
Wrong fabulous Hare 9 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Why am I having a feeling @gay_furry is in the workshop stitching up a furry dragon suit for some reason? Any body else get that feelin or is it just me?
Eating Your First Kebab be Like. 5 comments
guest · 5 years ago
My condolences my dear! I truly wish I could take that problem from you. But I can’t so all I can do is eat a double plate of Fried Okra for the both of us!!
Found this on Facebook. Credits to Jemar Santillan Tamayo 3 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Thank you for not trying to take credit for someone else’s work!! It pisses me off so freakin bad to see people post art an say it’s theirs when a simple search shows its someone else’s. You are AWESOME!!
Ummm, title, I guess? 2 comments
guest · 5 years ago
I’d just shoot myself if I got bit by this SOB!! Cause I’m a hardcore meat eater!!
Am I right fellas 4 comments
guest · 5 years ago
AHHHHH!!! The good Ol Stockholm Syndrome!! An oldie but goodie!! Works just about every time!!
Hilarious 6 comments
guest · 5 years ago
He is from Sunnyvale Trailer Park in Canada!!
can I be convicted for this 7 comments
guest · 5 years ago
@tyche_and_co. If ya have a head cold, I really hope you get that shit knocked out fast. That crap always hit me fast and hard. Sometimes to point my life is miserable an I wanna just shove a shop vac up my nose to get that crap out.
can I be convicted for this 7 comments
guest · 5 years ago
@tyche_and_co. NICE!! You were clear from the get go with me. I did something similar when I left a banana in my one of my dresser drawer one time by accident, I put it down to grab a pocket knife out of the drawer, an for some reason the mofo go pushed back and under some clothes. I forgot about it and went on with life. Well I started to notice a funky smell coming from my dresser. I couldn’t pinpoint the smell or what it was. Well it finally went away. Bout a year goes by an I try to pull a beeni cap from the drawer an found to stuck to something in the drawer. I found my lost banana an it was deff melted from what it originally was. I just turned the clothes that were affected by the melted banana into shop rags and scrubbed the rest out. Man that was some NASTY stuff!
Stop this bullshit 32 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Sis in-law got a German Shepherd for her boys 5 & I think 8,. The dog was 1-1.5yrs old. Well they had it for maybe 3-4months. Well one day their dad was pissed at something an started to break stuff. The dog,Rambo, stood between him an the boys. One of the boys dropped something an the dad got pissed an started waking towards the boys yelling. Well Rambo stood his ground an growled at the dad. Well the fucker got pissed an had Rambo put down cause he wasn’t gonna have an “aggressive” dog in his house. When I heard about it I told him Rambo was just protecting the boys from him. The fucker just shrugged an said “oh well” he still didn’t want a dog that was gonna “challenge” him. My wife an sis in-law had to pull me off of him cause I was beating the shit outta his douchass! They now have a tiny mutt. He loves that it’s scared shitless of him an runs when he comes into a room. Man I hate fuckers like him sooooo much!!!!
1$ 6 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Hahaha I’m all ears. What’s up?
Potatoes is life 12 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Can’t ya make alcohol out of rice?
1$ 6 comments
guest · 5 years ago
The guy squatting is a rapper called The Game. He said he only had a $1.00 just to see if the guy would hook him up or not cause he was black. He found out the guy was cool an hooked him up. So The Game, supposedly gave the guy a $100 tip. Weather that’s true or not, I don’t know. But that is the rapper The Game. I don’t know who the guy standing is. Maybe a posse member of The Game?
snek :3 1 comments
guest · 5 years ago
This is a very gorgeous snake. I’d like to own one like this.
I'm coming lil munchkin 4 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Well all I can say is if you keep thinking negative thoughts then negative outcome is all that is gonna happen. You had the girl of your dreams at one time. Then that shows you that dreams can come true. If you put yourself in a possession that will keep another dream from coming true then you must not want that dream to succeed. I to lost hope when the love of my life left me. I kept kicking myself over an over on what I could have done to keep her. Well there was nothing I could have done, except win a million dollars, she would have stayed but not due to me. It would have only been cause of the money, then when that dryed up, I’d be back in same position. So pick yourself up, brush yourself off, & surround yourself with positive things. An your dreams will come. Just gotta wait. May not be today or next week. But it will come. You just gotta keep yourself in a positive mood. I have faith in you. You gotta have faith in yourself. Pulse we are here if ya need advice.
Carbs 4 comments
guest · 6 years ago
No.... NO....... NO GODDAMNIT!!! NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are telling LIES!!!!!!!! I don’t beleave you, you lier!!!!
Yep. There it is. Spelled out. It's true. 44 comments
guest · 10 years ago
The person who posted this is female.
He sure was in for a treat 8 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Yeah read one on here about a girls dog died. So she put it in a suitcase and was on either a subway or train and somebody offered to help. When asked what was in bag, she said laptops and comp equipment. The dude ran off with it after they got to the station.
As they say: Karma's only a b*tch if you are 29 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Still waitin on where the whole race card can be thrown here!
As they say: Karma's only a b*tch if you are 29 comments
guest · 10 years ago
And I'm not the one who said since hes got the tats hes a drug dealer. I was just sayin dipshits need to quit turnin people's words into some other bullshit.
As they say: Karma's only a b*tch if you are 29 comments
guest · 10 years ago
I got one. I'm just to lazy to keep loggin in every time.
As they say: Karma's only a b*tch if you are 29 comments
guest · 10 years ago
How in the fuck is that racial profiling? All he said was the dude must have gotten the money illegally due to his tats, not the color of his skin or any other thing. It's fucksticks like you who take something someone says and twists it to some other bullshit!! It's your type of ignorant dickholes who need a good bitchslap or three!
