For all that say ISIS are Muslims 52 comments
· 10 years ago
Most terrorism committed against/in the USA has actually been done by people who are associated with Christianity.
What blacks think 86 comments
· 10 years ago
I understand what you mean. But, in contrast, think of all the hundred of years where people who are black, native american, hispanic, etc., have had to live along side people who are white and were allowed special priveleges, rights and expectations because of their heritage. They've always had things unequal and have lived with others getting the special advantage. Now minorties have special advantages because of their heratage. I just can't feel bad about that. I don't think it's bad for the advantaged to get a taste of what it's like to be maginalized. In fact, i think many people are blind to inequality, until it happens to them. Maybe more people who are white need to experience actual discrimination to build empathy and understanding of those who's lives are defined by it. It seems that many only care about things being unfair when it's no longer unfair in their favor. Inequality doesn't bother them as long as they're on top.
What blacks think 86 comments
· 10 years ago
You have absoloutly valid points. But things are not equal. They are better, but not equal. And better isn't good enough. Segregation still exists in schools, even though it's illegal. And like i said, slavery, jim crow laws, sub standard education purposly given to minority children for generations, a wage large wage gap (that still exists), and negative sterotypes all effect people of color now, even those who didn't directly experience them.
What blacks think 86 comments
· 10 years ago
equal opportunity, not equal outcome. Exactly. Except that being black in america, or any minority (including to those that were scots-irish/catholic untill the early 1900's) are treated differently. Are all disadvantaged, no. But enough research has been done that prove that Americas history of devaluing people who are not white, has lasing effects for generations. The fact that this post hasnt been taken down by a mod, when it is openly racist and blames people who are black for police profiling, proves that something is wrong with how Americans view minorities.
One day minority scholarships will be gone. But to get there, we first have to equalize the playing field, we have to address the racial pay scale, and we have to stop devaluing those that are different and blaming them for thing that are out of their control.
I get what you're saying. I agree that we shouldn't need special programes. Yes, there are disenfranchised people who are white.
One day minority scholarships will be gone. But to get there, we first have to equalize the playing field, we have to address the racial pay scale, and we have to stop devaluing those that are different and blaming them for thing that are out of their control.
I get what you're saying. I agree that we shouldn't need special programes. Yes, there are disenfranchised people who are white.
What blacks think 86 comments
· 10 years ago
It's about accepting that some people are inherantly more advantaged than others. And that there are disadvantages that are not peoples fault and have absoloutly nothing to do whith their behavior and choices, bit have to do with society, history, and socioeconmic factors. Its about bringing those that are lower up to the level of privledge that the rest of us have, not about excluding people.
What blacks think 86 comments
· 10 years ago
It's biased to make up for the disadvantages associated with being a minority. The advantaged don't need more recognition. They have it. History has everything to do with it because what happened is still effecting today. Slavery, jim crow laws, segregation, etc. may be illegal, but that doesnt mean it got rid of the effects of all those years. You can not ignore what happened, because it's still happening. The only way to get to an equal society is to make up for what history has cost the people living now. would a homeless shelter be discriminating against me for not letting me eat and sleep there? No, because i have a home and food. I don't need it. I have a disabled child, because of that she has therapy at preschool. My other child doesnt. Is it discriminatory that only one of them gets that extra attention? No. because only one of them needs it, and without it, my daughter's future would be greatly undermined.
What blacks think 86 comments
· 10 years ago
And FYI, creating a movement that doesn't include white people isn't discriminatory. Discrimination is what happenes when someone is refused a job, housing, acces to basic necessities, based on their race, gender, sexual orientation, etc. Stop making everything about you. A bunch of white people who claim that being excluded is racist, is a bunch of people who are trying to act like history never happened and blame the victimes of real racism. Claiming that this is discriminatory undermines and ridicules real victims of discrimination/racism.
What blacks think 86 comments
· 10 years ago
Dear fellow white people,
Pulling a hissy fit because someone elses life and experience does not match your own, is racist. Claiming racism because a group of people who have been systematically marginalized and refused the same advantages that you take for granted, create a movement that doesnt include you is racist.
