
Harry potter vs twilight books 5 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Actually, Harry Potter Is BASED on love; there are other types of love other than unhealthy obsessive "romantic" love that Edward and Bella share.
Lily's love for harry which saved Harry.
Snape's unrequited love for Lily which helped Harry.
Narcissa's love for Draco which saved Harry.
Albus' unrequited love for Gellert Grindalwald
Voldemort's lack of love which is the main reason to his destuction.
The love that killed Professor Quirrel
The love between Sirius and Harry
The love between Tonks and Remus
The love between true friends, father and son, mother and child and lovers
There is so much more of love in Harry potter than i can be bothered to mention- it almost revolves around love!
I came back from the dead 25 comments
guest · 10 years ago
if you know if a character who's " come back from the dead so many times that I stopped counting XD" then obviously it's not really that special for his/her kind of creature. kind of like time lords in Doctor Who or monsters in Percy Jackson - it's part of their nature. That like a human going up to a dog and saying "i've survived eating chocolate so many times i've lost count!" we can eat it but they can't. whoever made this is SIRIUSLY stupid and anyone who agrees with it is absolutely RIDDIKKULUS.