You just know Arthur's gonna tell. 8 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Wow. I have never seen so many people so obsessed with having a username, having a blue star and really get their pantys in a wad if they get the dreaded down vote from hell. It's like not having a username, bluestar or positive votes will somehow truly effect how your life is gonna turnout. What's funny is prob 98% are full grown adults. And to the ones who's life is truly ruined if they don't have a blue star or have down votes, Im not here to put you down. I have a username, but I'm to lazy to keep logging in everytime I visit the site and as for the star or down votes, I could give a care less about them. I just live my life one day at a time and to the fullest. Peace out to all!!
Because it's true 49 comments
guest · 10 years ago
True to that. But like everybody else. I can only hold it in until I gotta release. There are people on here that's all they do is look for something to complain on and attack it. And when or if the person who posted it or says their opinion on it they are attacked by the offendedtrollers. I did go back and read my lasts post and Yes you are correct on I should just keep going. But when I see people gang attackin someone I just like to show the attacked that its ok to say what ya need to say. Oh and the about the attackers. They either get the facts wrong or twist it to what they want it to be and will not hear anythin else. No matter if its the truth or a diff opinion on it
Because it's true 49 comments
guest · 10 years ago
It's funny how the ones who say its less racist are normally the ones who are the biggest biggots. Y'all are the ones who will scream that's racist or I'm offended at any little thing when someone who says the truth or their opinion. Just because it don't match what you are thinking or feelin. So I'm calling for all the ones who get offended or feel that the others opinion is wrong to STFU!!! And let people have the freedom to express their opinions as long as they don't physically do it. Y'all are doing it and think its ok. So let the other living have their chance.
When the party ends 5 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Ooooooo noooooo!!! It's Mr Bill
Sharing one of my favourites 14 comments
guest · 10 years ago
The moai 3 comments
guest · 10 years ago
The one in the middle of the three near the tree, somehow reminds me of joe from family guy.
Law Student Knows His Rights 84 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Maybe the caller refused to talk to the police. They can make calls where they don't want the police going to talk to them. So then they only got to go by what they seen when they pulled up. If a mistimeaner did not occur in their present then they cannot make an arrest. But either way they gotta invistigate to find out if there was any crime committed. So you sayin he was obviously was in his rights is still not 100% true. So then I stand with what I said before. How do you know what was done before the guy pressed record. If you know 100% sure then you can be the guys lawyer and just stand infront of the judge and keep sayin over an over that the cop violated the guys rights because the guy said he did nothing wrong and you only going by what he said. And we will see how far that gos in court. I'm gonna end by sayin that if the guy truly did nothing wrong then the cop was in the wrong and if the guy was acting like a nut and he did not get caught then lucky for him.
Law Student Knows His Rights 84 comments
guest · 10 years ago
I did not say there was or was no illegal activity goin on. You are sayin that. And how do you know that there was 100% no illegal activity going on. You are only seeing what the guy videoing wants you to see. How do you know he was not waving it around like a nut just before the cop arrived. Huh. Even if he had right to open carry the gun you still don't have right to be a nut with it in public. And of course when the cop asks him what he is doing he is gonna say nothing. So unless you were there and know 100% what had happen before the guy pressed recorde then ya need to stop sayin the guy was only walking down the street with his gun doing nothing. Cause you don't know that. And if ya do then you need to be the key witness when the guy sues the PD for messing with him.
Law Student Knows His Rights 84 comments
guest · 10 years ago
How do you know that. We're you there. How do you know someone did not call the police sayin the dupshit carrying the gun was waving it around. Even if its a place to carry open it does not give you the right to wave the gun around like a nut job. Even if its your right. People have the right to feel like there's a problem then call the police if they want to. Then the police have probable cause to stop the guy with the gun and oh my god INVESTIGATE him. Wow you curb side lawyers are always screaming that you know your rights but then you don't. Like humpdaaaayyy was saying if someone calls in a concern then the police have the right to investigate to see if a crime is or has been committed. And like someone said before we did not see the person filming film anything he done before he got stopped. Know both sides before you start sayin the person has or has not had their rights violated before you start being the curbside lawyer and shouting out rights are being violated.
Law Student Knows His Rights 84 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Sure. Fuck them until you need them. If someone you love is murdered and you don't know who did it. Normally people are gonna call the police to investigate and hopefully find them. But since you so hardcore I'm sure you will just go all OG and find he killer yourself and go bust a cap in their ass and then smoke a fatty huh. Yeah so fuck them. You can be the superhero that runs towards the danger while everybody else is running away from it. Hell ya might as well fuck the fire, emt, military, or any other organizations that help people. Cause from what it sounds like you got it all taken care of. Fuck the police.
Ariel cosplay 20 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Just from lookin at the third pic and how the middle finger looks I'm goin with its a dude in drag. Doin good job but deff a dude.
iCarly 2 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Why not. Heck these screen shots are givin me a reason to watch this shitty show now. Thanks for pointing them out!
The perfect prank 4 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Or he has a heart attack and y'all freakout cause y'all can't use any of the equipment there cause its fake and then he dies cause the ambulance does not get there in time. Or he gets scared throws up and shits himself then passes back out and now the whole room stinks of shit & vomit and y'all gotta clean him up cause he is passed out.
One sign for all 2 comments
guest · 11 years ago
I think there is someone on eBay that sells theses signs. Or ya can just google it and it should give ya info on them. I'm want one also so ill be looking on eBay and google. Sorry I could not be better help
Those Wheelcaps! 6 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Those are actually real rims. The belly covers the lug nuts. They are a pain to balance but look cool.
Right in the Feel 6 comments
guest · 11 years ago
The chive hooked him and his wife up with enough money to get them their dream home and land. All paid for.