Refusing to acknowledge how history and ingrained negative sterotypes, along with subversive silent racism of exclusion, is racist.
People who are trying to move towards equal representation and overcome the long lasting effects of real racism, by supporting each other, and using programs specifically to help the disadvantaged, is not racist.
The same people white people who cry racism are the same ones who claim we don't need feminism. The world does not revolve around you! You don't need support. The disenfranchised do. Excluding the already privileged ensures the focus stays on those who actually need it.
Pulling a hissy fit because someone elses life and experience does not match your own, is racist. Claiming racism because a group of people who have been systematically marginalized and refused the same advantages that you take for granted, create a movement that doesnt include you is racist.
Refusing to acknowledge how history and ingrained negative sterotypes, along with subversive silent racism of exclusion, is racist.
People who are trying to move towards equal representation and overcome the long lasting effects of real racism, by supporting each other, and using programs specifically to help the disadvantaged, is not racist.
The same people white people who cry racism are the same ones who claim we don't need feminism. The world does not revolve around you! You don't need support. The disenfranchised do. Excluding the already privileged ensures the focus stays on those who actually need it.
He may not be getting laid 23 comments
· 10 years ago
He'd be right if she had dressed up, stripped down, gotten him all hot and bothered, then turned him down stating she only wanted to be held. But she didn't. She didn't want sex, and when he didn't like that, she stated that being taken care of on an emotional level is important to her. And that if he refuses to make her emotional needs a priority, she can refuse to make his physical needs a priority.
He acted pretty shitty and childish towards someone he's supposed to care about.
Sex is between two people. Not one person using the other or one person putting themselves above the other. If sex is the most important thing to you, and you want your partner to fulfill that need for you, you better make sure that you're fulfilling their needs as well. For many, sex is very closely tied to their emotions. It isn't just a physical act. And if they don't feel taken care of emotionally, becoming aroused isn't going to happen, and sex leads to feelings of being used rather then pleasure.
He acted pretty shitty and childish towards someone he's supposed to care about.
Sex is between two people. Not one person using the other or one person putting themselves above the other. If sex is the most important thing to you, and you want your partner to fulfill that need for you, you better make sure that you're fulfilling their needs as well. For many, sex is very closely tied to their emotions. It isn't just a physical act. And if they don't feel taken care of emotionally, becoming aroused isn't going to happen, and sex leads to feelings of being used rather then pleasure.
Wait a sec...aren't they on the same side? 8 comments
· 10 years ago
On a lighter note, at least once a day, one of my girls jumps on me or attacks me with a toy and I think "this is it, this is how I die."
Children are adorable monsters.
Children are adorable monsters.
Tie till 26 comments
· 10 years ago
This is absolutely true. Legalization and regulation would actually make things safer and better and even create revenue for the government. It's the morality of the situation that keeps things where they are. But, one must remember that morality is deeply personal thing, and is different for everyone. When prohibition was voted in, the government put increasingly dangerous chemicals and toxins into denatured alcohol to keep people from drinking it. People still drank it and many died horrible deaths. The government just increased the deadliness of the industrial alcohols. So, there is a question of it being morally right to knowingly poison people, and say "well, they shouldn't drunk it."
People are going to drink even if it's prohibited. People are going to do drugs even if it's illegal. When do we decide to stop policing others because of our own morality? What I decide for myself is not what another decides for themselves. (FYI, I'm LDS, I don't even drink alcohol.)
People are going to drink even if it's prohibited. People are going to do drugs even if it's illegal. When do we decide to stop policing others because of our own morality? What I decide for myself is not what another decides for themselves. (FYI, I'm LDS, I don't even drink alcohol.)
Well that escalated quickly 4 comments
7 am. On vacation. Gonna be a long day 2 comments
Cat has thumbs 6 comments
Appropriate school email address 6 comments
· 10 years ago
I've seen both grad school applications and resumes with super inappropriate emails. I've never understood why people wouldn't make a new and appropriate email for their professional life.
Kids are fun 13 comments
· 10 years ago
Naw, most kids are brats. Part of their brain developing is questioning authority and pushing boundaries. Which means a lot of parenting is a thankless crap-shoot. But there are also awesome moments of absolute love and hilarious weirdness.
