Snowbody's gonna mess with her..... 35 comments
· 10 years ago
She flipped off the snowman!
Whenever someone tries to cheer me up 9 comments
b*tches be like 4 comments
· 10 years ago
well to be fair, if he really is an "Azwhole" she has reasons to believe HE is lying...
Nintendo in a Nutshell 12 comments
· 10 years ago
Nintendo does more innovation than any other single game company! what do you think the wii and wii U were? Kirby's Epic Yarn doesn't count just because they stuck kirby on their new concept I suppose? The problem is either innovations are spectacular successes that print money like the Wii, or spectacular failures like the Wii U that leave them bleeding, and they need those old favorites that they know people are gonna buy to offset the risk. There's an excellent Game Theory video on how gamers are killing the game industry that pretty well explains the problem with this.
Something to think about 78 comments
· 10 years ago
I was gonna downvote the guest for being whiny and anoying, but darklordcthulhu annoyed me so much i downvoted him and upvoted the guest out of spite.
Just some man reading his comics... wait a minute 23 comments
· 10 years ago
XD So I don't watch "The Walking Dead" and I thought the joke was the little girl was actually the one reading the comic when it is not intended for little girls... and then I read the comment section.
The oddness behind balloons 6 comments
· 10 years ago
You've never filled your balloons with anything but helium? dude, you missed out on 'don't let the balloon touch the floor' which is like one of the best arts of childhood
Cut the blue wire 10 comments
Some day I'll get better at socializing 3 comments
· 10 years ago
OMG I know. All grade 11 I had no friends and then finally I find this one guy and totally hit it off with him... graduating in three weeks, going off to some faraway university. GDI
Who are you rooting for Scotland or Bulgaria??? 17 comments
· 10 years ago
Guy guys guys! There's an international Quidditch World Cup going on in Burnaby, Canada on the 19th! I'm going! Seriously look it up, it's awesome!
Unbelievable facts 25 comments
I went to a Toys R Us and left this on one of the demo iPads :) 15 comments
· 10 years ago
I was reading it in 11s voice... until the end which kind of broke it do to being a direct quote from 10. I am irrationally sad about this.
Become what you need. 5 comments
· 10 years ago
I'm the reverse. I was when I was younger the person I need now... that kid who singles out the people who look alone and makes it their mission to befriend them
I was bored and googled ' entertain me' 13 comments
· 10 years ago
Not anymore! J.K Rowling wrote Rita Skeeter writing a thing! Granted it's not much, but still! New Harry Potter stuff!
Seems like people operate on selective gender roles 30 comments
· 10 years ago
What? Since when? I would've thought mowing the lawn fell under taking care of the house, the 'womans responsibility'. The 'mans job' is just to cook and fix shit, isn't it? Eh, shows how much I know about gender roles.
As a female, I don't understand why other females get so mad about this 23 comments
· 10 years ago
I personally don't care about this argument, but here's the rationale for those people who do care that has always made the most sense to me.
It's not so much the action, more that not doing it shows a lack of consideration. A woman needs the seat down for both urination as well as defecation, wheras the man needs it up for urination but not defecation. If we're assuming a house where only the man and the woman live that means 3/4 times the toilet is used in the house the seat needs to be down so by leaving it up, the man shows he isn't factoring her needs into the equation at all.
Side note, scientists actually did the math on this one to see if the toilet seat should be up or down depending on the number of men or women in a house. The complicated answer is too long to explain in the space I have left, so if you have five minutes have a look.
It's not so much the action, more that not doing it shows a lack of consideration. A woman needs the seat down for both urination as well as defecation, wheras the man needs it up for urination but not defecation. If we're assuming a house where only the man and the woman live that means 3/4 times the toilet is used in the house the seat needs to be down so by leaving it up, the man shows he isn't factoring her needs into the equation at all.
Side note, scientists actually did the math on this one to see if the toilet seat should be up or down depending on the number of men or women in a house. The complicated answer is too long to explain in the space I have left, so if you have five minutes have a look.
The luckiest man in the world 14 comments
Great pizza service 5 comments
· 10 years ago
actually I read a story about an old woman who ordered pizza every day and then stopped for two or three days and the pizza company got concerned and send a guyover and the pizza guy found her on the floor and she would've died if it wasn't for a concerned pizza guy.
So yeah, pizza companies are cool.
So yeah, pizza companies are cool.
Never Help a Traitor 10 comments
· 10 years ago
Guys this is awful! How could you refuse to help Hans?
No, wait, hear me out here. Don't leave!
The maze asks you to help Hans find ELSA, not Anna. So we're about halfway into the movie, where the Duke of Weaseltown's men are trying to kill Elsa. Elsa nearly kills both men, but Hans's timely intervention stops her.
What would have happened had he not been there?
Elsa would have killed the two men, and upon the news being relayed, been condemned by all of arendelle. Even Anna would not be able to deny her sister committed murder. Elsa dies due to mob justice, or the Duke's army coming over to get rid of her since the Duke is entitled to be compensated for his to men lost to Arendelle's problem. Without Hans there, Hans actually WINS. Elsa out of the picture, Anna all to himself to dispatch of as he pleases, he comes down the mountain looking like a hero. Without Hans, we wouldn't have the plot. Hans saved Elsa'a life.
Hes still a dick for what he does to Anna later, though.
