
Teach your children to think 53 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Hasn't anyone ever wondered: How many ape fossils have they found? Pretty many, right? And how many human fossils have they found? Again, pretty many, right? Now how many missing link fossils have they found? Not so many... despite this stage of human life being around for millions of years. Now isn't that suggestive?
Reginald d. Hunter frames the issue 33 comments
guest · 10 years ago
*yawn* Yet another frustrated atheist with a beef against something he doesn't believe in. Why don't you people do something interesting? Like, maybe complain that Batman does more harm for Gotham than he does good?
50 years from now 29 comments
guest · 10 years ago
I really wish stupid people would quit blaming the Bible for preventing gays from marrying. Science and evolution does not support homosexuality either as it flies in the face of everything Darwin and Dawkins have written about. In a nutshell? DNA inside our genes seek to pass themselves on through sexual reproduction, which is impossible in homosexual unions. If gay was okay, there would have been only male or only female, yet that's not the case; for long before the media and liberals tried to make everyone think otherwise, Mother Nature decided for us.
So true. 24 comments
guest · 11 years ago
So tired of hearing about gay marriage.
To the uneducated 2 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Sounds remarkably close to brainwashing.