And On The 8th Day It Was So Said "Let There Be Science...." 65 comments
· 10 years ago
long as there is another secluded area for all the pretentious atheist douches.
Alpha female 8 comments
· 10 years ago
Was just to distract the bitch from yelling at the guy. Standing up for him wouldn't have worked, she'd have expected it and would then be ranting and raving at 2 people. What she did however, completely caught the other girl off guard which allowed the guy to get away.
Anyway, doubt its actually real. A guy probably posted it and said he was a girl so he didn't get called sexist and everything else
Anyway, doubt its actually real. A guy probably posted it and said he was a girl so he didn't get called sexist and everything else
Save money 8 comments
· 10 years ago
Speaking of, I actually did fire a guy just recently for this. As the post put it, he STOLE $800 from me.
Practical skills are useful too 16 comments
· 10 years ago
calculate how much it would cost to hire somebody else to do it for you. You might use some engineering to make sure your design is feasible. Physics and Chemistry, you might need to use it to make sure that billboard design you made will actually stay up and not fall down. Or that wind or rain or snow won't overload it and break it. Or make sure the paint you are using won't be affected by weather or other stuff that might come into contact with it. Every technical aspect you can figure out and do yourself, is either going to save you money, make you more money, or make things easier for you. It makes you more marketable, if I'm looking at 2 people and 1 of em can do a whole lot more for me so I don't have to hire others later, I'm much more inclined to hire that person instead, AND pay them more for it.
Practical skills are useful too 16 comments
· 10 years ago
Pushing different classes to make kids more "well rounded" is a completely different subject from pushing kids that they HAVE to go to college. In fact, its kinda counter to the argument made in the post. By forcing different subjects on the kids, it makes them 1) learn at least a little bit about it 2) lets them see if thats something they'd want to go into later rather than just letting them think they know what it is and that they dont like it (kinda like forcing kids to eat a new food before saying they dont like it) This would be helping them "explore their options" instead of letting them figure it out. 3) Just about every subject has potential to make use of every other subject. I can't think of a single job that literally only uses 1 subject. Graphic designer for example, you still need math to figure out how to stay profitable, how to calculate your costs, etc. You might need to use some calculus to figure out as kiki said curvature, etc. If you cant, you'll have to calculate
Practical skills are useful too 16 comments
· 10 years ago
Agreed. I personally, needed and wanted college, but a good friend of mine thats...less than smart....was told he HAD to go to college since thats what people do after high school. Well he had crap grades so he couldn't hardly get any financial aid, and then spent 3 years racking up debt in college before finally flunking out. He ended up later going to a trade school to learn welding, and has a job doing that now. He woulda been TONS better off if he'd just been able to go straight to that from HS rather than waste all that time and rack up all that debt in college
Imagine! 7 comments
· 10 years ago
key word in that statement was "species" course different species of an animal look different. Thats like saying we look different from apes.
I'm okay with this 12 comments
No respect for Daft Punk 11 comments
· 10 years ago
Except that their helmets are just as famous if not more so than most "famous" faces. So that argument doesnt really work. I don't care 1 way or another for them, just saying that arguments weak
THE HOOOOOKS!! 16 comments
· 10 years ago
could be a genetic mutation, really hard wind blew them as they started growing, people cultivated them
Hermione granger 17 comments
· 10 years ago
Harry actually DID do better at the DADA OWLs too didnt he? Been a while but if I remember right he got an O and she got step down letter, E?
Anyway, I still wouldn't say that makes him "the strongest wizard alive at the time" He was really good in 1 subject, and barely avg maybe slightly above in all the other subjects. Whereas Hermione was a bad ass in every subject. I'd take her on my side any day of the week instead of Harry
Anyway, I still wouldn't say that makes him "the strongest wizard alive at the time" He was really good in 1 subject, and barely avg maybe slightly above in all the other subjects. Whereas Hermione was a bad ass in every subject. I'd take her on my side any day of the week instead of Harry
The saddest thing about getting engaged 13 comments
· 10 years ago
Or maybe you changed and all you want to talk about is your wedding and future husband and bla bla bla and they all got sick of it
Well...You're not wrong 3 comments
· 10 years ago
That would be wrong, the year 1895 didnt end IN 1896. No part of 1895 was during 1896, so it couldnt end IN it.
Not this time, you Punk 11 comments
· 10 years ago
Well, when you make an album and it sells really well and everybody around you is constantly telling you how you are gonna win and how amazing it is (whether they actually believe it or not, I'm sure tons of people told her that) it kinda builds up your expectations. Course shes gonna react when she loses. Did she make a big deal about it afterwards? Course not, because shes better than that
Thought this was kinda cool 38 comments
· 10 years ago
The bounty on Ginny is higher than Ron and barely lower than Hermione. And the bounty on Draco is 20% higher than Hermiones? Somebody thinks quite highly of those 2 apparently. And super lowly of Ron & Hermione.
