Baby wallaby 6 comments
· 10 years ago
How the hell do you figure they're endangered? They breed like rabbits. They're everywhere where I live.
As a preschool teacher, I see this all the time and it drives me crazy 21 comments
· 10 years ago
As a teacher you'd think they'd be able to spell savannah correctly...and know that there are elephants that do in fact live in the jungle.
Makes me wonder 17 comments
· 10 years ago
Yes hi, this is the first guest. Would just like to direct your attention to this verse: "For when Gentiles who do not have the Law do instinctively the things of the Law, these, not having the Law, are a Law unto themselves, in that they show the work of the Law written in their hearts, their conscience bearing witness, and their thoughts ultimately accusing and defending them.' (Romans 2: 14-15). In short, the Law = Bible, the Gentiles = people who have not heard the Bible. Which means people who instinctively behave in the way that the Bible teaches, even if they have not heard of the Bible, can be redeemed. It'd be pretty silly if people couldn't enter heaven just because they were born into a remote area or at an era where not everyone knew of God. That would be a contradiction of God's unending love for ALL humanity.
So, as you can see, my previous comment is therefore, not a lie, as it is backed up by the Bible.
So, as you can see, my previous comment is therefore, not a lie, as it is backed up by the Bible.
Makes me wonder 17 comments
· 10 years ago
The /real/ answer to his question is that anyone who has not been preached to can still go to hell, they will just not be judged so harshly. They can still live a Christian life as the holy spirit will guide them in making good moral decisions, and that is how they will enter heaven. So how about we don't make up a fake quote, written by someone who is obviously not religious, just to persecute the religious and make them look stupid, hmm?
Someone please slap this woman 43 comments
· 10 years ago
For everyone saying 'they're endangered, she shouldn't have killed it' blah blah. It's the corporations that are taking thousands of these per year that are causing the problem, not die-hard fishermen that would not be able to take more than probably one, if they had the means to catch them at all.
Tulip fields in Holland 4 comments
This guy knows how to dad 8 comments
· 10 years ago
Agreed! The reason why kids disturb people isn't because of parents letting them be loud, it's because they're not able to sit still like that for long time. People need to accept that if they have young kids, they just can't do things they used to until they grow up enough.
Little girl scream activate 36 comments
What if I told ya, I believe ya? 17 comments
· 10 years ago
The dog is aggressive because the owners abuse it? Calling bulldust on this. Certain dog breeds are genetically predisposed to being aggressive. Sure, that doesn't mean every single dog of that breed is going to be aggressive, but if they get the right genes then they will be harder to train, and more likely to be dangerous. Saying that 'no dog is dangerous just cause' is a blanket statement just like 'every dog of that breed is dangerous'. Get your research straight.
What if I told ya, I believe ya? 17 comments
· 10 years ago
What if I told you that, in any species where there are breed variations, some have genetic dispositions to be more dangerous. This can be countered with good training but not always.
Depends which 9 comments
· 10 years ago
Less. Work on a farm, and if you use an expired poison for weeds/insecticide you can expect them to stay around. It means the active constituent (part that kills) has broken down, and won't work to its' full extent.
When a girl is on her period 8 comments
· 10 years ago
People. PEOPLE. Do your research, PMS is a condition suffered very rarely. PMS is just now an excuse to dismiss a real concern/hurt/emotional outburst of a woman. I can't tell you how many times I've been genuinely upset and a guy/girl has just said 'must be on her period', and use it as a valid excuse to ignore me. Wake up.
How many people? 14 comments
· 10 years ago
The ravenclaw would probably also have pointed out it's 'ensure' not 'insure'
I'll just leave this here. 9 comments
· 10 years ago
Nope, sorry. This has been talked about by Disney, and they say as he has 'phenomenal cosmic power' and all, he has the ability to transport himself between different points in time, hence, 'so third century'.
The Very Definition Of Putting A Positive Spin On Things.... 9 comments
· 10 years ago
Been diagnosed that I most likely have macular degeneration (and I'm only 20). This makes me feel better.
Bad luck britain 6 comments
Scary but true 29 comments
· 10 years ago
They used to be put in cages for 'entertainment', cages that were hardly big enough for them to walk around in, and were basically just a concrete floor with iron bars all around. Nowadays, animals are in specially designed enclosures, filled with entertainment for the animals themselves, and they have enough space to feel comfortable and behave as naturally as possible. Yes captivity is not ideal, but the positives far outweigh the negatives. Zoo animals are educating people about their wild counterparts, raising money for their wild counterparts' habitats, and also providing a way for their species to not become extinct.
