Overloaded cheese pizza 20 comments
· 10 years ago
Yea I agree it looks super gross
me and my siblings vs ppl nd their siblings 8 comments
· 10 years ago
My siblings and I are pretty nice to each other. Cruelly I probably tell my little brother my secrets more then my girl friends. We also are a blended family so my older brother and I are biological and my little brother am sister are biological but ya we are all pretty nice to each other
Quit Smoking 9 comments
I didn't think we were that bad... 55 comments
It worked for me so hopefully it could work for others out there 18 comments
· 10 years ago
Soda and juice are some of the biggest reasons why Americans gain weight because its pretty much flavored sugar and syrups. Both are super bad for you and if you do cut it out you see a huge difference.
Double-holy 27 comments
20 weird things about America that Americans don't find weird 71 comments
· 10 years ago
I'm American, and I hate american portion sizes. I hate how the toilets are in public bathrooms. I hate pretty much all commercials. And everything is toosweet not just the bread. And I adore pickles.
That Face 3 comments
· 10 years ago
Actually if you've seen the guy who voices him (I can't recall his name he plays chuck tho I'm that tv show which is fabulous btw.) he make that face a lot kinda funny
I guess they take things very literally 13 comments
· 10 years ago
You know there's such thing as cheese ice cream? I think it's also in Thailand and the bread is a common thing since some can't get a hold of regular cones.
A haunted house snap photos of people at the scariest moment of the tour. 28 comments
· 10 years ago
The girl with the leg out that one always kills me like I won't wrap my arm around you no ill wrap my leg around you
Brutal 30-Second Ad May Finally Change Your Mind About Texting and Driving 8 comments
· 10 years ago
I've asp noticed girls putting makeup on in the car idk does that drive anime else crazy? My mom does it and she's not even looking at the road, longer then you would have to look at text message, and reply.
there will be cake tobias. there will be cake. 24 comments
· 10 years ago
I loved how he wa just so real with her, I mean he did think she was beautiful but he wasn't going to let her worry about her apperance when a war was going on.
Words from tumblr founder 14 comments
· 10 years ago
Its interesting how this is coming from him. I'm all for women's rights and such and for freedom of speech but I as a women understand why he means I no longer have a tumblr but honestly it gets crazy sometimes and it's very judgmental, any oppinion and you'll get eaten alive. It's sad really it's just become another tool to repress other people's ideas when it was created to help create an insider them
I AM DIVERGENT I CAN'T BE CONTROLLED!!! hahaha 167 comments
· 10 years ago
MY EYES CHANGE COLORS!!! What does that make me? A Demi-god runner? What eve is that!??
Unpopular opinion puffin 34 comments
· 11 years ago
Okay guys so there's this family I babysit for and the mom is from Korea right, and when she wears lipstick she has the girls kiss her tongue so that they won't mess up her lipstick, no joke.
Mom helps 12 comments
· 11 years ago
I thought the mom was the grey short haired glasses one because she was old or something and the lady was the daughter!
Thank You For Your Genius, Sir! 3 comments
· 11 years ago
Yea I'm not a huge gay supporter but yea that's pretty screwed up to have that double standard. Like geez
Seriously, even from a business point of view 11 comments
· 11 years ago
My dad was in communications when in the Air Force and what happens is if there is a fire in the board of the plane it will be a slow burning fire and so how to fix it is to pull the wires and rewire it. So that's probably what happened with the tracking device.
Will you be my date to the prom? 18 comments
· 11 years ago
If someone sent me a sheep asking me to prom I wouldn't even think about who it was, I would go no matter what
Unicorn pregnancy 19 comments
· 11 years ago
Guys guys guys.... Did any of you read Harry Potter? Unicorns aren't born with horns!! They grow them at like age 4 or something, it's all explained in book 5 Harry Potter and the Goblet of fire! Harris teaches them about it!!
Magic cleaning gel 36 comments
Bill Nye the Logical Guy 68 comments
· 11 years ago
As a fellow debater Bill had a lot of fallacies. And at the end he kinda insulted ken like I don't care about the debate honestly but he pretty much said the he (bill) was more American then him cuz he was born here and that really seemed uncalled for.
Why did I never notice this? 6 comments
If abortion should be illegal 31 comments
Taylor swift look alike 56 comments
· 11 years ago
It doesn't seem like they are kissing like lovers do but tht is very weird. I'm sorry a little creppy.
Miss Universe costume category... wait for it... 38 comments
What guys look for in girls 48 comments
· 11 years ago
Idk I think to a point Hank is right, but at the same time people can have preferences. And I have seen so many videos of what guys want in girls and they weren't taken so seriously. Girls have done them too. I did watch this video and I personally wasn't offended at all. Idk I just think maybe some people got a little too butthurt over this, like I said I do agree with Hanks points but I feel like it all was taken too seriously.
wut 11 comments
· 11 years ago
You know he kinda got hot there for a while but then nope he ruins it with his hair!! Why?
True story 15 comments
Pterodactyl sounds 3 comments
God is helping her through this difficult situation 10 comments
· 11 years ago
Being a Christian( an actual one) it makes me so mad when people put bible verses almost pretending like tey are Christians when they aren't.