
Synopsis of a movie from someone who has never seen it 8 comments
guest · 9 years ago
And here I thought this was gonna be a joke about the farmer screwing the sheep
Caught after a presentation 5 comments
guest · 9 years ago
The teacher usually "has a question" because they can see you are bullshitting your way through it and don't actually know....
'Murica 11 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Fun fact, the US recognizes 9 different time zones. 4 in the continental US (pacific, mountain, central, and eastern time zones) 2 more when you consider all 50 states (Hawaii-Aleutian and Alaskan time zones) and 3 more from US territories (Atlantic, Samoa, and Chamorro time zones). There are also 2 more unofficial time zones from US territories (+12 and -12 I don't know if they have another name) for a total of 11 if you count them.
Only one country has land/territories in more time zones, France with 12.
Russia also has 11.
How to respond to junk mails 10 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Someone took the time to stack these two post-it-note stacks together 12 comments
guest · 9 years ago
@guest you can see the sticky sides are on the outside, not the inside. So shuffling would work as long as it was done well.
When kids try to dress like adults 13 comments
guest · 9 years ago
I actually did think that was censored before I read the top
Judge yourself 10 comments
guest · 9 years ago
There have been a lot of studies that show women tend to date men that remind them of their father in some way (assuming they had a good relationship with their father). Whether its something small, like they wear the same aftershave, or big like they look/act extremely similar.
Watch this man ask strangers for food will change the way you think 11 comments
guest · 9 years ago
While I liked the message and the guys reaction at the end was very touching, its not really the same. If I'm at a pizza place eating my 1 slice of pizza (think 1 guy had 2 slices) and I get some guy thats decently well dressed in a spanking new hoodie to show off his website asking me if he he can have my 1 piece of pizza....ya I'm probably gonna tell him to fuck off. If that homeless guy they pictured came up to me, even with the 1 slice of pizza I had, let alone an almost full pizza, I'd probably go buy them a slice or 2 and maybe even give them some cash too.
Maybe I'm a dick for judging the people on how they look, but for me if it doesn't look like they need help, I'm not very likely to help them.
Changes have been made in this family 3 comments
guest · 9 years ago
I would hope they just sold their minivan to some guy. You divorce your spouse, not your kids
It would make a lot more sense, wouldn't it? 15 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Its not discrimination if there is a legitimate reason for wanting a different language. If you are hiring a guy that is going to head the expansion for your company in China, of course you are going to want somebody that speaks the language. If you live in an area that has a large amount of people that speak a different language (Such as near the Mexican border in the US, or eastern Canada) you might want your salesman, cashier, server, etc. to be able to speak both languages. The amount of importance for the language determines how mandatory it is. (less mandatory that a lower paid server speaks 2 languages, very mandatory that your head of foreign development can)
Creative lip painting 4 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Imagine how thats gotta look if she gave head
The geek is strong with this one... 11 comments
guest · 9 years ago
They look like some sort of star wars bibles. "The Jedi Faith" and something with "Sith"
And of course some awesome looking cases to store them
Objection! 6 comments
guest · 9 years ago
This is another case of "Its not what you know, its WHO you know"
Seems like those skills could be put to better use 8 comments
guest · 9 years ago
They'd probably get into some real trouble if they did that though. Just look at Snowden
This racial profiling experiment shows how cops treat people differently 12 comments
guest · 9 years ago
They should find a better actor for the cop...
"Cheerio my good chap!" "Shut up you idiot" 11 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Whats it like being a schizophrenic?
Well, pixar dog 4 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Can I just comment on how half-assed those letters are? I mean come on, if you are gonna do it at least take the extra 30s to cut the letters out properly
Political views 18 comments
guest · 9 years ago
But what if by harming one manatee you could save TWO manatees! But before you answer, consider this: The manatee you'd have to harm is pregnant.
It applies to men too 25 comments
guest · 9 years ago
it doesn't always keep guest records as clean as others. Since you don't log on, the only way of tracking is ip address, which is easily changed. So it won't always show every post that guest has ever made. I'm another guest thats been around for years. The reason I never made an account was a long while back there was a huge "guests suck" movement on the site where a small group of vocal "accounters" were trying to go so far as to block any and all guest actions...which just made guest comments and likes that much worse, which I found hilarious and decided I didn't want an account(not the same guest btw if it wasn't obvious)
(1) McFail 10 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Supposed to be "happy" for those that couldnt figure it out
It is just plain evil 11 comments
guest · 9 years ago
I think its kinda nice. Helps so you don't accidentally set it for 7pm instead of am or 7am tuesday instead of monday
This guy shows you top "military secret" of how to open velcro silently 9 comments
guest · 9 years ago
I don't know what I expected.
