Our colorblind friend didn't lock his computer 11 comments
· 10 years ago
Colorblind doesn't mean you can't see color. It just means you see like blue as yellow but you call it blue. I had a colorblind neighbor who say yellow as pink
When I almost buy into someones bullshit 5 comments
When I almost buy into someones bullshit 5 comments
That was pretty much my reaction when I first heard it, too. 4 comments
· 10 years ago
That awkward moment when a mom can't have a finger for a penis because she wouldn't have a penis
Celebrities over the years 37 comments
In Taiwan, coffee instagrams you 10 comments
· 10 years ago
I hate when people act like this is ruining our generation. Are people like this just not intrigued or at least a little interested in the fact that it is actually pretty cool that they can make something that puts your photo and coffee, AND its drinkable?
Spoiled kids these days 11 comments
· 10 years ago
I'm spoiled as hell because I'm an only child with awesome grades and my dads worked at Microsoft for 20+ years, but I'm super grateful! Besides, just because you have a lot of stuff, doesn't mean life is perfect and that you can't justify being unhappy. My dads an asshole sometimes, and even though he buys me things I can still have reason to be upset with him.
Are we ever going to address things like these? 4 comments
· 10 years ago
Wait I don't get it how is it weird that we eat birds? They provide meat and so we eat it so that we don't have overpopulation and so that we dont see dieing bird carcasses laying around all the time :/
Difference Between Men And Women 14 comments
· 10 years ago
I have a lot of makeup and video games. Oh yeah I'm a girl if you didn't just assume XD
Better go find him 15 comments
At least it makes since 11 comments
· 10 years ago
I think the title is mocking the spelling in the post. Btw.... Rude sluts are the worst. I know one.
Some boys just want to see the world burn 6 comments
Tom Hiddleston dancing... oh hot jam (1:49) 11 comments
· 11 years ago
My guy friend asked me if I would look at it if he did a dirty photo shoot and I was like oh god yes! And he looked at me with a combination of disgust surprise and arousement XD
Wait, what?! 25 comments
The same shot for 5 years 25 comments
· 11 years ago
Datum he's hot. He was hot in every picture.... (I'm 13 I'm not a pedophile XD)
Why The LGBTQI Community Needs, Loves And Appreciates Our Allies.... 87 comments
· 11 years ago
I hate when people say:"oh the bible said that's bad" well that was the old testament. The one where your wife can get beaten for wearing two different kinds of fabrics at the dinner table, and you could sell your daughters into slavery and it was acceptable. The new one says to love everyone, so those people are stupid. Its just part of the reason church and religion bother me. Some of them (not all churches I have a Christian friend who's church doesn't care about lgbt) basically just team up against it and I don't want to be part of that.
N*gga you gay 15 comments
· 11 years ago
Why do you care if they get a girlfriend? I had a boyfriend in the fifth grade and all we did was hang out with each other at parks and our houses with our families. There nothing wrong with a harmless relationship. There isn't an age restriction on when you can show your feelings. Its like saying to an adult " you don't need a girlfriend, go back to your desk to work"
We've reached the peak of human intelligence 6 comments
· 11 years ago
Usually the chains are just different lengths and not labeled, so its confusing to remember which one controls the fan speed or the light on the fan. Btw I have the chain things!!!! Its awesome.
Betty whte is awesome 11 comments
Such a favorite color 24 comments
· 11 years ago
But if you painted the stove top.... Isn't it gonna blow up when he trying to cook?
Creepiness formula 5 comments
· 11 years ago
So a married man with a small child like robin thicke should encourage sluts and surround himself with naked women? I would say the song IS disturbing.
Hated this kid 4 comments
· 11 years ago
I hate this!!!! Even as a teenager some of my friends do this. I hate imposing on people and would never want to make the parents think that I think I can come over and stay whenever the hell I want
iCarly 2 comments
· 11 years ago
The show is not shitty I watched this show when I was younger I saw the first episode at 7. I loved this show!!! The earlier-middle episodes were better than the end (in my opinion)
How did I not notice?? 39 comments
· 11 years ago
Okay lemme clear it up. This is oakens trading post and sauna. The guy who is at the counter was like yoo hoo! Oaken family! Then it flashed to his presumed husband and smaller children that look NOTHING like either of them, so they probably adopted. Definitely a gay couple thing.
Zing! 29 comments
· 11 years ago
That fitter lady was really rude though.... As the mom I would've been like "BITCH
Our Favorite Idiots 6 comments
I Found This On Facebook 4 comments
· 11 years ago
He hadn't had blood in a really long time so he just went cray cray for a sec. She was better off that way than a vampire
I Found This On Facebook 4 comments
· 11 years ago
He hadn't had blood in a really long time so he just went cray cray for a sec. She was better off that way than a vampire
Cool Cat Sharpening Its Claws Like A Boss - Gif 14 comments
Pokemons & Celebrities 4 comments
Pokemons & Celebrities 4 comments
Family reunion 13 comments
· 11 years ago
Oh my god I'm so sorry I commented before I commented. I now realize I am in fact, NOT the only one who believed and knew this was drake bell. Sorry!
Family reunion 13 comments
He's my brother 4 comments
He's my brother 4 comments
Forty years of evolution 5 comments
We talkin' about practice 13 comments
My leg is just my leg 16 comments