There's a difference between alone and lonely 10 comments
· 11 years ago
I have this poem hung on my wall
Moisturize me now 16 comments
Birth control 28 comments
· 11 years ago
I met a someone while wearing a fedora and frick fracked with them that night (I'm a hipster and they were like a 9/10)
Your Special :) 3 comments
· 11 years ago
Sorry I don't mean to be that one guest but the title is bugging me... *you're ...again sorry
Biggest assh*les at recess ever 10 comments
· 11 years ago
I'm a guy and I would always have to wear my brother's handmedowns and he's a lot bigger than me, so I was basically this big cloud of shirt, and I would go out if it hit my shirt because it happened so much, but it sucked
I felt responsible 16 comments
Cool logos 7 comments
Pokemon wearing evolution costumes 29 comments
Pokemon wearing evolution costumes 29 comments
Faux grass case 7 comments
· 11 years ago
I had ski club on Thursday and this girl brought her iPhone and dropped it on the hill, it was the largest hill (called Center Stage) and her iPhone had a white case... To top it off the snow was coming down harder every minute and her phone was on silent so ya
The customer isn't always right 30 comments
Kids these days. 25 comments
Spongebob's 7 sins 12 comments
· 11 years ago
He likes everybody in a true heartfelt way, not out of sexual influences, so that isn't lust. If it was then that'd mean that true love of the personality itself was a sin
I hate watermarked pics. SUBMISSION RULESSS. 29 comments
· 11 years ago
A digital watermark is a kind of marker covertly embedded in a noise-tolerant signal such as audio or image data. It is typically used to identify ownership of the copyright of such signal.
I hate watermarked pics. SUBMISSION RULESSS. 29 comments
· 11 years ago
A faint design made in some paper during manufacture, which is visible when held against the light and typically identifies the maker.
A fearless worker working on a masterpiece. San francisco 1935 8 comments
· 11 years ago
I'm a little confused, considering in reality those cables are actually about a yard thick, otherwise the bridge would fail
Heheh... Yeah-what no I wanted to cross the road 11 comments
Or be at the whole day 17 comments