If you find hair or a bug in your food 8 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Thats....the whole point
Do you really want to eat that dish that you found a bug/hair/etc. on sent back to you? Or would you rather have one social interaction with your server to get it fixed.
What your favorite Emojis really mean... 8 comments
guest · 9 years ago
It is, thus the burst of sun behind it. Some people keep trying to say it looks like a high five though
At my local tattoo shop 14 comments
guest · 9 years ago
below their boobs, on the side of their chest (kinda where your elbow touches your chest if your arms are hanging down). Common spot for girls to get a tattoo
Canadians 6 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Canadians also have the stereotype of apologizing for anything, so the Canadian was mad that people were stereotyping him/her and then proceeded to do one of the other well known Canadian stereotypes.
The wall of shame 6 comments
guest · 9 years ago
I don't see how its that dumb of a question. Yes, hes using a computer to send an email and ask the question, but that has nothing to do with whether or not ones needed for the actual class. Maybe he used a friends computer or one at school and he wanted to know how much he would need a computer to know if he needed to buy one or not. If he just has to borrow or go to a school computer 3 times all semester, its a lot different than if he has homework on a computer every night.
Grandma's Packin' 17 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Dam right
We need a new word 20 comments
guest · 10 years ago
I don't believe he (or she) said the word feminism or feminist at all. I am so sorry for you, not knowing how to read.
Evil, evil Little creatures.. 7 comments
guest · 10 years ago
"Momma? Did you get the cheese, momma? I'm so hungry"
Mathematically correct 5 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Woman Leaves Angry Yelp Review, Owner Responds... 29 comments
guest · 10 years ago
If you go to McDonalds and demand a nice candlelit table with some champagne, does that mean they should just oblige you because "the customer is always right?" Of course the cashier/hostess/server needs to be polite about telling you no, but if you are going to get belligerent and demand a manager/owner who also proceeds to politely tell you that they just won't do that so you decide to write an angry Yelp review exaggerating everything, then the owner/manager has every right to let the world know that they aren't being snobbish jerks. You are just being a dumb ass.
The owner tried politely explaining to the customer that they just don't do it. He didn't get mad until they decided to give the restaurant an unwarranted bad review, at which point he had every right to go defend himself.
Woman Leaves Angry Yelp Review, Owner Responds... 29 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Lets take it back to the restaurant owner's analogy shall we?
"I get that he's a tax lawyer and thats what he has studied and worked with for years. I really do. But is it really so hard for him to just make a simple accommodation and handle my divorce? The customer would be happy. The lawyer would get money and good reviews. It really seems like a no brainer to me."
High end restaurants just do not do take out. They just don't, thats just the way it is. They don't care that the Chili's down the street does it. They don't care that Applebee's does it. No true gourmet restaurant does take out. You shouldn't be forced to reduce the quality of your product because a pissy customer. If they want take out, they can go to any number of middle-higher end restaurants that actually do take out. You don't go to Red Lobster and complain that they don't have a drive-thru. If you wanted to stay in the car you should have gone to a restaurant that has drive-thru such as Long John Silvers.
You would think since EVERY ADULT needs to know this stuff 25 comments
guest · 10 years ago
While I agree that a lot of parents really do need to take a more direct role in their child's development, I find the idea of parents teaching their kids finances to just be horrendous. It'd be like making it so every parent has to teach their kids about advanced calculus. Some would be great, some wouldn't know and might get help, but the majority would just make up stuff from their own knowledge because they don't want to be seen as somebody that doesn't know that kind of "common knowledge" stuff. So they teach the wrong crap to their kid, kid grows up and teaches the same wrong crap to their kids.
Someone give this man an award 25 comments
guest · 10 years ago
it was MEANT to be written like it was from a "street thug". The grammar is perfectly fine for what its meant to be. Similar to what Mark Twain did in Tom Sawyer with how people from the South spoke. He knew it wasn't grammatically correct, but its written exactly how they would have said it so that's how he wrote it.
Its MEANT to be a retelling of Snape's story. That was the joke at the end of it when you find out he's just talking about Harry Potter and not some real life story.
If you can't find the humor or see how well executed it was, I don't know what to tell you.