Thought this was kinda cool 38 comments
· 10 years ago
Couldn't they just keep up a permanent shield aura? Or carry some sort of charmed item for the same effect ie. the invisible hat thing the Weasley Bros sell but deflects all projectiles around the wearer. Sure a complete ambush would work 1 time, but then after that the wizards would have learned to keep that up at all times and marines would be useless
Goddammit, God 14 comments
· 10 years ago
technically they both are on and off throughout your life until they stop completely
Damn gop 18 comments
· 10 years ago
Company money is taxed at some point anyway, whether its when they pay employees, when the owner takes it out themselves, or when they pay stockholders, its gonna get taxed. When the corporation pays taxes too, its called double taxed.
Damn gop 18 comments
· 10 years ago
Few statistical numbers for you, the top 1% (the super rich) account for over 1/5 of the federal taxes. The top 20% (the fairly rich - super rich) account for almost 70%. The top 40% (Almost anybody making above average) account for over 85%.
That means that the entire bottom 60% of the population, pay only 15% of the federal tax dollars. Almost half the population is entirely refunded and pays ZERO federal taxes. You know whos paying for those people instead? The rich. When you say the rich don't pay their fair share of taxes, you are absolutely right. THEY PAY TOO DAM MUCH to compensate for half the population that doesn't have to pay any or next to none.
That means that the entire bottom 60% of the population, pay only 15% of the federal tax dollars. Almost half the population is entirely refunded and pays ZERO federal taxes. You know whos paying for those people instead? The rich. When you say the rich don't pay their fair share of taxes, you are absolutely right. THEY PAY TOO DAM MUCH to compensate for half the population that doesn't have to pay any or next to none.
Damn gop 18 comments
· 10 years ago
10 million, thats good enough right? I mean who couldn't live off of 10 million dollars? But think about this. You won 100 to begin with, you spent 10 million of it in your lifetime, and your son spent 10 million of it (lets say he wasn't as prudent as you and blows through it all) That means, of that 100 million dollars, your family actually got to receive and spend 20 million of it. 20% went to you, and 80% was taxed in one way or another at some point in time. The amount of taxes in dollars YOU alone paid, were equal to what thousands of others paid in taxes (if they paid any and weren't refunded all of it for being too low of an income).
And yes, there are ways around that 80% tax rate from above (donating to charity, forming trusts rather than inheritances, etc.) Its just to prove a point that the "rich" are paying more than their fair share in taxes.
And yes, there are ways around that 80% tax rate from above (donating to charity, forming trusts rather than inheritances, etc.) Its just to prove a point that the "rich" are paying more than their fair share in taxes.
Damn gop 18 comments
· 10 years ago
Well like you said yourself, the rich inherited their money. That means they already owned it, why should that be taxed? Lets say you are in the bottom 0.001% of the population have pretty much nothing, and then you win the lotto and win 100 million bucks. You take the lump sum so its now ~70 million. Thats gonna get taxed extremely heavily so now you are down to maybe 30 million that you actually receive. Well since you were so poor before, you spend a decent amount of it on yourself/family, but aren't used to having money so you save most of it and by the time you die you still have 20 million dollars (spent 10 million). Now you decide to leave all you have left to your only son, so he inherits that 20 million dollars. Thats already taxed money (you paid 40 million in taxes already when you first got it) so he should get all 20 million right? Well he would....except theres estate taxes and inheritance taxes, so he wont be getting 20, by the time all thats over he might get 10.
When my parents say their generation doesn't understand computers 4 comments
· 10 years ago
years of doing it one way, its DECADES of doing it one way, and then instead of just a slight layout change, its something that completely and utterly changes the way everything works. Ya, I'm sure you would have no problem whatsoever with that change........
When my parents say their generation doesn't understand computers 4 comments
· 10 years ago
Those 2 also were thoroughly engrossed in the subject for years before it ever became commercially available. And then continued in that specific industry for years afterwards. I'm guessing a teenager made this so imagine DOUBLING the ENTIRE amount of time you've been alive, learning all your ways of doing things, having those things become ingrained in you that THAT is how you do things, not any other way. And then all the sudden some new technology comes out (by somebody your age since it took them years to perfect it) that completely changes how you do tons of things. You'd be perfectly able to just change everything about how you've been doing things for the past 40 years right? I mean it was somebody from your generation that built it, you should automatically know how it works exactly. Do you remember when Facebook changed its layout slightly and the huge uproar it caused because people didn't know how to do everything anymore? Imagine that, except instead of just a couple years
You have a problem with that? 5 comments
Good question 3 comments
· 10 years ago
once. when they got sued for it happening and not having a sign warning about it
Srsly, what a scumbag 5 comments
· 10 years ago
Ya that might fit a few others better (college senior), but its still appropriate for scumbag steve too.
Down under 4 comments
· 10 years ago
Gonna guess the sign was left up a while, the person that stole it was probably a kid from the neighborhood.....PRETTY likely they'd see the sign/get told of it eventually
Damn spelling bees 5 comments
Someone please tell me what the odds of this happening are 10 comments
· 10 years ago tl;dr people like to do it more when its cold and they don't wanna go outside. Lots of Jul-Oct births
Someone please tell me what the odds of this happening are 10 comments
· 10 years ago
The odds of somebody having the same bday as you would just be the 365 (or 365.25 if you want the leap year too) You wouldn't factor in the odds of your own bday. Thats also assuming an equal number of people are born every day, which isn't quite true, some days are much more popular than others. Its also not taking into account the odds that one of those people with your same bday would happen to be at the same place as you AND happen to know its your bday.