(As I wrote this my 4year old came to me with her hand held fan stuck in her hair, and my 2 year old was laughing at her predicament.)
(As I wrote this my 4year old came to me with her hand held fan stuck in her hair, and my 2 year old was laughing at her predicament.)
f*ck the poor 11 comments
Teens these days 21 comments
Owned 80 comments
· 10 years ago
How old are you? How do people not know this? All of this info can be found in any middle school or high school sex ed book. Or are you expecting a screenshot of my college medical textbooks?
Nothing I've said had anything to do with women being better than men. This isn't a discussion about who's better or who has it worse. It's about recognizing that menstruation sucks and women can indeed get cancer and die because of their reproductive organs.
Nothing I've said had anything to do with women being better than men. This isn't a discussion about who's better or who has it worse. It's about recognizing that menstruation sucks and women can indeed get cancer and die because of their reproductive organs.
This meme is great for putting things in perspective 55 comments
· 10 years ago
Polio, pertussis, mumps, and a whole host of other diseases were almost eradicated in the US. Until people decided to use the logic that since everyone else is vaccinated, they didn't need to be. Also, because a man publish a paper containing fake trial evidence, fake research, and tons if lies saying vaccines caused autism. He's in jail now for this. The number of deaths for many preventable diseases is on the rise. And many schools have even had to shut down because of outbreaks.
It's great that you have such a good immune system. But you can still be a carrier and spread viruses to others. Which is how in a developed country, these diseases still exist. NOT because of open borders.
And FYI, there is NO vaccine for HIV/AIDS.
I've worked in healthcare/hospitals for 12 years. I know what I'm talking about.
It's great that you have such a good immune system. But you can still be a carrier and spread viruses to others. Which is how in a developed country, these diseases still exist. NOT because of open borders.
And FYI, there is NO vaccine for HIV/AIDS.
I've worked in healthcare/hospitals for 12 years. I know what I'm talking about.
Unpopular opinion puffin 34 comments
· 11 years ago
My 4year old loves to kiss people on the lips. At 1 it was cute. It's getting creepy. I do not know how to get her to stop.
Apparently this opinion makes me some kind of monster 119 comments
· 11 years ago
I think on the question of the mother putting her happiness or wants before the needs of a sick and suffering child is interesting. I really doubt many mothers could actually hold their child in their arms and continue to allow them to cry and shutter in pain, just to satisfy their own needs.
Most diagnosis made at birth, that are actually fatal, come because the child has a condition that is incompatible with life. An inability to make their own blood, a malformed brain or spinal cord, organs that never developed. Rarely are conditions that are truly fatal like this, actually painful. In fact, one of the most painful conditions an infant or child can be put through is drug withdrawal or fetal alcohol syndrome. neither condition is fatal
Is it physical suffering we are looking to alleviate? Or perceived suffering when we see a child with a diagnosis or condition we don't want. that we would rather be dead then have?
Most diagnosis made at birth, that are actually fatal, come because the child has a condition that is incompatible with life. An inability to make their own blood, a malformed brain or spinal cord, organs that never developed. Rarely are conditions that are truly fatal like this, actually painful. In fact, one of the most painful conditions an infant or child can be put through is drug withdrawal or fetal alcohol syndrome. neither condition is fatal
Is it physical suffering we are looking to alleviate? Or perceived suffering when we see a child with a diagnosis or condition we don't want. that we would rather be dead then have?
Apparently this opinion makes me some kind of monster 119 comments
· 11 years ago
I actually used to work at an ALS pediatric clinic. I can tell you with absolute certainty that while many of those children did live with pain, they did not suffer through life. They loved it. It takes years and years for the effects of ALS to bring death to those who are diagnosed with it. An eventual death sentence and painful demise, yes. But each child lived a life worth living. ALS is not a diagnosis that would lead to termination of a pregnancy or a life at birth.
Walder 8 comments
If you want a nice guy 22 comments
· 11 years ago
Girls choose jerks not because they're idiots, but because the jerks have learned how to act like a nice guy. Then once they have the girls attention, they go back to who they really are. But the girl stays because she hopes the jerk will go back to being nice. Same for guys who are with horrible girls.
