Always 2 comments
· 3 years ago
Your nephew looks like this guy
Can someone please explain this 4 comments
· 4 years ago
The stormtroopers trying to show the jawa his place on the socioeconomic totem pole.
Just grab ahold of the lathe, numnuts 5 comments
· 4 years ago
He’s lucky. If it was a larger machine he could have been turned to pink mist.
Do not touch 2 comments
Ice Age folk had short lifespans. 2 comments
Who had a meme to disagree 7 comments
hmm 5 comments
· 4 years ago
‘Masks’ doesn’t mean masks.
I work in the UK and the Middle East. They both have ‘masks’. They are a world apart in whether people actually wear them or not. Watching people fumble in pockets to pop a mask on just before entering a shop, usually under the nose in the U.K. before moving it aside to speak to the cashier or even to sneeze vs watching people in the Middle East wearing masks outside, on their own, all the time, even when no one is watching.
‘Masks’ does not mean ‘masks’.
I work in the UK and the Middle East. They both have ‘masks’. They are a world apart in whether people actually wear them or not. Watching people fumble in pockets to pop a mask on just before entering a shop, usually under the nose in the U.K. before moving it aside to speak to the cashier or even to sneeze vs watching people in the Middle East wearing masks outside, on their own, all the time, even when no one is watching.
‘Masks’ does not mean ‘masks’.
PETA dishing out alternatives 2 comments
What happens in Space doesn't Stay in Space 4 comments
Glass house mountains, qld australia! 2 comments
based 5 comments
· 4 years ago
Dropping him off, yeah, you don’t want to kidnapping charges, but to tell him to have a good day? That’s just class.
Rare photo of young Mark Zuckerberg 1 comments