
Bread from pompeii 28 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Well that was random.
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guest · 10 years ago
Oh sorry I'm not. Just thought I'd put my 2 cents in.
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guest · 10 years ago
Jesus never mentioned homosexuality, but He did condemn all forms of sexual immorality. Being "gay" is something that comes naturally. It's not like "I don't like red apples so I'm going to eat green from now on." I mean yes some people do try the opposite sex for a while. Turns out it feels like a best friend and then they move to the same sex. I'm just saying. People who judge homosexuality and are Christians basically spit on their own religion. If you don't like it fine. There's no need to shun it. Just cause someone down the street is listening to a different type of music doesn't mean it's going to affect your life and the choices you make. Let people live their lives. If you are so focused on that and there is so much more wrong with this world, then you lead a sad and lonely life.
Tittle 9 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Guys.'s Bentobox Crumpettea.
That'll teach 'em 31 comments
guest · 10 years ago
This guy sounds more like a child murdering sick fuck. Like I get the whole 'Hating kids' because they're whiney. You can't seem to calm your tits. Daddy didn't love you. The kid bit you.... blah blah blah. Let the parent handle it. If they don't. Learn you some knowledge. There's no need for hurting children people.