Like if u cri evrytim 19 comments
· 11 years ago
Pretty sure it's by Jacksfilms, not sure of the actual link, but he has a couple of these.
Boats with fairly clever names... 10 comments
· 11 years ago
It says 'didjabringabeeralong' (Did you bring a beer along). It's a quote used a lot in Australia, because it sounds like an Aboriginal place name (lots of places like Quorrobolong, Geelong etc), but is just a joke really. You find it on a lot of plaques to hang up in pubs or house bars and that.
Current mood: The mood for food 2 comments
Retail signs 3 comments
· 11 years ago
I worked in a yoghurt kiosk once, and my boss said, even if I'd packed everything away, if someone came up and asked for something I'd have to give it to them, which happened ALL THE TIME, or else I'd get fired. Oh they didn't pay for the overtime either. Hospitality is the worst.
The future: 3D pregnancy technology 28 comments
· 11 years ago
I choose to look at this guy not as an idiot, but a very...very loving husband, who's willing to overlook that his wife cheated on him so he can just love the child instead.
Colorful sheep 12 comments
· 11 years ago
Sorry city-slickers, this is fake! Been photoshopped, and it does look cool, but:
a) sheep do not remain this clean. there should be dirt/mud/other stuff on them, especially when they're in a yard like this
b) no farmer would ever dye a whole heap of sheep like this, it means the amount they'd get paid for the fleece would absolutely plummet
a) sheep do not remain this clean. there should be dirt/mud/other stuff on them, especially when they're in a yard like this
b) no farmer would ever dye a whole heap of sheep like this, it means the amount they'd get paid for the fleece would absolutely plummet
Now, what does the combine harvester say? 7 comments
· 11 years ago
Phonetics, my friend. You're forgetting about phonetics. Looking at different letters and how they sound is good, no matter what the subject matter is. Animals can also be a very engaging subject to many children, which will engage them in their studies a lot more easily.
The thing about guns 35 comments
· 11 years ago
Not sure where shadowstorm197 has done their research, but I'm almost certain you've looked at murder/suicide rates both related and non-related to firearms. Just as a comparison, firearm-related deaths per 100,000 residents in Australia (my country, where guns are allowed for recreational purposes and on farms, and certainly aren't a household object) in 2010 was 1.06. In America it was 10.3 per 100,000. More to the point, on our news, every single day there seems to be another mass-shooting of innocents. That's not to mention all the people that are innocent that are killed singularly. Do some research. It could, literally, save lives.
if only 21 comments
· 11 years ago
Getting downvoted for speaking the ugly truth... Funsubstance is a true democracy :)
So sad. 9 comments
· 11 years ago
Just pointing out that animals can't actually comprehend paintings/pictures. Nor do animals in captivity really want to escape. It's on a different level, but I work on a horse stud, and when I'm on the feed rounds, I leave the gate wide open, and they go for feed every time. It'd take them a while to leave even without the feed.
if only 21 comments
· 11 years ago
This sorta does work in a way, how about stopping buying extra snacks. Then you have saved money and aren't eating too many calories.
:P q: 16 comments
This saved me a few hundred dollars recently 3 comments
That boy aint right 7 comments
· 11 years ago
Thankyou, exactly what I was going to write. It's not an issue of 'love yourself for what is inside', it's 'you are not healthy' ha.
Hero 13 comments
· 11 years ago
I know what you mean, I don't fancy the idea of getting old either, but to wish for an opportunity to die young probably isn't the best, and my point is that to hope that he is a man that wanted to die young just seems a bit unfair. If you're hoping to die in a heroic way, you're hoping for a tragedy. I might not fancy the idea of growing old, but I hope I live a long life, and I hope you and everyone else does too, free from terror and murder and attacks like the one that this man prevented.
Hero 13 comments
· 11 years ago
I hope he wasn't one that feared old age. I think that'd take away from his sacrifice. He probably wanted to experience a great many things, he probably wanted to travel, to learn, to laugh that little bit longer, but instead he threw that all away to ensure that others have the chance to grow old. Don't fear old age, it is a gift in itself.
No one is illegal 20 comments
· 11 years ago
Oh come on, how racist can you get. You can't tell me it's only ever been 'white' people who have taken over another plot of land as their own. I seem to recall a lot of other countries, with no white people, have had wars and taken over because they saw fit to do so.
When Someone Tries To Mess With Me 14 comments