
Feels bad man 27 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Mine told me she liked me back, flirted with me, told me she felt she could talk to me about anything, that if I ever needed to talk about anything shed always listen. Then she ditches me and starts chasing this loser who has no life, job, not in school. After months of being really close to this girl, she told me I wasn't worth 5 mins of her day. Out of nowhere. I fecal-matter you not, this was two weeks after she said she'd talk through anything with me and that, to her, I was the most important guy. She just turned out to be a peice of crap.
Anyway... This post can be just one big virtual hug.
Logic 11 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Actually, mate, we have capital punishment for murderers because murder is wrong.
"rarely" has a boyfriend 9 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Have you guys ever seen this pic before?