Why google is superior 6 comments
· 10 years ago
Woo Hoooo! Neil De Greasy Tyson, the King Cooley High of all de science mans be on de top, lemme holler at ya playa and bring on da white bitches. #highfaluting #bananamatics
What to do now? 28 comments
· 10 years ago
See? This is why I don't believe in all this pretentious talk about 'progressive' values. Nearly all of you, poster included, find nothing wrong with killing a mother as it gives birth. FORGET THAT IT'S A SPIDER - it's still life, and just because it's not as cute and cuddly as a puppy or kitten doesn't mean it should die.
wise words 53 comments
· 10 years ago
Truly, guess he hasn't heard about the amurican schools are so far behind compared to the rest of the world.
Man is the most insane species 11 comments
Snap snap snap 22 comments
· 10 years ago
poor little butt-hurt atheist, you're no fun. have a cupcake, because then at least there'll be a reason to like you.
That guy in the background tho 3 comments
*title* 8 comments
· 10 years ago
So he also hates blacks and homosexuals too then, right? RACIST! RIGHT WINGER! MORALLY BANKRUPT NON-PROGRESSIVE! LET'S BOYCOTT HIM!
Children can be awesome sometimes 32 comments
· 10 years ago
shut up lucy, you're still all emo after your break-up with the Boss. You couldn't even stand up to that skinny little carpenter who was His Son just like you got your behind kicked by Michael.
another punch please 11 comments
· 10 years ago
I support what this teacher did. Teach those hooligans to be nice or we'll make you look gay and everyone will laugh at you!
Gay math 7 comments
· 10 years ago
Well blow me down chillun', it be another one o' me - da famous africano American black science mon Neil De' Greasy Tyson, ed-u-macatin all dose dere stupid white crackers wit' my high falutin' orang-u-ma-tang matmatics. HaHaHa! Looky at dat dere white bitch, she be wantin' my monkey meat! Well, blow me down!
It's all in your hand 9 comments
Fat people 10 comments
· 10 years ago
And maybe homosexual men could use pictures of naked women as motivation to stop being gay. Such a stupid hypocrite - understanding of one group of people only because the media told you to be understanding. You think you're clever, but you're really just a sheep following the herd. Baaaah! Baaahh!!
Please, read a science book once 56 comments
· 10 years ago
Science is simply man figuring out the laws God created to define the Universe.
I murder all I want 14 comments
· 10 years ago
Penn Jillette - the guy who is Glenn Beck's number one fan, once said second hand smoke is harmless, and didn't support global warming because he was scared of what the 'political climate' might do to his career if he did. He is also one of the biggest sexists in Hollywood.
Nice guy to be quoting.
Nice guy to be quoting.
He's got a point 8 comments
· 10 years ago
When oh when will Bill Nye come out of the closet and come clean about his relationship with Ed Begley, Jr?
Whaling 20 comments
· 10 years ago
Everything is unhealthy, why do you think we all die in the end no matter what we do?
I feel like I'm cheating my students everyday 8 comments
· 10 years ago
I am a retired college professor as well, and I agree, college is a complete waste of time an money.
Bullying in America 10 comments
· 10 years ago
Just goes to show how little the person who posted this knows. I was the fat kid in school and all the rest of the kids made my life such a living hell that I had to leave after 5th grade and be homeschooled. Yeah, it's okay to be different, just don't be fat.
Psychological lifehacks to give you an advantage 28 comments
· 10 years ago
Actually, no. If you ever read the book 'What Every BODY is Saying', you would learn people don't react well to people hiding their hands as it conveys a sense of concealment. Hands behind the back is a sign of strong confidence, which some people would also find challenging. Really, if you're going to call yourself '5h3r1ock3d', at least try to think before opening your mouth.
Bill Nye & Morons & Climate Change 17 comments
· 10 years ago
Bill Nye is nothing more than yet another false idol put forth by the liberal left.
The secret agenda of the westboro baptist church 13 comments
· 10 years ago
Why? Because a good majority of atheists need to push their ideology on the whole world to prove they're right. In that regard, they've very similar to the thing they hate, that being religion. To that end, it would behoove them to attempt to discredit theology. I could go on to draw theories that atheism could in fact be a device of satan to lead people astray - the whole concept of there is no God so God doesn't love you, you can do whatever you want to on this world with no fear of punishment, you're not special because originally you were just an ape, accusing Christians of being bad people and telling them they're not worthy of life, playing to people's vanity and pride by telling them only stupid people believe in God and they will look smart if they don't - it all bears lucifer's fingerprints.
This kid just changed my outlook on life. 16 comments
· 10 years ago
I laugh at the pretentiousness of people like this. Young people who think they have life all figured out, yet in acting like such? They show they have zero clue. Wait until they have to get a job and take crap off of all kinds of jerks, pay $600 worth of bills on a $400 paycheck, have a parent grow sick and die, reach their 30's and notice the body aches and pains setting in... then ask them, "Remember how stupid you were back then when you thought you had all the answers?"
