Spotted Clearly 5 comments
· 10 years ago
He who would sacrifice essential liberty for the illusion of safety deserves neither safety or liberty.
You actually hurt your position by doing so 5 comments
· 10 years ago
Men get destroyed in New York too. I have seen cheating whores get everything.
Let's just get it over with guys 28 comments
· 10 years ago
Maybe you people should petition the whitehouse so that you can get the message out. Jay Carney will have to write a press release stating the the billions of dollars it would cost to flip a switch and convert to metric just are not in the budget at this time. The entire interstate and intrastate highway systems and every back country road have signs posting your location in miles, speed limits in miles, distance to next exit in miles. The DOT requires reams of paperwork to be filed daily that is all in miles and pounds and imp tons. Thousands of supermarkets have signage in pounds. NOAA and NWS use farenheit
and miles in most of their documentation and in all of their alerts. Every bridge and crane in the country has capacity placards in tons. The cost to various government agencies and private industry would be beyond the realm affordability for our nation right now as many of us struggle to pay our property taxes and keep up with the high cost of simply being alive these days.
and miles in most of their documentation and in all of their alerts. Every bridge and crane in the country has capacity placards in tons. The cost to various government agencies and private industry would be beyond the realm affordability for our nation right now as many of us struggle to pay our property taxes and keep up with the high cost of simply being alive these days.
Tracks in the sand 22 comments
Now that's the way you do it 5 comments
· 10 years ago
That episode was awesome , they were the only ones cheering for the Washington generals and booing the Harlem Globetrotters. They heckled the refs the whole time.
Ok good.. Good for you capt! 22 comments
· 10 years ago
Wizard of Oz was released in 1930s Captain America was from WWII then frozen for decades, having slept through decades of pop culture he was happy to have something referenced tosh the had actually experienced.
The lessons of my childhood 15 comments
· 10 years ago
Dear lilchickicat, don't be upset. People do not down vote comments to get your panties in a bunch. They simply do not agree with your comment. This is a site accessible to several billion people, you cannot expect everybody to share the same opinion on every topic. Chin up and have a nice day.
The real cost of getting sick in the US 20 comments
· 10 years ago
Mgoveia- please tell me that you don't cite Comedy Central as your only source of "news"
I felt responsible 16 comments
· 10 years ago
I am sorry to have to tell you this, the police are not here to protect you. SCOTUS has ruled as much. They are supposed to protect and serve the law, not the citizens. Carry your own protection.
Do not judge a person, until you know their story 63 comments
· 10 years ago
I work for a large construction company. We won a contract to upgrade the hearing systems and water heaters in a federally funded housing project. We got to know and like some of the residents and absolutely loathe others. Some ran criminal enterprise from their free apartments and had better appliances furniture and clothing than we did. Some were severely disabled. One young widow was trying to start a sandwich business in the nearby office building. One tenant played video games 22 hours daily and drank and ate only what the pizza guy brought while urinating in the empty soda bottles, he supplemented his government handouts by selling pirated video games and movies. A family of Asian immigrants had the cleanest place, though sparsely furnished. They were saving for a house while both children were working students and both parents worked. One elderly man made coffee for us, insisted on it even though he struggled to walk. Many young black men would yell at us for waking them.
First post !!! 8 comments
· 10 years ago
As I approach my house my need to poop increases exponentially with every passing mile, cannot wait to poop on my own, private, comfy toilet. Hate to go at work.
I'm not so sure... 38 comments
· 10 years ago
You know, I am afraid to post this under my name, but this seems to somedays turn into lgbtq substance and I do not give a shit if you are gay or not but good grief people not everything is a referendum or comment on rights if queers give it a bloody rest!!!!!
How to find the perfect shoes 5 comments
Well Then 16 comments
Well Then 16 comments
· 10 years ago
Can be quite cost prohibitive of you live in distant suburbs or rural areas to attend catholic or Jewish private schools.
Someone fix this. 20 comments
· 10 years ago
In my men's jeans I fit a wallet, eye drops, money clip, spare magazine, i phone, truck keys, change, comb, pocket knife, handkerchief and a pen. Sometimes I add a small LED flashlight. On my belt is my holster, Leatherman, and second phone (rugby II). This way I can usually avoid a brief case as they attract too much attention.
Save money 8 comments
· 10 years ago
Taking pride in and bragging about poor work ethic is one of the many reasons the US cannot compete in a world economy.
Minimum wage 13 comments
· 10 years ago
That sturdy concluded that min wage would be $10.80 had it risen with inflation since 1968. However, we also now have expenses that did not exist forty years ago. Healthcare costs have risen at several times inflation. People seem to think that they need to have cable television and mobile phones with internet access. These were all luxuries when introduced to the public. Minimum wage jobs should be treated as an opportunity to show that you have work ethic and can follow protocols to allow you to move into a permanent position. Unfortunately some people cannot handle this. At the same time the American people allowed our manufacturing jobs to be
moved to China and Mexico and Thailand. Federal pixies like granting China most favored trade status and NAFTA have only accelerated the downward spiral we have been in since the late 90s. There is no easy fix without serious tariffs on imports and tremendous taxes on money leaving the country.
moved to China and Mexico and Thailand. Federal pixies like granting China most favored trade status and NAFTA have only accelerated the downward spiral we have been in since the late 90s. There is no easy fix without serious tariffs on imports and tremendous taxes on money leaving the country.
The government throughout history 12 comments
· 10 years ago
Ask any teacher, no child left behind is a mistake that has helped to ruin education. Do not fall for the feel good name and explanation.
50 years from now 29 comments
· 11 years ago
I am so tired of mgoveia slamming republicans every chance he gets. There already is a "path to citizenship" available. All of my great grandparents walked it, why is it suddenly not
good enough? We live in a "flyover town" in New York and have to endure the expense of NYC mayor after NYC mayor inviting illegals in for free healthcare and a long list of social programs. If you snuck into most other nations you would be arrested as those hikers in Iran were or the boat full of Chinese refugees in Canada. Why is it wrong to expect the laws and borders of our sovereign nation be respected?
good enough? We live in a "flyover town" in New York and have to endure the expense of NYC mayor after NYC mayor inviting illegals in for free healthcare and a long list of social programs. If you snuck into most other nations you would be arrested as those hikers in Iran were or the boat full of Chinese refugees in Canada. Why is it wrong to expect the laws and borders of our sovereign nation be respected?
Drive your tractor to school day 11 comments