
Regarding all this talk of "90s" kids 52 comments
guest · 11 years ago
I never realized until recently all the debate and fighting going on over being a 90's kid. I don't want to be involved in all of this but I want to make a comment because some people really take this to heart. For the people trying to rub it in others faces about being a 90's kid, you should stop, you shouldn't make someone feel bad about when they were born, they can't help it. And to those that really want to be a 90's kid,instead of wasting your energy arguing about if you are a 90's kid or not, wait a few more years and you can argue with the next generation about who is a true 00's kid, if you really need to feel superior. I miss the 90's myself,you can be proud, your decade. I think the problem is that people see that the 90's was the last decade where kids could be kids instead of being invaded by social media. If there are things you don't like about your decade then don't take part in it,if you want to like 90's stuff then go ahead, no one should stop you from that. Rant over