Equality my ass! I'm a girl and I can't stand feminists 52 comments
· 11 years ago
You think people should get stuff for free based on gender or race?????
Equality my ass! I'm a girl and I can't stand feminists 52 comments
· 11 years ago
Playing devils advocate here, but maybe you were just not as good at your job?
Equality my ass! I'm a girl and I can't stand feminists 52 comments
· 11 years ago
....professors since they work for a profit-making organisation, whereas kindergarten teachers do not. I also feel you have made a erroneous assumption in stating that university professors are mostly male. There are many female professors/lecturers, and even though this does vary by field, there is not a vast gulf between male and female academics (that is your personal cognitive bias). The second error you made was in assuming that professors earn a lot of money; they do not, even though it is more than a kindergarten teacher. Anyway I feel like I have answered most of your confusion.
Equality my ass! I'm a girl and I can't stand feminists 52 comments
· 11 years ago
Because university professors need to be more highly qualified than kindergarten teachers. Getting qualified costs money, which values their knowledge at a higher amount than a less qualified teacher. It is also about supply and demand; there are fewer university level professors and therefore they are harder to replace (more scarce), so some of the premium in their pay is due to retaining good employees. A kindergarten teacher is much easier to replace, since the professional threshold is much lower and so many more people can attain that threshold; there is then no need to pay them more in order to retain that employee (although many organisations give raises based on performance). Finally, the financial benefit to society is objectively greater for univeristy....
Different options for the world 33 comments
Different options for the world 33 comments