Someone please tell me what the odds of this happening are 10 comments
· 10 years ago
ya its nowhere near 1 in 12, maybe 1 in 12 will have the same birth month as you, but day I can 100% guarantee is false.
Is Canada even real 19 comments
· 10 years ago
Most money anywhere isn't actually made of paper. Canadian money isn't special for being waterproof..............
This will make everything so much better 12 comments
· 10 years ago
Until, like most essays, you get a guy that actually DOES know a lot about some specific bill, but has a very different opinion on it than the people doing the grading and so he gets a "fail" grade and can't vote on it.
Then that happens on a mass scale, everybody with the differing opinion get "fails" and thus the bill passes due to nobody that dislikes the bill having a vote.
Then all the sudden, congress is no longer voting, its the people "grading" the congressmen that are deciding everything and all the sudden you just have a different group of people getting paid off and everything else that the actual congressmen used to do
Then that happens on a mass scale, everybody with the differing opinion get "fails" and thus the bill passes due to nobody that dislikes the bill having a vote.
Then all the sudden, congress is no longer voting, its the people "grading" the congressmen that are deciding everything and all the sudden you just have a different group of people getting paid off and everything else that the actual congressmen used to do
NO RETURNS! 23 comments
· 11 years ago
American grows up in America turns out good: Musta been despite all the evil American influences.
Canadian grows up in America turns out good: Musta been because of his Canadian roots.
American grows up in Canada turns out good: Well Canada was just a good influence on him.
American grows up in Canada turns out bad: Well it musta just been because he's American.
Sick of all this Anti-America crap
Canadian grows up in America turns out good: Musta been because of his Canadian roots.
American grows up in Canada turns out good: Well Canada was just a good influence on him.
American grows up in Canada turns out bad: Well it musta just been because he's American.
Sick of all this Anti-America crap
"Dixie, don't touch your frame again." 4 comments
· 11 years ago
Maybe choose a pic that doesnt put the frame sideways so it wont look like shit next to the 7 frames that are the other way?
Afghanistan: 1970s vs. 2000s 32 comments
· 11 years ago
Would just like to point out it wasn't a guest acting like a jackass in these comments. Guess some of you special blue names aren't all better than our black ones huh! :P
Such a violent crime 4 comments
· 11 years ago
Who the fuck just unplugs a cord by computers w/o looking to see wtf its connected to? asshat
Its hard to be a guy ya know? 30 comments
· 11 years ago
Because as a guy you wouldnt have problems with insecurity, emotions, shaving, staying in shape, brushing your hair...................................................................
#roofbreakup 21 comments
· 11 years ago
Yes, SHE is overreacting that the guy, who admits he lies to her, won't give her ANY sort of answer regarding their relationship. Not even a half ass answer such as "Well maybe someday in the future" You know, something that leaves it completely open to whether that means next week or 10 years or never.
The guy sounded like a fucking tool and the only reason I can see to call the girl dumb is for not realizing how much of a tool he is faster.
The guy sounded like a fucking tool and the only reason I can see to call the girl dumb is for not realizing how much of a tool he is faster.
I know he will :) 9 comments
· 11 years ago
The problems not usually will he/she hurt the baby/kid its who will he/she "protect" the kid from. Because the family is pretty unlikely to want to put a dog down for biting them, a random stranger that meant no harm and yet gets bit, IS. Not saying this is just a thing about pit bulls either, there are quite a few breeds that are usually extremely protective.
prince charming 19 comments
· 11 years ago
So......rather than try to talk to her and calm her down on the phone, he hung up on her and an hour later showed up to comfort her? Thats frickin stupid and rediculous. 10 miles away, even at a fairly fast 5 minute per mile thats 50 minutes to get there, and to run 10, I doubt he'd be even close to averaging 5 minutes per. So the gf who has no idea what hes doing since it says he just hung up on her after hearing shes having an attack, is probably going crazy since shes already having a panic attack. Shes now probably wondering things like "did he just hang up on me?" "can he really hate me that much that he'd just ignore and hang up on me when I'm having a panic attack?" "omg what if something happened to him?" Yes I'm sure that helped things immensely.
@bluedogs the reason people have such a problem with it is A) religion is a HUGE part of a lot of people's lives. Probably to a much larger extent than is healthy for many. So when you basically call somebody an idiot for believing something (not to mention the fact that millions of others also believe it and the fact that you can't prove it) of course they are gonna get upset about it. And B) the way that its usually said. Its never a joke about just not believing in God, its always "Haha look at how ridiculously stupid this person is for believing in God. Haha, they so dumb. I'm much smarter than them." When you come off as a pretentious douche, people aren't gonna like what you say, no matter what it is you said.