No, wait, hear me out here. Don't leave!
The maze asks you to help Hans find ELSA, not Anna. So we're about halfway into the movie, where the Duke of Weaseltown's men are trying to kill Elsa. Elsa nearly kills both men, but Hans's timely intervention stops her.
What would have happened had he not been there?
Elsa would have killed the two men, and upon the news being relayed, been condemned by all of arendelle. Even Anna would not be able to deny her sister committed murder. Elsa dies due to mob justice, or the Duke's army coming over to get rid of her since the Duke is entitled to be compensated for his to men lost to Arendelle's problem. Without Hans there, Hans actually WINS. Elsa out of the picture, Anna all to himself to dispatch of as he pleases, he comes down the mountain looking like a hero. Without Hans, we wouldn't have the plot. Hans saved Elsa'a life.
Hes still a dick for what he does to Anna later, though.
doing the do with you know who 12 comments
· 10 years ago
Love and lust aren't the same thing. I'm sure if he bothered to have sex he enjoyed himself plenty.
Gg feminists 42 comments
· 10 years ago
Actually guys, the death sentence costs more than a life sentence in the states that still have the death penalty. It's mostly because there are always WAY more appeals and the court just gets absurdly expensive because no one wants to get it wrong, but still. Abolishing a death penalty would actually SAVE millions of dollars, hell defending a death penalty case alone costs four times as much as defending those without. In fact, several states wanted to abolish the death penalty BECAUSE it cost them so much money!
The world cup is nothing but smoke and mirrors 15 comments
· 10 years ago
To be fair guys, my friend is a student whose in Canada now from Brazil and she says even ordinary Brazilian people think hosting the cup was a stupid idea.
Clever marvel 14 comments
· 10 years ago
That does not go with the spirit of X-Men though! You've got to treat the mutants equally with the humans!
Ask and you shall receive 15 comments
· 10 years ago
the best one was the techno song beaus the smart-ass answer was CHOSEN BY ASKER XD
Duh.. 12 comments
· 10 years ago
Hermione is a muggle born who was used to thinking of muggle ways to solve problems. Voldemort is an anti-muggle extremist who uses his wand for everything.
Genius.. 5 comments
· 10 years ago
Actual answer: He had a grand total of one bottle, worth 24 hours. It takes 2 months to make because, as hermione says, "You've got to let it stew". He used one mouthful on Slughorn, then gave the entire rest of the bottle to his friends in the sixth book, and them splitting it kept them all alive. After that Harry was constantly on the move and on the run from the law for a good chunk of it. He could not a) be seen buying the ingredients and b) sit still in one place for two months to brew a potion or he'd certainly be caught.
LET TI GO! LET IT GO! 37 comments
· 10 years ago
The Lost Ones Weeping. Mostly because it'd be hilarious to see the looks on their faces
It's not easy being red 33 comments
· 10 years ago
a lot of redheads alive now will still be ALIVE in 2060... how the fuck does that work?
Even McDonald's isn't sure what's in a fish fillet 17 comments
· 10 years ago
Guys I'm pretty sure I saw a photo of the fish they make those out of... it's hideously fucking ugly, but it's a fish.
As a short guy, this is painfully true 32 comments
· 10 years ago
The difference is pretty much every guy prefers skinny women and the standard for 'skinny' has gotten SKINNIER as time goes on to the point now that to be liked by the majority (obviously there's a minority of guys who like chubbier women the same as there's a minority of girls who like men shorter than them)They would have to be dieting all the time, basically functioning with two jobs -looking thin and beautiful so guys will like her, and just living day to day life. It encourages bad and unhealthy choices. Wheras a guy who is rejected because of his height can... date a shorter woman. Women don't necessarily want you to be TALL, just taller THAN THEM. But there's no 'fatter than them' for girls. Yeah, it really sucks if you're a guy and super short, but it also sucks if you're a girl who happens to have inherited awful genes that make you naturally bigger and there's very little you can do about it.(Before you ask, NO I do not believe I'm one of these people, and yes they do exist.)
Celeb Yearbook Photos Then and Now 17 comments
WOAH 8 comments
· 11 years ago
The poles are pated on the ground, it's a weird perception trick. What I'm concerned about are the two next to them that are REAL... what happens when a person that knows the perception trick drives through that intersection really fast and is just a bit too far to one side?
Assemble a cabinet 22 comments
· 11 years ago
Eh, David Tennant lost Eccleston's ability to be "Good with teleports" so Doctors losing their skills isn't a new thing. Tennants doctor treats someone teleporting away as the end of the world wheras when the last Slitheen woman tried that on Eccleston's doctor he just pointed his screwdriver at the spot and made her come back... like six times.
I'd cry if a teacher said any of these to me 20 comments
Why Do All These Guys Keep Putting Me In The "Girlfriend Zone?" 50 comments
· 11 years ago
Every guy friend I've ever had but two, and one of them grew up and ended up being gay...
Best line in 50 years of Dr Who 9 comments
· 11 years ago
hey the cybermen got in a few good shots too.
Cyberman: "Our species are similar but your design is inelegant."
Dalek: "Daleks have no concept of 'elegance'."
Cyberman: "That is obvious."
Cyberman: "Our species are similar but your design is inelegant."
Dalek: "Daleks have no concept of 'elegance'."
Cyberman: "That is obvious."