When seeing sad things on FUNsubstance 7 comments
· 10 years ago
Absolutely. This is not Emosubstance or Agendasubstance, this is supposed to be FUNsubstance.
Look mittens a f*ggot 46 comments
· 10 years ago
Songofthewhitestag - It seems sort of ironic about you complaining of a word because it hurts, meaning that we shouldn't use it. First time gay sex between two men hurts a hell of a lot more, perhaps it shouldn't be done.
I miss it... 70 comments
· 10 years ago
Yes, because we can't have more than five posts that don't whine and complain about gay rights.
A concept few people understand 32 comments
· 10 years ago
How can this be a concept that few get... WHEN IT'S BEEN SHOVED IN OUR FACE SO MANY TIMES? Sheesh, gay people are worse than Jehovah's Witnesses.
This is what I think about older generations 9 comments
· 10 years ago
Or like saying, "Gay people demand tolerance, yet aren't tolerant of people not liking them."
All girls 18 comments
· 10 years ago
Way to go for dispelling the stereotype that gay people want everyone else to turn gay songofthewhitestag lol
Can't get a date 18 comments
· 11 years ago
There is actually a strong case for Hitler being a closet homosexual and Braun was simply his 'beard'.
Double standard. 40 comments
· 11 years ago
Oh definitely. Those poor and noble lesbians are sooooo much better than those mean ol boys with their ugly smelly penises. *eyeroll*
Feminism I think 60 comments
· 11 years ago
I was best friends with this one girl for six years. She joins college, discovers feminism, and instead of seeing me as her friend? She starts seeing me as her enemy as I am a male. It was so weird to see her attitude me change so drastically, so quickly. Six years of fun and being there for my friend, and it's over as she told me off, deleted me off of her Facebook, and wants nothing to do with me. All because I'm a dude.
Reasons Against Gay Marriage 77 comments
· 11 years ago
"But being able to marry means a lot of benefits financially"
So it's all about money? Excuse the term, but the "gay mafia" in Hollywood has engineered this whole aggressive media campaign, just so gays can save a few bucks on their 1040 EZ's? Hardly noble.
So it's all about money? Excuse the term, but the "gay mafia" in Hollywood has engineered this whole aggressive media campaign, just so gays can save a few bucks on their 1040 EZ's? Hardly noble.
♥The Truth 49 comments
· 11 years ago
I remember when gay marriage first started being an issue. It wasn't because of love or fairness or any of that. Gays wanted their unions to be recognized as marriages for tax and inheritance reasons. This is why the Government refuses to recognize it, because it would cost them money. So sorry kids, there are no noble reasons to be waging this war. It's all being fought for the mighty dollar bill.
Reasons Against Gay Marriage 77 comments
· 11 years ago
Honest, open question: If gays were allowed to marry, what then? Would the gay community still continue to feel oppressed? To what end would the gay community feel like their cause has been vindicated? To have everyone in the world love them and not be allowed to dislike them?
b**bs are Great 36 comments