The proper way to pay debts 19 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Taken directly from the US treasury website:
"There is, however, no Federal statute mandating that a private business, a person or an organization must accept currency or coins as for payment for goods and/or services."
You do NOT have to accept BS payments if you don't want to. This is why gas stations can refuse bills over 20 and airlines can refuse anything but credit cards.
If he wanted to take it to small claims court, it wouldnt be thrown out, he would win.
The "legal tender" thing just means that a person has to accept "dollars" of some form. That could be coins, paper bills, check, credit card, etc. They can't demand you pay them in rupees or pesos.
Can you imagine if this were true? 31 comments
guest · 10 years ago
The theory that its because he fought and she just gave herself up as a wall kind of holds water though. I mean they both stood in the way knowing that it meant their death, but he did try to fight back rather than just stand there and take it. I don't really feel that it justifies the difference between a protective charm or not though. James knew he wasn't going to make it out alive, he knew the outcome was the same whether he stood there in the doorway or drew his wand, but he figured if he tried fighting him it might give Lily more time to get Harry and get out. You could argue that it took more courage to do that than to just stand in the way because your killer is much more likely to get angry with you and kill you slowly rather than quickly if you piss them off like that.
My thought is that Rowling just made a slight mistake and didn't think of it. You have to remember thats the very first part of the story, its hard to edit out errors like that once its already been done.
Can you imagine if this were true? 31 comments
guest · 10 years ago
James had a choice just as much as Lily did. When voldemort walked in, he knew he was dead. It'd be like if in the real world a serial killer that had been hunting you walked into your home with a machine gun. You know you aren't making it out alive. Your only hope is to possibly hold him off long enough that your family might escape. He had the option of panicking and trying to run upstairs/away too, but he didn't. He chose to throw himself in front of the "gunfire" to give what little time he could to them. He sacrificed his own life to protect the 2 just as much as she sacrificed hers to protect Harry.
To say her love is more powerful because its a mothers is just ridiculous. If that were true how do you explain all the mothers that disown their kids or beat them? There are plenty of instances where the father loves the child much more than the mother. Either way it doesn't seem to be the case here. They both loved eachother and Harry, to try to give them degrees of love is dumb.
Interesting Canada facts 49 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Going to guess mon ami is French? for friend?
If so, you could easily interpret it either way and it could be correct.
"We got this, friend" meaning the poster is responding to each person that reads it individually.
"We got this, friends" meaning the poster is responding to America as a whole.
This cat falling out of a window prank is really, really brutal 17 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Are you retarded? He didn't actually do anything to the cat
Ron Swanson is impeccable 6 comments
guest · 10 years ago
You don't hyphenate one hundred. He spoke 20 words when he finished his sentence and said the word "twenty" and then a twenty-first word by saying "continue"
Kids + Guns = No possible positive outcome 15 comments
guest · 10 years ago
OR children should be more versed in guns.
Instead of "that big scary thing that my parents hardly let me even look at, let alone touch" or "that thing I see in video games that makes people burst with red and respawn somewhere else" they can actually be taught proper gun etiquette so they know more about how it works, what it does, and the consequences of it.
Its like sex ed. You can either just assume your kids will be safe use condoms or not have sex, and that they somehow know that sex leads to pregnancy, or you can be an adult and actually tell/teach them about it, no matter how difficult or awkward it is, and then you KNOW they will have the respect and knowledge about the subject that they should.
Note: When I say teach them about sex, I do not mean a hands on demonstration, although you should for guns ;)
True Story 6 comments
guest · 10 years ago
creepy, weird
Awkward 15 comments
guest · 10 years ago
The best uncle woulda left the discs in and put the itunes thing over the disc to hide the real present ;)
Sarcasm at it's finest 11 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Doesn't sound like a legal contract that would hold up in court though
Shoes and wheels 8 comments
guest · 10 years ago
pretty deep tread for an old used up tire
This is a really messed up world 16 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Gravity's Income: $716.4 million in box office sales world wide.
Indian Mars mission's Income: $0
Ya you are right, I have no idea why anybody would think to spend so much on a movie......................................................
PS2 6 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Psh, I had to have like a dozen of those little guys to hold my entire childhood
murica 38 comments
guest · 10 years ago
And yet when Americans can't draw and perfectly label every other country and city in the world its "Ugh, stupid American idiot, why are they so self-centered"
murica 38 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Chicago is one of the biggest no's