Ever call in sick to work? 1 comments
· 8 years ago
Name of guy please?
When She's... 24 comments
Rare albino animals 14 comments
· 8 years ago
Aaaand a human:
Is this real? 12 comments
· 8 years ago
"Why are there blue stars beside usernames?
Users who make it to the weekly leaderboard by generating likes on their posts and comments will get a blue star beside their username."
Funsubstance FAQ.
Congrats, @maebubbles!
Users who make it to the weekly leaderboard by generating likes on their posts and comments will get a blue star beside their username."
Funsubstance FAQ.
Congrats, @maebubbles!
The first sentence explains it 80 comments
I Loled at this 9 comments
Things got awkward 10 comments
· 8 years ago
Can't you see? A funeral procession had to stop to wait for a man to cross the road while walking his coffin. Jeez, you don't have to be so morbid.
Chinese students taking an exam 8 comments
Chinese students taking an exam 8 comments
· 8 years ago
True, the ingrained anti-cheat is pretty efficient. But just imagine that in a western country, like US or UK.
Although, you could just have a sign or sticker on each desk saying "cheating punished by sniper". That would work.
Although, you could just have a sign or sticker on each desk saying "cheating punished by sniper". That would work.
Chinese students taking an exam 8 comments
· 8 years ago
With that many people, do you realise how easy it would be to cheat? Imagine sitting in the middle; you could pull out a bloody tablet and start watching tutorial videos and get away with it.
Journalist aren't smart 7 comments
· 8 years ago
FYI, NASA is run by the biggest nerds in history. They have hidden jokes in EVERYTHING.
Unpopular opinion is unpopular! 21 comments
· 8 years ago
Reminds me of this:
New SI Unit: One Hitler.
New SI Unit: One Hitler.
Unpopular opinion is unpopular! 21 comments
· 8 years ago
There have been many, many things in history worse than Hitler, or even Stalin or Mao. The thing is, Hitler and Stalin are the most recent, making far more prominent what they did. Another thing that makes Hitler scarier was the meticulous, almost automated execution of his targets. Because this was when modern technology was just advancing, it has a far greater impact on us than atrocities committed in the middle ages with weapons we rarely see.
*Sobbing* 59 comments
· 8 years ago
And then there's Worm. First person perspective where the author literally rolled a dice on who would die and included the main character.
Angel in the streets devil in the sheets 3 comments
· 8 years ago
Oh god.
I though that guy's arms in the second picture was the dog's foot.
I though that guy's arms in the second picture was the dog's foot.
Found another vegan 18 comments
Feel the wrath of god! 14 comments
· 8 years ago
This guy's got it:
This sniper prank is possibly the cruelest prank in human history 9 comments
· 8 years ago
What were they actually selling? All it says is "...Starting at 1690 Euros."
Life Insurance?
Life Insurance?
when will this year end? omg 5 comments
· 8 years ago
At this point if there was a zombie apocalypse, there would be zombie rights activists. Guarantee.