Life with Bob 6 comments
· 11 years ago
Most people have 3 different careers in their life. Not having it together at 22 is not as big of a deal as society makes us think.
Choose a job/career that you can live with, and develop a fulfilling hobby. It's great to have a job you love, but it's not practical that your going to land it right away. Especially when it takes years of working to figure out what you love and are good at. I'm 28, and only now know what I want to do with my life. And it'll take 10 years to get there. And that's ok.
Choose a job/career that you can live with, and develop a fulfilling hobby. It's great to have a job you love, but it's not practical that your going to land it right away. Especially when it takes years of working to figure out what you love and are good at. I'm 28, and only now know what I want to do with my life. And it'll take 10 years to get there. And that's ok.
Parents are the hardest people to please 3 comments
· 11 years ago
I agree with 90% of this, but I think he may also need to put himself in his parents shoes, like he wants adults to do. Adults need to try to understand children. But adult children, need to also need to try to understand their parents. You can't appreciate what your parents do for you when you only demand and take. Once you're an adult, you're also responsible for input and effort in that relationship.
And parents do remember being in your situation. That's usually where their advice and guidance comes from. They get it. While you're still learning.
I'm not saying this guy isn't right on many points about adults relating and understanding youth. But I really don't know any parents who think like the parents he's talking to.
And parents do remember being in your situation. That's usually where their advice and guidance comes from. They get it. While you're still learning.
I'm not saying this guy isn't right on many points about adults relating and understanding youth. But I really don't know any parents who think like the parents he's talking to.
Good guy parking inspector. Spied this today and think he deserves props 3 comments
· 11 years ago
Parking illegally is different then a meter that's run out. I respect cops this. The point of meters and limited time parking spaces is to allow turnover. Establishments who's customers come and leave need those spaces to change hands often. So the cop is helping the shops accommodate more customers and only ticketing those that are hogging spaces and ignoring signs and meters. He's there to serve the public, not write tickets.
Gender inequality 120 comments
· 11 years ago
Thank you for pointing out that this is all a persons opinion and is NOT based on facts. All well said and well thought out.
Gender inequality 120 comments
· 11 years ago
If you are dating a woman, and she is not paying for half of your dates, you do not have an equal relationship. As a women, I have always paid for at least the dates.
I think the basic problem is respect. Many men do not respect women. They don't respect them as equals in the workplace or at home. And, yes. There are absolutely women who do not deserve it. Women who want to take, be doted on, not work, and treat others poorly. But the same can be said of some men.
Women want to be treated equally on an emotional and mental and physical level. We want our opinions to carry the same weight and consideration. We want our efforts in relationships to be met equally. Most families require two incomes. Yet many men still see all household duties as female-only. If a woman needs to contribute to the finances, men have to expect that they must contribute to the house hold choirs.
It's about respect.
I think the basic problem is respect. Many men do not respect women. They don't respect them as equals in the workplace or at home. And, yes. There are absolutely women who do not deserve it. Women who want to take, be doted on, not work, and treat others poorly. But the same can be said of some men.
Women want to be treated equally on an emotional and mental and physical level. We want our opinions to carry the same weight and consideration. We want our efforts in relationships to be met equally. Most families require two incomes. Yet many men still see all household duties as female-only. If a woman needs to contribute to the finances, men have to expect that they must contribute to the house hold choirs.
It's about respect.
Bible fan-fiction 32 comments
· 11 years ago
I agree. I do like that people kinda personalize him to relate. But I would prefer if in movies where they stress authenticity, and the majority of the other actors are Jewish and middle eastern, that they would represent him as he most likely was.
My biggest gripe in religious movies is a cast of Anglo Saxons.
My biggest gripe in religious movies is a cast of Anglo Saxons.
Im kinda scared now 21 comments
· 11 years ago
As an identical twin, I'm calling this out as crap. Even as adults, it's often hard to tell who is who in pictures. This may have been true in the Middle Ages when it was rare to get see your reflection in anything but water. But it isn't now. My reflection looks just like my picture, and almost exactly like my twin.