
This is the right way to be religious 31 comments
guest · 10 years ago
The only thing that separates these Muslims and ISIS is timing. Just as in the Bible, the Quran teaches that certain things must happen in order to bring the second coming. This caliogate ISIS has set up us one of those steps. But other muslims do not believe its time yet. Dont Christians think those doomsday cults are quacks? Same things here. Except! Once the 'moderate' muslims believe that the caliphate and timing is right, they will begin to do the same that ISIS/Al Queda/All your terrorist organizations are doing. The quran commands them to or they will be killed first. It's simply a matter of timing. And as for the response that muslims trot out every time about christians and the crusades - Christians aren't the ones running around stealing raping murdering in 2014! But Muslims are, and the quran teaches them to do violence and to kill, even today.