
Life, the game 29 comments
corvoattano · 8 years ago
Cute pets ^o^ 2 comments
corvoattano · 8 years ago
I do this even if it's not an Unknown caller...
Truth 11 comments
corvoattano · 8 years ago
Tell guys 22 comments
corvoattano · 8 years ago
No one has said 11 yet... which one of you is lying?
It's his way of life 10 comments
corvoattano · 8 years ago
What would he actually be charged with?
Perfect 5 comments
corvoattano · 8 years ago
Is it bothering anyone else how the fingertips are all perfectly aligned? Shouldn't the thumb be rotated 45-90 degrees?
Why didn't this work out 7 comments
corvoattano · 8 years ago
What's that car on the lower pic? It has that HUD in the top corner.
Fun 7 comments
corvoattano · 8 years ago
Ah yes the experts 11 comments
corvoattano · 8 years ago
Point, with exceptions. You're right about the lady though, haha.
Ah yes the experts 11 comments
corvoattano · 8 years ago
If they are expected to fun the little thing, the father should have a say in what happens to it. If the father isn't given a say, then he can't be expected to pay for it when it is alive if he said from the start that it wasn't a good idea. On the other hand, the mother isn't the only one who can become attached to the thing emotionally and you should take into account the fathers feelings for the thing, provided he is ready to handle the responsibility later.
Unless the pregnancy develops a high chance of permanent damage to the mother, both parents should have an equal say in the matter. If complications arise in the later stages that were previously unforeseen when the mother already didn't want it, then have the father pay compensation if he is the cause that the process went that far.
Let me know 36 comments
corvoattano · 8 years ago
Dammit! (AU)000
i dunno but seems like ur screwed 11 comments
corvoattano · 8 years ago
"Hello, is this the Elcectrician/Plumber? Yes I wasn't sure who to call so I flipped a coin and you were first. I have water pouring out of my electrical socket, what can be done about it?"
It's okay 7 comments
corvoattano · 8 years ago
Funny how the attacker is wearing a police shirt.
Rare stop sign 11 comments
corvoattano · 8 years ago
It's because the shape of the word is more distinguishable in lower case. Upper case is more alarming but lower case is registered faster.
Infinitereaper in the summer 19 comments
corvoattano · 8 years ago
Fashion Souls.
Wonder woman and super man compared 18 comments
corvoattano · 8 years ago
Actually yes. Batsey goes head to head along side other super powered people (including these two) and still comes out as one of the best. If these two lost their powers, Big S would be a normal dude with nice hair, while WW would be a kickass battle maiden with good fighting knowledge. But that still puts her below Batsey because he already has that, plus a huge arsenal and he would be WAY stronger physically than her, simply biologically.
Seriously. Seemingly every video over 10 minutes long 10 comments
corvoattano · 8 years ago
I was okay with the shorter ads in the beginning of the video, and also with the 5 second skip for the longer ones. But when they started putting 1 minute, unskippable ads in the middle of a video, (especially when it was a 2 minute video with more ad time than video time) THAT's when I installed AdBlocker. Seriously, they were just asking for it at that point.
Working till the end of time 9 comments
corvoattano · 8 years ago
There isn't a german word for "gums", we call it "teeth meat"/
They are called aliens 20 comments
corvoattano · 8 years ago
That percentage makes more sense if you consider people who die young. Less time to experience it still counts.
Am I being offered as a bride to a cat prince in a magical cat kingdom? 14 comments
corvoattano · 8 years ago
I'd check my pockets for catnip.
Thank you Ivan 14 comments
corvoattano · 8 years ago
That actually makes more sense...
I saw the layers and my mind went to pizza (and I was hungry).