Possibly the greatest selfie ever taken 36 comments
Earth 7 comments
· 10 years ago
No, the guest is right. People need to stop trying to humanize a floating hunk of rock.
unamused 16 comments
· 10 years ago
What she probably meant is: "I believe there's an afterlife and accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior, I am assured of going to Heaven. You however, are an atheist and believe there's nothing for you after death. I wish you believed as I did so we could be friends longer."
But nooooo... mention Heaven and everyone starts getting all bent out of shape and defensive, like you accused them of eating the last cookie.
But nooooo... mention Heaven and everyone starts getting all bent out of shape and defensive, like you accused them of eating the last cookie.
Neil deGrasse Tyson addressing Zombies 17 comments
I. WILL. BREAK. THEM. 11 comments
· 10 years ago
How about if they type, "I don't give a shit bitch, go make me a sandwich like a good little piece of ass."
I think its time to move planet... 15 comments
· 10 years ago
I know! Let's all kill ourselves to save the planet! :D By the way - every time you smoke weed? You're destroying a green, living plant :( That makes the Earth sad. Oh, and the very smart phone or computer you used to make this post, was no doubt made by silica that was stripped mined from the Earth's crust.
And songofthewhitestag? Oh, how well you know that children's minds are malleable...
And songofthewhitestag? Oh, how well you know that children's minds are malleable...
Shots fired!! 29 comments
· 10 years ago
Thank you cedricpotato for completely missing my point: that Canada is so weak-kneed that it could be conquered by Greenland. Oh, and as for the "Well we beat America once...", please. Canada is like Al Bundy, a 40 something who still remembers the time he scored three touchdowns in a high school football game. The Detroit thing was because General Hull was a senile imbecile who believed a report that there was a huge Indian war party on the way. Yes, they set fire to Washington, but we did torch Toronto in return. We still have an Imperial Lion which we looted on display at the U.S. Naval Academy. By the way, just how did the Battle of New Orleans pan out for your side? 5,000 Brits vs. 4,000 Americans. The final score on that day was British casualties: 291 American casualties: 13 Sorry about that, eh?
Shots fired!! 29 comments
· 10 years ago
Oh please. The reason why no one messes with Canada is because it's hooked onto the United States. If Canada was off by it's own? It would have been invaded and conquered by Greenland.
People need to see this! 14 comments
· 10 years ago
If gays outnumbered straight people, then heterosexuality would be a minority and the homosexuals would gain all the power. Because absolute power corrupts absolutely, the gays would make laws prohibiting straight people from becoming married and guys would get beaten up for looking at Playboy. But in about 30 years, the straight people would gain a foothold in the media and turn their plight into a trendy cause that would make people look understanding and caring (even if they really aren't). So yep, you either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become a villain.
Just keep rolling 15 comments
· 10 years ago
Ah yes, they hate America... but man do they LOVE our money! god Forbid a natural disaster strikes because everyone has their hand out, looking for that greenback... or when some butthole starts acting up and needs putting in their place, then it's "Help us USA, helps us!". Look, I know most of Europe is a backwoods hell hole that is still living in the 18th century and you're jealous because we have all the good food and neat toys and stuff, but seriously - chill out or we'll elect someone worse then George W. Bush. Savvy?
Thor faces discrimination 10 comments
· 10 years ago
Yep, accept the gays, muslims, and blacks, yet still hate on fat people because they like to eat. Tell me again how progressive you are...
If I hear them, I join them 6 comments
The difference 19 comments
· 10 years ago
Shut the F up everybody. When he called Justin a faggot, he was remarking on how thin and twig-like he was. Brush up on your word definitions.
Have u accepted the force as your lord 12 comments
I'll just put this here. 22 comments
· 10 years ago
How about you get your fact straight? Asexual people are not attracted to anyone. Bisexual people are attracted to males or females. Pansexual people are attracted to anything and everything EXCEPT bestiality, pedophilia, and necrophilia.
Difference 7 comments
· 10 years ago
I vote we turn funsubstance into gaysubstance judging from all the gay posts that are on here now.
Homo 54 comments
· 10 years ago
How do you know you're at a gay man's picnic? Because all the hot dogs taste like poop!
Much owned 38 comments
· 11 years ago
Irony: Atheists spend more time thinking and talking about God than most believers do.
Watermeloooon 8 comments
· 11 years ago
To those wondering: When Judas betrayed Jesus, he led the Roman soldiers to where Jesus and the Apostles were. He told them he would signal who Jesus was by kissing him on the cheek, to which Jesus replied, "You betray the Son of Man with a kiss?". That's what's really going on in this picture.
BRILLIANT 20 comments
· 11 years ago
Hate works both ways. If hating someone for being gay is wrong, because that's the way they feel... then how is it any different for hating someone who doesn't support gay marriage, simply because that's the way they feel.
This is the problem I have with the whole gay acceptance agenda.
This is the problem I have with the whole gay acceptance agenda.
Australian Bank Turns ATMs Into Colorful ‘GAYTMs’ To Support LGBT Parade 30 comments
· 11 years ago
Yes, because there is nothing better than having a cause shoved down your throat in the most obnoxious and annoying manner.
... and people complain about Jehovah's Witness
... and people complain about Jehovah's Witness