
I'd have said maybe 75% 6 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Somebody ^ hasn't ever seen somebody go drunkenly cook something like a grilled cheese and give up halfway through with the stove still going and the sandwich half cooked so it just burns to a crisp and every fire alarm in the house goes off
When she wants the D 4 comments
guest · 10 years ago
How do you know its a guy?
Totally justified retaliation bird 11 comments
guest · 10 years ago
don't be ridiculous. It couldn't possibly be an actual handicapped person! Otherwise my totally awesome retaliation would just be a huge douche move!
What goes through my head when I see that Kermit the Frog meme 9 comments
guest · 10 years ago
How is Kermit talking too!
Party all night? 7 comments
guest · 10 years ago
He's not saying "dont enjoy life, you must work hard and have 0 fun until you are exactly where you want to be, then you can have fun" he's saying "if you really wanna graduate from High School, or college, or get that new job/promotion/etc. maybe you should stay in and study over the weekend instead of going out every night to parties and then complain about where you are"
Party all night? 7 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Don't think its that exactly, but he did indeed tell a group of kids something along those lines. Google "what is it you're celebrating" and a video of TI should pop up.
What the hell are we drug testing a janitor for? 7 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Because most people don't like druggies in places like elementary schools or government research facilities.
The rise and fall of internet an model sensation 25 comments
guest · 10 years ago
While I agree that she definitely should have known better because of the fact that she is in the public's eye, isn't that the exact same thing some people said about "the fappening" and everybody got their panties in a bunch on how it shouldn't matter that they are celebrities they should be able to take naked selfies (or shoot X animal) without worrying about other people? Why is one ok to dis on and the other isn't?
I love college football but this is wrong 17 comments
guest · 10 years ago
"And some movies are actually educational" Yes, because educational movies get the same budget as the big summer blockbusters.
Entertainment makes money because people like to be entertained. Large demand = people willing to pay lots of money for it = people that provide it get paid a lot.
Also, while we are saying screw models and sports players/coaches, we better just include all those actors that aren't purely making educational films. And all musicians, who needs music? All its good for is entertainment. Oh and any fiction book writers! Why even write that nonsense thats not even true! Who needs it! People like J.K. Rowling definitely shouldn't make so much money after all is it really benefiting society?
Why so much hate. 48 comments
guest · 10 years ago
its super hard though
Not bad at drawing turtles 19 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Seriously though, what is the girl's name supposed to be
Whenever I try to grow facial hair 11 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Your school has a no facial hair policy? That seems.....weird
Just a little further down 5 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Damn this bitch is loose. What a slut!
Why people buy iPhone 19 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Weird, I've never had an issue of my phone being slower than a crapple phone
I don't know where they keep coming from 2 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Tell her they are for her, you had somebody else hand write them because yours is so sloppy (unless you have pretty girly writing)
First year in college? It's time to step up your game 9 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Depends on the person I guess. I admit, college was a hell of a lot harder than high school, but I never really had to actually study in either one. College did have a lot more out of class work though, which took some getting used to.
Why do girls do this?? 36 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Ya that makes it sound more like they are saying "hey fatty" than an actual compliment.
On another note, I had a girl tell me I had a nice ass as I walked by once in college. I'll tell ya, thats a hell of a conversation starter ;)
Gamer Doesn't Want To Get A Job And His Father Gives Him A Deadly Punishment 15 comments
guest · 10 years ago
He shoulda just covered the games with himself. Not like his dad is gonna run him over and murder his own child just to prove a point.
Also something like this is just pointless shredding of money and just asking for retaliation.
As in "he ran over my games, I'm going to run over his collection of whatever" or light his car on fire, or stab him one night. The kid didn't look the most stable, you never know how far somebody will take it.
A better approach would have been to take the system, cord, tv, or whatever and locked it up until X behavior is corrected. In this case, getting a job. It gives them motivation to correct themselves, not forcefully shoves it down their throat by blowing hundreds (thousands?) of dollars.
I love college football but this is wrong 17 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Thats why colleges spend so much on a good coach, stadium, facilities, etc. If they spend money on that, they start becoming successful and more good players want to go to their school. Better players means they become even more successful which in turn means larger turn outs for games. High game attendance means lots of revenue for the school which more than pays for all those expenses.
I love college football but this is wrong 17 comments
guest · 10 years ago
The fact that you said not even useful to society in any way, and then continued with EXCEPT kinda points out how they ARE useful to society in some way. Models get paid a lot of money to stand there and look pretty. Actors get paid a lot of money to stand there in front of a camera. Are they really making such a difference in this world that they deserve that kinda pay? The revenue that comes in from a successful sports team (which comes from good players and COACHES) or that comes in from a successful movie, or the advertisement revenue from girls wanting to look like the pretty model they saw on tv is all high enough that the owner can make money and still pay those high salaries. Thats why they do it. If they weren't making money by doing it, they'd stop.
This cop showed mercy today 4 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Their job is to punish "wrongly convicted innocent people" how does that even make sense? Miscarriage of justice is when a court wrongly convicts and punishes an innocent person.
Also, police officers jobs are to serve and protect. Not punish and convict.
Parenting 5 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Reminds me of some semi close friends of mine. They decided to move, was closer to family and the wife got a really good job offer. So the whole plan while moving was that she'd work and rather than him get a crappy job that'll just end up paying for daycare anyway, he'd stay at home and take care of their baby. Sounds fine and dandy right? Well they move, and then all the sudden a few weeks in she starts bitching at him for not having a job. Her parents bitch at him for not having a job and supporting their little princess. He stayed a while longer to try to work things out, but eventually gave up and they got separated a few months ago.
And guess who's the bad guy in this whole scenario? That's right, the guy because he's lazy, sits around all day doing nothing, doesn't provide for his family, walked out on his wife and kids, etc.
People are definitely resourceful these days 7 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Pretty sure even guests can't like their own comment. It marks it up but then goes right back to where it was.
There should be more urban dictionary here 4 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Because every single post on funsub is definitely always original and doesn't come from other websites...
Well this no longer applies 36 comments
guest · 10 years ago
And another thing. You don't back up nude selfies onto ONLINE STORAGE. Seriously, how stupid do you have to be to just assume nobody else could possibly access it or that there is nobody out there that is gonna try to hack into that? They didn't just take the pic and send it to a loved one/friend, or take it and save it on their phone or downloaded it onto a computer. THEY BACKED IT UP ONTO ICLOUD.
Now given, its not the easiest thing in the world to turn off the automatic picture back up, nor is it right that the whole thing happened in the first place. But there were some very serious, very easily corrected steps that all of these people completely neglected to protect themselves.
Well this no longer applies 36 comments
guest · 10 years ago
The whole double standard thing is whats bothering me. Naked pic of X actress and everybody is up in arms about how terrible it is and such a violation of privacy. Where was everybody when Greg Oden, Dylan Sprouse, Jon Hamm had photos leaked of them? Oh thats right, everybody was joking about it or critiquing their bodies. They ended up even apologizing for having the pictures taken in the first place because they got so much shit for it. Why is nobody crusading for Dave Franco or Justin Verlander? They both had a lot of photos leaked in the recent outbreak.
What about when the Donald Sterling audio tape got leaked? How many of you were complaining about how it was such a violation of his privacy and how many of you were just calling him a filthy racist?
How bout all the stuff with Anthony Wiener? Why was everybody just calling him a filthy pervert and not fighting for him and his invasion of privacy?